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Selling Cars without meeting buyer...? - V5 signiture issue...


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Slightly OT but its related to a land rover I will buy after I've sold this vehicle!!! - I'm up in Aberdeen, but getting interest in Englanshire for my car I'm selling, if I transport it down there, how do i go about sorting out the paper work? V5 signing and sending off etc?



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hmm priavate sale. the problem is the only interest I've got in the car is from england flippin miles away england too!...

If you got requested to send some ID to a stranger what would you send? and what am I within my rights to ask for sensibly do you think? - photo copy of passport?


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If you've been paid for the vehicle and have given a receipt I can't see a problem. The V5 is only a record of the registered keeper (not owner). Use the transport agent to get the buyer to sign the V5 and give them the new keeper supplement. If you put a postage paid dvla addressed envelope with the rest of the V5 it can be posted by the agent. You will have a delivery home address where car is going to, so fill that in as new keeper's address.

wemovecars.co.uk or similar advertise the service as no extra charge. Include the mileage as sold and should be good to go.

If you've not had a letter from the dvla in a couple of months just need to tell them you are no longer registered keeper. So as to avoid speeding tickets etc.

Some one will no doubt see a hole in the plan.

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no holes in that plan, just make sure you are talking cleared funds before you send the vehicle. had a mate get money in his bank but first thing following morning transfer was cancelled, bank told him the money was not in the account but pending. luckily he had forgotten to remove the tracker so with the spare set of keys he had been ready to send on borrowed a friend and collected the vehicle. dvla a bit tricky but worked out. I would scan all your v5 docs filled in apart from signature of new owner and as it's delivered put copies in post to dvla recorded delivery. you have no signature but at least they have the start of a trail should something go awry.

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Yeah, well I've very conscious of not exposing myself in any way just trying to work out the whole trust balance thing, contact I've had so far is very wary... i.e. people not giving me anything to trust them on, then I get cheeky comments when I'm just as "secretive". Got to remember I'm the seller and it mainly should be on my terms! its not always easy to work that out I'm finding. - its a hell of a lot easier when the price region you’re looking at is much less, when its 10's of thousands it puts quite a different spin on things...

Thanks for the advice guys, much appreciated.

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