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Interclub Challenge


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Just left my truck at Gwyns place tonight For him to have a look at.

I've told him it dont need touching as it is already a prive winner :)

At which point I showed him a couple :unsure: of faults that have got slightly worse since the last time he drove my truck.

p.s. will antics like this be allowed:-


I think I shall be more ballast than my usuall co driver

That'll be the bang'in you heard coming from the rear :P Gwyn'll have that off :lol: with a cattle prod! you sure it's not an anti ;):lol::lol: Some of them sticker's are hard to keep on.

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ANyone fancy offering any odds


11-1 Pigster and Adrian won't get off the starting line until they've found someone who'll make them a full cooked breakfast with toast and coffee (They're not used to this camping lark ;) )

4-1 They will be squabbling all day. One of them will end up with a black eye.

2-1 I'll be completely cream crackered by the end of the day because I've volunteered to get in the wrong seat.

Evens - If it rains on the Sunday I'll get very scared.

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11-1 Pigster and Adrian won't get off the starting line until they've found someone who'll make them a full cooked breakfast with toast and coffee (They're not used to this camping lark ;) )

4-1 They will be squabbling all day. One of them will end up with a black eye.

2-1 I'll be completely cream crackered by the end of the day because I've volunteered to get in the wrong seat.

Evens - If it rains on the Sunday I'll get very scared.

Agreed - - so are you cooking then dav?

squabbling - us... how dare you... (besides I shall be at the bugger burger van - till home time... fed up of running about and getting no prizes - Adrian takes them all for himself, something about he pays so he gets... greedy sod. :)

the last one - hell yeah, if your not tired you aint trying hard enough.. (as far as seats are concerned - very rarely on it) I just get chased by a motor all day. besides its safer that way, you seen him driving - almost squashed your dog. :D

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did a typo at the top and didn't notice it till today... total mistake honest.. . (don't tell the wife :D )

Double bugger with extra cheese? :o:blink::ph34r:

besides I like clean people.... AHAHAHAH... sorry..

I'll get my coat. (a long ankle length one, so I can surprise a few people.. :D )

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LR4x4 1 Adrian Turner Richard Weatherly Land Rover 90

LR4x4 2 Paul Bass Nev Hudd Land Rover 90

LR4x4 3 Richard Wheeler Dave Mason Land Rover 90

LR4x4 4 Simon Madgwick Jeremy Beresford Land Rover 90

LR4x4 5 Daniel Furniss Lee Bond Mercedes G-Wagen

LR4x4 6 Steve Gittins Mark Morgan Land Rover 90

Can someone help out here, ,Ive not been on this forum long and struggle to put user name's to name's on the team! Adrian I know and Pigster is Richard (I think) I know Steve Gittins coz thats me and Mark Morgan coz he's the dodgy looking one that keeps getting out and walking coz he don't trust my driving! Would Dirty Diesel be David furniss (just a guess due to the Gwagen) And maybe Richard Wheeler would be Top 90. That could be totally wrong. So if any one can help me work out who's who so im not quite so lost in this thread it would be great.

And also with the other teams members that are active on LR4x4.com. I know Ciderman (by his rosey cheeks :lol: ) and Shaun Harris, Bit lost otherwise tho!



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You are right about Dirty Diesel and Top90. Paul Bass and Simon Madgwick aren't active on here but you may recognise them from AWDC event at 7S where Paul came 1st in std class and IIRC Simon was also competing. Dave Mason is Divster.

Other regulars from here in the other teams include:

Rob Jones - Robhybrid - white hybrid with blue cage.

John Sales - Saley - green hybrid

Peter Graves - Peter G - Bling TD5 90 SW

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Yep I am richard Weatherly.. -- aka - pigster.

LR4x4 1 Adrian Turner Richard Weatherly Land Rover 90

LR4x4 2 Paul Bass Nev Hudd Land Rover 90

LR4x4 3 Richard Wheeler Dave Mason Land Rover 90

LR4x4 4 Simon Madgwick Jeremy Beresford Land Rover 90

LR4x4 5 Daniel Furniss Lee Bond Mercedes G-Wagen

LR4x4 6 Steve Gittins Mark Morgan Land Rover 90

Can someone help out here, ,Ive not been on this forum long and struggle to put user name's to name's on the team! Adrian I know and Pigster is Richard (I think) I know Steve Gittins coz thats me and Mark Morgan coz he's the dodgy looking one that keeps getting out and walking coz he don't trust my driving! Would Dirty Diesel be David furniss (just a guess due to the Gwagen) And maybe Richard Wheeler would be Top 90. That could be totally wrong. So if any one can help me work out who's who so im not quite so lost in this thread it would be great.

And also with the other teams members that are active on LR4x4.com. I know Ciderman (by his rosey cheeks :lol: ) and Shaun Harris, Bit lost otherwise tho!



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Agreed - - so are you cooking then dav?

squabbling - us... how dare you... (besides I shall be at the bugger burger van - till home time... fed up of running about and getting no prizes - Adrian takes them all for himself, something about he pays so he gets... greedy sod. :)

the last one - hell yeah, if your not tired you aint trying hard enough.. (as far as seats are concerned - very rarely on it) I just get chased by a motor all day. besides its safer that way, you seen him driving - almost squashed your dog. :D

Dave mate.... full English please ;) i'll bring a plate :)

This round :angry: your only be in the seat at the start, small site so you won't need to get back in :lol: and i'll be able to keep my eye on you :lol: now get back on that tread mill.... dont want you getting tired this time... :)

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yes boss. . .sorry boss.

Dave mate.... full English please ;) i'll bring a plate :)

This round :angry: your only be in the seat at the start, small site so you won't need to get back in :lol: and i'll be able to keep my eye on you :lol: now get back on that tread mill.... dont want you getting tired this time... :)

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Don't worry about it rich, if his driving is anything to go by it aint gona that bad,, I think that hardest part of the day will be understanding him. On the bonus side of things he is bringing his dogs which if given the chance will lick you to death... :D

Luckily I was rescued before that happened, as I was cornered under his motor whilst trying to assist tango in a repair.


Have you scuffed the paint yet???? I hope you know what you're letting yourself in for having me biatch for you :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

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if his driving is anything to go by it aint gona that bad

What's that supposed to mean? <_<

I think that hardest part of the day will be understanding him.

I'm going to be adopting a Southern accent this weekend to make life easier, apples and pears, dog and bone and all that. :P

On the bonus side of things he is bringing his dogs which if given the chance will lick you to death... :D

Luckily I was rescued before that happened, as I was cornered under his motor whilst trying to assist tango in a repair.

Tango's a vicious guard dog and you were lucky to escape with you life


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how long is that neck... daaaaam..

Southern accent - apples and pears er... don't think so.. thats a cockney accent mate - close enough though.

for southern accent - you need to speak the queens english my dear fellow. none of this (almost scotish) talk.. :lol::D thats the peak district that is..

What's that supposed to mean? <_<

I'm going to be adopting a Southern accent this weekend to make life easier, apples and pears, dog and bone and all that. :P

Tango's a vicious guard dog and you were lucky to escape with you life


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