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Series security - Battery Disconnect Solenoid


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With security now very firmly on my mind (http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=82188) I've been looking at adding security to my 109 soft top. I've bought a Clutch claw as it seems to fit my vehicle/needs the best of the obvious visible options but I want to add some hidden stuff as well.

A battery disconnect switch seems like a good idea but it needs to be hidden if its going to be effective, I dont want to be scrabbling about to get to the hidden switch. The idea of a hidden push button in the dash to operate a disconnect switch does sound good but has anyone tried it and does it work? My main worry would be the solenoid handling the starting amps.

This kit looks like it would do the job quite well http://www.streetrodhq.com/detail/19945/AntiTheft_Shutoff_Battery_Disconnect_Magtech.html

The wiring seems simple enough http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=Yql&sa=X&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=rcs&biw=1067&bih=506&tbm=isch&tbnid=-DhrLR907CZhRM:&imgrefurl=http://www.texasindustrialelectric.com/relays_24200.asp&docid=sQl7w7cq_q6CTM&imgurl=http://www.texasindustrialelectric.com/images/24200_drawing_lg.gif&w=700&h=500&ei=Jlw6UZCrKMuv7AaF4oCoCw&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:1,s:0,i:83&iact=rc&dur=2289&page=1&tbnh=180&tbnw=253&start=0&ndsp=10&tx=116&ty=86

What do people think?

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Yep it would all have to be hard to get to. I figured the wiring to the switch would be easily hidden in the tangled mess already present!

From what i've read/heard if someone wants to steal it they probably will, its just about making it harder and less attractive to the casual thief! If someone fights their way through the clutch claw and they then have to figure out why its not starting hopefully they would just give up

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True, if it was me I'd probably consider a lockable fuel tap rather than a battery switch. But either would be quite effective providing the crim isn't prepared for them. I just think bypassing a fuel tap would be a little harder than bypassing a solenoid.

EDIT: of course if you did both you would have even more security ;)

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Series vehicles already have one of the best security features: obsolescence. I wouldn't bust a gut with security features - a steering wheel bar would be the best deterrent and an extra switch in the ignition system should prevent the opportunist. A professional who really wants the vehicle will get past anything you can fit on a Series vehicle, but what professional thief would be after a Series vehicle anyway? Unless it is a very special vehicle, they'll just be looking for D90s.

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on my old 1 ton there was a switch on the dashboard that cut the power to the fuel pump without it being on the engine wouldnt start, but it was just a black toggle switch the same as the rest, with a decal for dash lamps.

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on my series, i had a kill/idiot switch that (i think) cut the earth to the coil, so the engine would happily spin over but wouldn't spark. :D had the switch hidden under the dash.

its a very cheap and effective method, cost about 50p and some wire. :)

I did something similar on a car. Used a 3 way micro toggle switch where left or right was earthing out the coil and centre was run. The idea was that the switch throw was so short you could not feel the centre position. If the small toggle switch was found it was very likely that the crim would just go from Off to Off missing the On position completely.


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It's a 200tdi so where do I put such a switch? I did think about connecting the fuel stop solenoid to the start position on the ignition, it'd turn over but no fuel would get through (found this out when we fitted the new loom and put the wire on the wrong terminal!).

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