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8274 brake problems


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Since fitting upgraded pads mine and James 8274 have popped the circlip off under load

also ejecting the oils seal and moving the bronze bush outwards on the main shaft.

before I buy standard pads has anyone else suffered this probelm?

I'm aware of the modifications available to retain the circlip(Gwyn Lewis) and the replacement main shaft from gigglepin.

but why is this happening?

mine XP motor gigglepin pads

James standard motor(Gwyn Lewis pads)

I understand the pads are one in the same from the above suppliers.

a new shaft with a bolt to retain the brake is a £175ish Gwyn's mod far cheaper but not really what I want as the circlip is carp.

the one on my winch deformed as it was pushed from the main shaft(two belleville washers were in place at the time.

Any ideas TIA


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You did yours ok IIRC but I've heard of difficulties in drilling the shaft to.

care to run through how/what you did on yours?

thanks Tony

I think it varies from one 8274 to the next, i tried to drill one in the lathe once and nothing i'd got would touch it, but a freind of mine drilled his insitu with no problems.

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The reason some can, and some can't drill the shafts is down to the simple fact that Warn have used quite a few different versions of the mainshaft in the 8274........

There are four different shafts available that we are aware of, not including the variants used in the 8074's and 8072's

Some are VERY hard some are not. The catch however is that the softer shafts ie: The ones you can drill. Do tend to suffer with teeth breakages under high load.

So you damned if do and damned if you don't... :rolleyes:

Sometimes the world is not a fair place...... :)

Shafts on the shelf.

Hope that helps a little

Jim :)

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