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Broken Crank??


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Hi all. I've had a problem on our 1975 300TDi Disco Auto for several months now and not really had a lot of time to look into it.

When dropping the revs, there was a knocking from the engine area which I was assuming was possibly big ends or similar.

Anyhow, when I finally got to do some work on it, the starter motor would spin but the engine didn't turn, so I assumed maybe the starter was sticking or something. So I removed it and checked on the bench. It was fine.

Whilst I had the starter out, I thought I would check the flywheel to see if there was any damage to teeth etc. When I turned the nose of the crank, the flywheel only turned slowly with resepct to the speed I was turning the crank eek.gif. So my guess now is that I probably have a broken crankshaft or at least the connection to the flywheel?

The engine seems to have good compression when I turn the crank so I am assuming it is not the woodruff or something stupid like that.

At least a broken crank would explain the nasty noise from the engine!


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+1 on flexplate issue.

You'll need to separate engine and box.

OK thanks. So I understand that it is very important to keep the torque converter in the gearbox when seperating the engine/box? I assume it is a case of undoing the bolts from flywheel to driveplate via the starter motor apperture?

Any ideas how long a job and roughly how many of my English pounds to get the parts?

Thanks again guys ;)

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Flex plate to torque converter, there are 4 on a V8, would doubt it is different on a 300TDI, as they are the same box. Acces is via a removable plate on the bottom of the bellhousing on a V8, unsure on the diesel.

You can get in there with a spanner relatively easily IMHO, just make sure it is a slim one :)

Most likely this plate: http://www.ashcroft-transmissions.co.uk/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=180

Quite a job, either engine out or box slid backwards and supported with straps, either way not too bad really... just be methodical, it's only bolts :)

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200Tdi Flex plate access/ bolts is in via the starter motor aperture....which is a git on its own to get out <_<

Les, that has to be the understatement of the decade! Who so ever designed the fitment of a 200Tdi starter needs taken into the back field with a 9mm...........

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I simply cursed, the three top bolts holding the engine to the gearbox were total b*****ds, so be prepared to remove the engine mountings to lower the engine down to give your fingers room - you should also possess yourself of a 500mm long extension. I think the easy way is to remove the engine but the alternative of dropping the box is the option I went for although I dont think I would ever do it again. Removing the four bolts holding the torque converter to the flexplate was quite easy, aligning them up again during re-assembly was a different matter :angry2: and of course one bolt fell out of the socket and had to be retrieved out of the housing (more tears!) so welcome to the LR forum

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