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Shameless Plug!


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I ran out of sheet steel today at 5.30pm (some front inner wing repairs.........) and rang a guy whom I have never met before called Pete who runs a small company in the North East called Spanner Monkeys, he drove 40miles out of his way to drop me off a sheet of steel at 7.30 pm, you just cannot praise someone who does that for a complete stranger enough, so here is the link to his website (sorry mods if this is in the wrong place, but I'd forgot that there are some really nice, genuine guys out there):


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  • 3 months later...

Someone's just pointed this thread out to me :) my partner is Peter and we met you when we popped up to the middle of nowhere. Hope you've finally got the Disco finished :)

We'll always do whatever we can to help anyone we can, karma works in mysterious ways

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You're only a couple of miles from my In-Laws! I'll pay you a visit the next time I'm up! Worth knowing where I can get parts / help at the end of a 300 mile drive in a Defender!

I only wish I knew a couple of years ago when we ended up coming home on the back of an AA Truck having only made it as far as Washington Services!


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Someone's just pointed this thread out to me :) my partner is Peter and we met you when we popped up to the middle of nowhere. Hope you've finally got the Disco finished :)

We'll always do whatever we can to help anyone we can, karma works in mysterious ways

Well, the word "finished" and 20 year old Discovery's don't really belong in the same sentence! It did pass an MOT, then a front brake calliper seized, and the alternator died (13 bloody months old) and the FIP sprung a leak, and today the exhaust down pipe has decided not to be gas tight anymore....

Once again I cannot thank you and Pete enough. As I said next time I'm down your way I will buy you a pint or two.

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Look forward to it Jeff! Good luck getting the old girl sorted, I've got a D1 in at the mo breaking but it's a 300. All else fails you can stick the kettle on

Si good to meet you today, kettles usually on and we tend to work insane hours 07711995264 is the mobile if you ever get stuck up north (inc out of hours) or just need to escape family gatherings. We're not far from the services, same A1 junction just the next slip road. I'll give Foundry a call about getting X Eng products in stock - love the solving problems ethos


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