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New rear prop fitted, now have vibration?

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Have just fitted a new (BM)rear prop to my 90 and I now appear to have a vibration when the accelerator is applied, but it disappears when coasting.

Prior to fitting this new prop I have been around each wheel doing/checking wheel bearings brake pads/discs etc, so no known issues there, and it drove fine on the old prop. The only reason I replaced the prop is because the UJ cup had been spinning in the yoke and I had ran it long enough like that to not risk it anymore.

Before I take this prop off and either refit another, what else should I check?

I'm going to start off with making sure the transfer box end (where it sits on the x-brake) is clean and no debri is in the way of the mounting and check gearbox/engine mounts. I know the front prop is good as well so no issues there.

I'm kind of stumped and can only think that there must be an issue with the prop being out of balance, and I need to get this sorted quickly as I am at 7 sisters with Shires this weekend.

Any other pointers fellas?

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Only other thing I can think to try is the alignment. Some props work better with the UJ's aligned, some not. Take the short end off and turn in 45 degrees, or a couple of splines and give it a try.

I do however feel you shouldn't have to do this with a brand new prop, only really when making up something from the pile of propshaft bits in the corner of the garage, so I'd be sending it back.

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need to get this sorted quickly as I am at 7 sisters with Shires this weekend.

Good man! See you there!

Look at prop phasing, that can be wrong and seems to vary front or rear and with different vehicles, I've no idea where to find the correct answer, part numbers forum might know!

Another possibility is that the old one had a stiff sliding joint and the new one doesn't, and is allowing something else to wobble that the old one forced to stay still.

It could also be out of balance.

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Have just picked up another new prop that I will fit tonight and see if there is a difference. Might end up coming down the M4 with just one prop on at this rate, and fitting the second one on site at 7 sisters then removing for homeward journey!

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I fitted a new prop for someone earlier this year , which they had bought mailorder , which had a tight uj before

fitting . This vibrated first time up the road , so I popped the tight uj out to find the end of one of the cups had broken away.

When I tried to fit a new HS uj it turned out the yoke was misaligned on one side on the prop itself. All I can think is

the prop was dropped after machining and before assembly . It was returned and after much emailing was replaced.

Faulty new stuff does happen ..



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Have just picked up another new prop that I will fit tonight and see if there is a difference. Might end up coming down the M4 with just one prop on at this rate, and fitting the second one on site at 7 sisters then removing for homeward journey!

Wouldn't be the first to do that! Tap me up if you're on site in need of a propshaft tool.

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Wouldn't be the first to do that! Tap me up if you're on site in need of a propshaft tool.

Thanks for the offer Fridge, but I always carry one!

Fitted the other new prop tonight and took it out for a test drive and was a totally different beast. No vibration whatsoever, so must of been the prop at fault.

7 sisters here we come!!

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