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Bonnet Lock


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Having had some kind gentleman break into my bonnet the other day and help himself to my battery, I've started thinking about a more secure bonnet lock. I've currently got what is basically a gate hasp with a padlock on, although after looking at paddocks etc, the 'series bonnet lock' is pretty much the same anyway. I was thinking of something a bit more like what I seem to remember on my dads old 110 when I was younger, something like this:


Does anyone know where I might get hold of one and how easy they are to mount onto a series, not had much luck so far on paddocks/craddocks?



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Those aerocatch's seem a really nicely thought out idea. I'm thinking I might go down this route


as it allows locking on both sides of the bonnet, whilst allowing for a really clean solution, which would be my only criticsm of the aerocatchs (that and the price). Was worrying that the key could be at risk as those styles seem a bit 'one size fits all' but if I'm honest the same could be said for land rover door locks so hoping it'd be ok.

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