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Tyre size

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Rather than up the tyre size, you could consider putting in a 1.2 transfer box. That way, low range is totally unaffected, whereas fitting bigger tyres will have an effect. Negligible in my experience, but a change will occur

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What engine are you running? And what transfer-box ratio?

I've always found stock 750-16 tyres to be just fine on 200/300/TD5 Defenders for fast-road use up to 80MPH. You should be able to hit the rev-limiter in 5th.

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2.5td 19j with standard lt77 and lt230 boxes both standard, hit 60 and it absolutely screams it's nuts off and the temperature soars.

Looking to fit a 300tdi and possibly r380 in the future once my insurance drops.

I have looked at the discovery transfer box option and think I will probably go with it soon after speaking to some people.



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What size do you have at the moment Jamie?

Standard for your car would be 205R16. You will be able to go up to 7.50R16 (or the modern equivalent 235/85/R16) without any issues.

Having said that even with 205s you should be able to do 60 without the issues you mention. The noise can be subjective and depend on vehicle condition and soundproofing level etc. but there's no reason it should get hot.

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2.5td 19j with standard lt77 and lt230 boxes both standard, hit 60 and it absolutely screams it's nuts off and the temperature soars.

Looking to fit a 300tdi and possibly r380 in the future once my insurance drops.

I have looked at the discovery transfer box option and think I will probably go with it soon after speaking to some people.



Jamie, have a look at the sticker on the rear of your transfer box and see what ratio it is-you may find that it's got a 1:666 ratio transfer box on it, if so then that would answer why It's screaming as you say, Normal 90's/110's have a 1:410 ratio transfer box on them and some people including myself have the disco one which has a ratio of 1:222-which gives you longer legs, My personal choice but others have a different opinion on the conversion and not to everyone's taste


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I was wondering 1.6 when he said that, should be in a 2.5n/a 110 if it is, and a 1.4 would make a world of difference. If you're going to go 300 then I'd deff look for a 1.2, 19J should still pull it but the 300 will be better

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I'll have a look later once the car parks a bit less busy to avoid getting run over lol, I mean it will do 60 and sit there without any real struggle but it just seems so noisy and to be revving a bit higher than I would like. Also the temperature sits just above Halfway in the white at 50 but sit at 60 for any period and it climbs up to just below the end if the white, this could be normal but it's my first defender so not sure.


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Did they? Learn something new every day, I just thaought it was 2.5n/a in a 110 because of the weight - will file for future reference!! (which of course means some other useful information will be forgotten :( !)

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My ex brother in law bought an ex MOD 90 that was originally an FFR and that had a 1:666 ratio transfer box on it-coupled with a NAD engine it was not only really slow but also very loud too.


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Ed, all military 90's and the majority of the 110's of the time my ex brother in laws 90 was in service were NAD's, there were some 110's that were V8's-but were few and far between things like the rapier vehicles(130's) and a few others had V8's in them


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We had a 1987 2.5td 90 CSW. Yes it was noisy, but given enough road it could hit 85 flat out. Conversation was not really an option at that speeds above 70, :lol:That was running 205R16 road pattern tyres.

You should be able to do more than 60. Have you verified the speedo reads correct? Most smart phones with GPS will run a basic speedometer app that's pretty accurate.

Regarding the temperature issues, have you given thought to the condition of your cooling system?

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Tusks for all the replys and I've learnt a fair bit about the gearing as well. Should of worded this better, 60 is not top speed, I've had 75 before I chickened out at a corner I'm just looking for ways to drop the revs down so it can cruise at 60 rather than 50 for the longer trips.

With regards to cooling system health shat should I be looking for?



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Hi Jamie

I have a 19J on a CSW which will happily sit at 65 but not much more, again conversation is not a strong point at that speed, however, just to the right of temp gauge is fine IMO. I have fitted a new radiator, flushed her, done full service etc. Shes currently on 235/70/R16 (Old, old, MT's) but i will move up to 235/85/R16 when these tyres are dead (MT's again) as I do quite a lot of off road stuff - fun only but that is what she was bought for - not a daily truck.


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