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Why the drain plug is magnetic on the LT230 transfer box...


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Afternoon All,

Just drained off the oil from my '93 200tdi's transfer box and was greeted with this...

The oil smelled pretty bad too...

I do get a bit of play/slip/backlash going from forward to reverse and vice verser and had suspected the splines between gearbox and transfer box were worn.

Anyone tell how bad things might be from the pics?

Appreciate the help!





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I've seen worse. General forum consensus recently was to only start to worry if complete gear teeth were attached to the magnet.

Cheers Dave.

:D I love a consensus, especially when it means my vehicle's not completely ****ed.

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If you remove the 6 bolt plate where the pto would fit, you can pull the rear bearing carrier and input gear out.

You can have a good look at the splines then.

LT77 and early transfer boxes were prone to wearing with a 2" spline section and poor lubrication, rectified with cross drilled gears.

the R380 and later LT230 transfer boxes had a 3" spline section and cross drilled gear as standard, the larger spline surface along with good lubrication decreased wear substantially.

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Once I drained a LT230 transfer box on a recently purchased 90", and what came out was a brownish muddy watery substance. Obviously the previous owner had not done his maintenance work properly.

I put proper oil into it, drove it for a week or so and changed the oil again.

10 years, 100.000 km and yearly oilchanges later, it still works just fine.

I know of a 90" that was driven something like 150 km with a large chunk of the casing of its LT230 missing after a rock impact at an event. Of course all fluids had completely drained through the gaping hole. The LT230 made the trip, but had to be replaced afterwards.

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From what I have seen elsewhere, that amount of material is pretty common and even normal for infrequent oil changes. The magnets pick up almost all of the steel particles, but it looks worse than it really is because it collects with low density.

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That oil drop looked clear. Which is good.

If the metal was paste then good. If it were sharp fragments then bad.

looks normal to me. Previous advice was good. Pull the plug in a few weeks and stick your finger in the hole. No need to drain it all if its looking clear and magnet is OK. Just top it back up. Take few hundred mL in a glass to see. Magnet speaks for itself.

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