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Braided brake hoses; to fit, or not to fit?


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Hello All,

I was quite surprised this month, the 21 year old Disco sailed through it's MOT without so much as an advisory. However, one thing was identified for investigation. When you push the rubber brake hose(s) towards the spring(s) there are pinch marks on the hoses that align exactly to the spring coils, i.e. two of them on each hose. Now, pinches on the hose could be as a result of brake work, but it is curious that there are two, and they line up with the springs. I'll try and sort a photo to clarify. The MOT chap suggested that it looked like the hose had been squashed by the spring, but I can't see how it might happen.

Anyway, my immediate thought was to replace them with Goodridge ones from Paddocks as they seem good value. Is there a consensus on here (is there ever?) re. braided hoses?



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Not so easy to photograph, but see the 'damage' to the outer spiral stuff, it happens to line up in both spots when pushed back against/between the lower spring coils. Happens to be the same on both sides too.

Sorry, can't seem to get the photo to orient itself upright?!


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Loosen where it attaches to the chassis or swivel, rotate so it moves it out the way, do it up again. There's a sweet spot where it won't contact anything (including the tyre/rim) .

Certainly looks to be contacting.

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I fitted Goodridge hoses to my 88 and 109 and I'm really not sure it was a good idea. Every time I do brake work now I end up having to re-bleed the whole system simply because I can't clamp off the corner I'm working on. Nor can I clamp off a corner to identify problems. I'm seriously thinking when the 88 gets her rebuild she'll go back to original rubber hoses

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Having lost a gearbox on a car when the rubber hose delaminated and created a one way valve plus I have braided on my S1 I am a fan of them.

You can have alternatives to stainless braid if you want a different coour.

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You need a new MoT inspector - this one will get you and your family killed. Evidence of a brake hose being marked by rubbing on anything is a failure item in most cases. Certainly your hose being crushed is.

That hose needs replacing urgently. Braided hoses do give a sharper pedal, and they are more resilient, but they are not necessary. One down side to them is that they shouldn't be clamped, whereas normal rubber hoses can be clamped when working on a calliper.

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