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Headlight problem


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Hi guys I am after some advice . 6 months ago i installed a hid headlight kit (awesome lighting) in my 1994 discovery . 4 weeks ago hid spotties were installed with a relay but setup so that they turn on when I put high beam on. in the last few days one headlight would turn on and off as it please and now today I have no headlights and spotties flash on and off. The headlights still flash on when I turn lights on but turn off straight away. can anybody please try explain to me want id happening. 

Oh and I just put my old headlights back in and they work just fine but still the same issue with the spotties 

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I'm all for HIDs and good headlights, but where you really getting a good beam cut off and not blinding oncoming vehicles with HIDs in Disco 1 reflector housings? I'd be amazed if you were. The HID beam angle and light source is in the different place to a halogen bulb and Disco headlights do not use scatter shields.

If your headlights did have good cut off and weren't dazzling other cars, then I'm happy to help you out. :)

But if you didn't check or worse didn't care, then I can offer no advice other than to say, don't fit HIDs to unsuitable headlights.  As it's potentially dangerous or at the very least rather anti social and lack of care for other motorists.

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I did double check by testing with a mate. First I put the lights on a shed wall and then tilted them down until I was happy with it not being up too high and then asked a mate to drive toward me on an open road. Seems like a lot of effort to go through but i myself hate when iam driving toward somebody and i cant see because of to lights being too high or bright. I am not one of those ignorant drivers :) my lights are only 55w instead of the overkill 75 to 100 



Edited by Shanrad
Spelling mistake
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Na they were Phillips brand but i do believe they have failed so I will go back with standard lights but brighter because they gloves i have are terrible. Any recommendations on what globes you think is best would be awesome. Thanks heaps for the help 

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The only other possibility is a poor connection or bad earth, however, if that were the case i would have expected your old lights not to have worked.  I don't know what the regulations are where you are (i'm only guessing you're not in the UK because we call them bulbs rather than globes?) but i think i'm right in saying that here you shouldn't go higher than a 55w bulb.  Xenon bulbs claim to offer more light but i find it very difficult to drive with, it's a very white light that offers very little depth perception.  Whatever you go for, ensure you have a very good earth, you'd be surprised how much it helps with the light output.

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If you wire in a couple of relays to provide relay feed rather than switched feed, then fit some Ozram Night Blasters 55/65 Bulbs, you'll be fine

Is your bus a 200 or 300 '94

200's have these metal heat shields in the headlight that do nothing of any noticeable benefit - they can be removed with a pair of snipe nose pliers and this will increase the light but not effect the beam pattern or reflectivity.

You will notice with 200's when you do the above, that you will get a small gap in the beam pattern on high beam - about 50 feet in front of the car or so. This can be sorted with a set of 15 quid motorbike LED spots fastened to the top of the bumper, just inside the line of the main headlights


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