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Everything posted by Gromit

  1. I took the pump off, placed the pump pulley vertically between to pieces of wood and carefully drove the truck up the wood, onto the pulley Undid the bolts with a breaker bar. I believe the recommended workshop method differs slightly
  2. I will finally be fitting replacement doors on the CSW so I can go and fail my NCT again! Sister has bought a new 110. haven't even got it home yet and there's a to-do list for it Service, maybe a cam belt, thermostat, fix the doors, sort the electric fan, and what ever else we find. Plus the occasional trips to the pub to warm up.
  3. Funny that; when I first got it, I tried driving around on 'instruments only' - not recommended
  4. plus engine hours. It also tells you when your TDi is running, cause the inclinometer jumps randomly from 0 to 1 degrees all the time
  5. Thanks for the info. I think the seller mentioned a 2.5 petrol alright, which would make sense. I hope all will become clearer when the truck is collected tomorrow night and we can have a proper look at it. Will keep you posted.
  6. I meant moving the hi-low lever to the left (diff locked), not the main box lever!!
  7. Didn't look like an LT230. It looked like the Borg Warner as pictured on Ashcrofts:
  8. From memory: EGT Coolant level switch Coolant temp Oil Temp Switched Oil Pressure Pressure (fuel, manifold, turbo etc.) There's also a remote alarm output for buzzers/lights etc.
  9. Some more info that I forgot in the first post: The high-low lever was linked up in reverse. Difflock was the normal way around. I've been reading up on the Borg Warner - are they all VC difflocks? because the difflock light came on when the lever was moved to the left. Maybe that was just the remnants of the switch? Hmmm.
  10. We're about to acquire a new family member, a 1985 110 commercial. It's been retrofitted with a disco 200tdi with an LT 77. The transfer box is a chain drive Borg Warner. I don't know anything about these. I had a look around Ashcroft's site but they don't publish ratios for it. The only thing I could find out is that it used to be fitted to RRCs V8s, but this 110 used to have some other petrol engine, not a V8. It seems to be geared very low. By 50-55mph I'm looking for a 6th gear. Does anyone know what ratio this box is? Does it take EP90 or ATF? What would our options be for a 6th gear? Can these be fitted with an overdrive? If not I suppose I could change it to an LT230. Any info on these boxes would be great Cheers,
  11. Toulouse, SW France: Cheapest prices: Diesel €1.20 = 85p/l Petrol €1.30 = 93p/l
  12. I'm a bit suspicious of that. It shows Ireland's average to be 1.10. I have seen 1.10 anywhere between here and Dublin in months. Edit: that should read I haven't seen 1.10 anywhere
  13. Ankara, Turkey - Petrol is €1.77/l. That's £1.27/l Stg Edit to add: Diesel is €1.49 thats £1.06/l Stg
  14. just over €1.19 here for diesel Will. (edited to add, that'll be about 85p in the queens money, at the current exchange rate.)
  15. They're usually ok to slacken off until you get to the end of the rusty threaded portion - then the swearing begins. 1. Slacken 2. get stuck 3. swear 4. tighten 5. apply WD-40 6. repeat 1-5
  16. This is the network version. Tis good fun. There are 5 or so islands to play on. Only thing is that you can't collide with other vehicles, and loads and trailers are not allowed. http://repository.rigsofrods.com/files/RoR-0.33d-Setup.exe 60Mbs
  17. No. I would think so. I think there was a thread on this recently. Rear brakes binding or fronts not doing their job properly.
  18. ..and if that doesn't work, a 100w rear work light usually does the trick. Not that I would do that.
  19. happy birthday Ralph. Have some land Rover cake:
  20. Did mine recently, and the profiled part wasn't a different colour to the rest of it, but you could still clearly see which side to point towards the diff.
  21. Opps, yes so they do. I'm sure no one was listening to me anyway.
  22. I thought that was just used for the heated rear screen?
  23. ..plus a 12 point socket for the caliper bolts. Also, I can never get the track rod off with a hammer using all the recommended techniques, so I find a ball joint splitter handy.
  24. Really? I didn't notice and I changed my PS belt yesterday. I find that the PS belt needs to be pretty tight, otherwise it squeals under load. Even when tight it squeal sometimes, in which case I found replacing the belt fixed it, even thought there was no visible damage to the old one.
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