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Everything posted by Anderzander

  1. Thanks for the feedback The holes need to be 60, 50, 38, 32, 22 and 19 mm - the bigger sizes in the Q-max are very expensive... All the holes need to be in flat panels - but all would need to be done in situ, so that rules out the adjustable cutter. Perhaps I can get grommets that mean I could use the larger hole sizes to replace some of the smaller ones.
  2. I want to cut 4 or 5 holes in the Landy panels for various things - mostly different sizes. Ideally I'd like to use the Q-Max Punch tools - Link - but it will cost me an absolute fortune and I can't foresee when I'll be using them again... The other alternative seems to be tank cutters - like this Link - though I'm not sure what kind of finish I'll get? Or lastly - and cheapest - are the adjustable cutters - Link Any suggestions on what to use? I had hoped to be able to find a place to rent the Q-Max ones from, but haven't been able to.
  3. Couple of pictures in this thread: link Check out mud for switches ..... Link to company and some pics of switches in this thread: link
  4. Nige What identifies it as a late model? It looks just like mine to me.
  5. Not mine Ralph! I like the standard set up...
  6. That's why I think it's worth checking the vin from the chassis - he can do that, be honest about the fake v5, and perhaps keep the vehicle (provided it's not a collection of parts)
  7. best case scenario is that the tuck is a legitimate one that's just had the number plate and V5 switched for a dodgy one. If he can check the vin and find the original identity - then I'd think he has a strong chance of getting the proper V5 for the vehicle he really bought and just coming clean about the old plate.
  8. People who know this backwards will be along shortly I'm sure - but in the mean time... Is there anyway he can find the chassis numbers and run them to find out what the 90 was ? - then check what its listed as. He might fall lucky and be able to send for the V5 and swap its identity back. If the majority of the truck is from one 90 and its just been a plate swap then the original registration is probably just languishing ?
  9. Check what there APR is - it may well be cheaper to pay back a credit card. If the APR isn't bad - and you don't plan on cancelling your insurance - then you've no problems.
  10. Maybe I didn't tighten it enough. Ahh well - other people have lost more.
  11. Looks pretty crunched at the front doesn't it..... eek
  12. You're my hero! Thank you so much. That lot should go in the tech archive...
  13. Can't believe it - after posting that and then coming out from work - some one's nicked it tonight Wasn't cheap either. Sigh some people are "Persons Resembling a Pink Starfish" aren't they? Trying to think where it could have happened - at work I park in a secure carpark, so if it was nicked there its someone I work with. I parked up in town long enough to buy some lunch - lots of school kids about then. If not there then it was in my village last night and I didn't notice this morning blx
  14. I got sorted thanks Dunc - I bought a short rubber one : http://forums.lr4x4.com/link
  15. My friend posted a picture of his truck after he'd replaced the floor on here..... you can see where he mounted his cb ...... just on the roof in the middle: Seems to work very well...
  16. Would you remember under hypnosis Dave? 3....... 2....... 1....... you're under! Now please complete the following sentence: "I started to strip my H14W by removing the ......."
  17. I think ABS and traction control cause problems in some ways. People who are used to them and then drive a 4x4 without them - suddenly realise how much work they do without them necessarily being aware of it. And some people who have them have no idea what it all does whatsoever! ('What is that juddering on the brake?"). So when they reach the limit of its ability its a HUGE suprise. I guess both those types of people also at the same time find out just how much momentum a big 4x4 generates! I followed someone up a single track twisty road with ice on a lot of the corners - I took it easy and had loads of under-steer as the front end slid into the corners. They just left me for dead with their wheels doing all sorts of clever things! I bet from having glimpsed their casual demeanour they had no idea what their car was having to do to cope with their driving.
  18. [replaces clothes] Thanks guys.
  19. and D send myself into Debt! I'll confirm there is nothing really wrong with it before I commit to paying for a rebuild. If it had just been parts and my time I'd have done it - but I can't run to the expense of paying a professional for it at the moment.
  20. I'd have to get A from Superwinch or here? and B would involve troubling my engineer friends.... So perhaps just flush it out, new gasket, fresh oil and mask it up to paint it then! My free spool lever is as stiff has hell - with the unit not having been used for a while, so hopefully it'll free up with use. Thanks for the reply Nige.
  21. I sent them a few emails with no reply - so I guess the next step is to try and ring them.
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