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Everything posted by Anderzander

  1. Are the +5" listed on your website? I couldn't find them.
  2. Thanks guys. I'll look for a suitable spot.
  3. They have morse levers so that hydraulic fittings aren't in cabs. 2500psi is a big problem if a hose breaks. I take your point about putting it somewhere visible - that's why I'm asking about how its done.....???? Anyone help please?
  4. I fancy mounting a pressure gauge in my hydraulic winch set up, but am not sure where to put it? I know it a no no to run hydraulic lines into the cab - but yet I'm sure plant have them. Anyone know how they do it? The only other thinking that I've got at the moment is to mount it under the bonnet as its out of harms way, I won't be looking at it that often, it has a natural take off point under there. Any suggestions?
  5. Mine's a td5 2000 model - I'm not sure what road tax I pay!? but I get 30 - 33mpg.
  6. I'm sure he does (say the same) but it isn't (in budget) Perhaps in the future. He did say both the OME and the terrafirma's had firmer damping making them more suited for a truck that gets used on the road.
  7. Gwyn seems to have made a new rear shock mount
  8. This was mentioned just a bit earlier in the thread
  9. I wonder how many people the state of events alone is stopping from going to either?
  10. Chris is being cheeky but very funny though.... The wheelbase is not determined by what engine is fitted... There is tons of info on this board about wheel and tyre sizes and what's required to fit them - non of them involve moving the axle forwards.. Do a search for something like 'biggest tyres without a lift' or the like in the Defender forum.
  11. Thanks Guys! Two replies before 7:15am !! unbelievable
  12. .... do mail order? If not I'm in for a LONG drive. I know Lama does some of his kit - but I want the terrafirma shocks.
  13. That seems a bit naughty ....
  14. Can anyone give me the sizes of one of the blanking grommets for the series transmission tunnel? I'm looking for a blank grommet to fill a 60mm hole on my Defender and have read that this is approx. 60mm - so it may be just the thing....
  15. I know one up the road in Morecambe - perhaps a bit far for you though.
  16. A quick search RR Classic Snorkel Range Rover Classic snorkel Dual snorkels
  17. doh! I better test mine out to make sure it wasn't just set up for pulling cables or the like
  18. You must have had a bad pair Ste - mine are lasting really well.
  19. Mixed information on the Screwfix site? link to boots
  20. I fancy Porny's kit for this as it has the new vacuum pump to the servo. Its a job for me too in the not too distant future.
  21. Is that something pertinent only to the shaft driven PTO set up? My hydraulic PTO doesn't have a clutch adjustment shown in the manual.
  22. I wear dewalt work boots. They have steel toe caps and soles, goretex, antibacterial insole and so on - and were very very comfy and flexible right from the beginning. I think the protection and waterproofing is useful out on the lanes. £80 normally - but I think they might be on offer for just £35 at screwfix at the moment - bargain if its right.
  23. Thanks! - thats going to take some digesting. Loads of info. I have a Hydraulic H14W too.
  24. Can't be Defenders then! not much technology on them
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