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Everything posted by Anderzander

  1. Will a Q Max cutter cut 3mm checker plate? I've read one will cut 16 gauge steel (1.6 mm iirc) but I don't know if that is for all sizes, a limit or a recomendation, nor what that means for alloy...? Anyone help please?
  2. These are good and good value... My own choice is that I've decided not to fit one.
  3. If you lift the access panel under the centre seat you'll see a small (yellow iirc) wire coming off from the loom and up to the hand brake. Might be worth checking that for damage.
  4. I don't know the conditions - but essentially they are to reduce emissions. Always seems to make a mockery of having an intercooler to me.
  5. All good advice. The best advice I could say would be, that if you possibly can, get someone to help you. Having a bit of mentor - someone to follow, ask questions of and gain confidence from is by far the best way to learn.
  6. You're so far from me that my truck would need a service when I got there and another when I got back...... I did drive down to Cornwall some years back, stayed at Boscastle before it was flood damaged, loved it down there. When we get to come down next I'll look you up - and bring some Morris oil
  7. Any pics from inside guys? Have you raised the whole box or just a section?
  8. Thanks for all the replies. Morris Oil and Rocol Lube are in the post
  9. They have. There was a thread on here about it a while back.
  10. DEFS If you paid with credit card - report the items as not received and ask them to reclaim your money. They should be able to get your money back for you. Then look for a more ethical company and buy the parts you need from them. Stephen
  11. That post was 'out there' .....
  12. Thanks guys! What would you use to clean the rope? I just bought some of the Rocol spray off ebay - a lot cheaper than the price in the link fortunately .... Just need to find a good source for the Morris gear oil.
  13. Two questions: What oil can I use to lubricate my wire rope? I've read on www.pirate4x4.com (Thanks FridgeFreezer for the link) that engine oil isn't good enough ... neither is grease. It states to use something light enough so it will penetrate to the core - but doesn't actually specifically say what is suitable... So anyone know what I can use? Next question - what oil can anyone recommend to use in the worm box? The manual states ESSO GX90/140 which I can't seem to source and am not even sure is still in production. Any help gratefully received! Stephen
  14. What did you upgrade to Martin? Stephen
  15. Are they blind bearings? taper? radial?
  16. What shocks have you got? I would think that if you had the same spring and damper ratings as before the roll shouldn't have increased, maybe the shock you have fitted have much softer damping... I know that of the ones Gwyn sells the Old man EMU and the Terrafirma have quite firm damping - the others are much softer.
  17. 60 mile trip for some lanes is nothing at all! Stop being lazy - plan a local 'expedition', get your family, food, a camping stove in the back. Plan a long days worth of driving to take in some beautiful lanes and great views. If at the end of that you still don't know why you want the Defender..... then, as FridgeFreezer said, sell it and move on.
  18. Although Gwyn offers the dampers with his kits... ??? so presumably they can't be that bad?
  19. According to my manual: F15 5A in the passenger fusebox has the dim/dip relay, AC and electric window relay amongst others.
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