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Everything posted by Rich_P

  1. But do you get car parks as part of your road network?
  2. I think they make quite a difference, what with all those vents in the roof just below the top skin!
  3. No idea! All I can say is that common practice seems to be to clamp all the brake cylinders with G-clamps, and then bleed them.
  4. Yep, mine came in that finish but flaked off after I painted it with chassis paint. Definitely galvanised!
  5. Off memory: Series-type underseat fuel tank, galvanised - GOOD. Water pump for 2.25 Petrol - So far GOOD. Brake Cylinders - BAD. Series Lights - BAD. Hub Seal - BAD. Radiator - OKAY (could be better but works and fits).
  6. I think that even with the parabolics, the Discovery 2 will be the tallest of the two.
  7. Says what? I have a late 2A that utilises the square smiths heater and has a similar/same setup to a Lightweight.
  8. Are you saying it had broken at the front sprocket?
  9. I think they might be the same hoses fitted to Lightweights. From photographs they look it, and I know they follow a similar path. Where you'd get some I'm not sure. I know mine have seen better days too.
  10. And bye bye anything remotely steel.
  11. The gearbox is made up of two separate components. The main gearbox and a transfer box. The latter provides low and high ratios, and also neutral should you desire to run any equipment off the PTO (Power Take Off). I'm not sure what you're talking of when you describe a round section with fins. If it is towards the back of the vehicle, then the chances are it is an overdrive. If it is an overdrive (probably Toro), and there is a bolt missing then you might find that it's the drain plug that is missing! This would go in hand with the fact that if you get the noise mostly when the transfer box is in neutral, all the backlash in the overdrive will become apparent. This is what mine sounds like when there's no load on it and it was low on oil. After removing it I found the big O-ring had popped out from around the output shaft. Also please take note that my Toro is getting on a bit too! Having said all of this, the bell housing also features a threaded hole. This is a much-needed drain hole for any oil to exit the bell housing without contaminating the clutch. There should be a plug fitted to a plate near it that can be screwed in to stop water ingress while wading. I hope this gives some pointers.
  12. I'd imagine whether or not you keep the fan will depend in the position you fit the intercooler. In the MR2 Mk1 the intercooler is horizontal over the engine so gets little in the way of normal air flow.
  13. Just make sure that you have the spacer strip for the back of the truck cab. (not needed on a 109 I am led to believe)
  14. Nothing has changed in the past twelve months to my knowledge. You don't say what he was told to contact the DVLA about either.
  15. May or may not show a head gasket failure. The Mercedes in question had full compression even though it was consuming coolant from the gasket failure.
  16. Could also be ignition related. Check that the low tension wire is okay, and that the earth/low tension wire inside the distributor is okay and not shorting out. A dodgy condenser can also have a similar affect as does points that have closed up or burnt out.
  17. With the engine up to temperature the water will splosh out at you when you undo the cap, because it is under pressure. Try running the engine up to temperature, with the header tank cap off and see what happens. You might be able to see it "drinking" the coolant, or you might have the beginnings of a head gasket failure and the pressure is not exceeding the cap's rating yet. Just so you know, it took us several weeks to confirm that a head gasket had gone on a Mercedes. It had incredibly mild head gasket failure symptoms, that gradually worsened over the following weeks. Eventually it began to leak water out of the header tank's overflow pipe, until we found the cap was past its best. Replaced the cap and it stopped leaking out the overflow. However just a week later the rate of water consumption increased. If the engine was revved to 2,500rpm it would only then generate clouds of steam, at idle it was barely noticeable. So be weary of a head gasket in its early stages.
  18. The price seems about right for it being sold as a "SIM Free" type phone. If you have a wander in a mobile phone store like Phones4u you'll find that the SIM Free phone prices are well into the hundreds, yet for PAYG the same phone can be had for a mere 30 quid. All down to what deals the manufacturer and network operators have, because in essence you are still entering a long term contract with a PAYG given most are locked to a specific network.
  19. What's the voltage at the battery under these conditions? Not running. Starting. Running. Revving. That might give a pointer as to whether or not there is an electrical short or drain somewhere.
  20. And it must be said that the NAS 90 is rather tasty I think!
  21. I would also air interest. Would it be a bit like the selections for either the CT or the later G4?
  22. What carb is it running? It also sounds like you have an air leak in the air filtration and pipework. Might be worth giving it a general engine service. Plugs, HT leads, condensor, set the timing and mixture.
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