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Everything posted by TJ101

  1. Chris,, stop it sides are hurting !!!
  2. And your point is ?? they could have been where your "local lr parts supplier" bought them from, is he not allowed to earn a living, like you are !! Your "local lr parts supplier" may not sell many of the air bags for disco 2, whereas Paddocks sell loads, hence the cost of stocking, You would be the first to complain, when your "local lr parts supplier" closed down, due to lack of return on capital !! Also i presume your "local lr parts supplier" and your "unknowing dad" are in Ireland,, whereas Paddocks are in the UK ?? hardly next door then,
  3. Your place,, tomorrow Easy, you pass within spiting distance, M27 M5 coming south,, Roundabout left takes you towards the venue, if you look right, its straight in front of you !!
  4. Looking forward to this,, seams like ages since I've been out ! 1. Walfy - paid 2. Pickup 90 - paid. 3. Jos - paid 4. TJ101 -paid 5. Pugwash - paid 6. Paul Radford - paid Looks like Jos, Pugwash, JST and myself for breakfast !! Walfy, Pickup, would guess we will leave the LC around 9.50 ish, if you want to follow to the venue
  5. Just the date would be handy Will Western Land Rover Run 23rd March
  6. Mondeo twin aircon fans, them and one of Si kits, sorted the V8 Hybrid out a treat,,
  7. yep.. and someone mention them again to me, in the last week or so,,
  8. Also heard of this "cancelled MOD order" , and trying to remember why ?? Good price, so long as that's Vat inclusive !!
  9. Dan, i was just thinking of having a run up, and could have done a relay, then check the date,, same as JST's Drive round !! Hey-ho, next year maybe !!
  10. Pleasure was all mine !! Am sure Val, is over the moon B)
  11. Come on Jos,, get real,,, and in your job as well a poor soul's hijacked account !!
  12. TJ101


    Untill it goes europe wide !!! Pinched from Pistonheads !! EMISSIONS ZONE BEGINS IN LONDON Operators of lorries failing to meet targets face £200 charge Britain’s first low emissions zone came into force in London today in a bid to clean up one of Europe’s most polluted cities. The most heavily polluting lorries now face charges of £200 to enter Greater London and firms which fail to pay will be fined £1,000. The scheme uses fixed and mobile cameras to check the registration plates of all lorries over 12-tonnes as they drive within the zone. This will then be checked against a database of registered vehicles which meet the LEZ emissions standards. These are exempt from the charge or are registered for a 100 per cent discount. The rules will be extended to cover buses and coaches in July. The LEZ will be in force 24 hours a day, including weekends, and covers an area of 610 sq miles. Transport for London argues that London’s poor air quality adversely affects the health of many people who live in the city, causing health problems such as asthma. If the scheme is deemed successful many cities in the UK and Europe are expected to follow suit.
  13. Their website did have the 2008 dates earlier in the week,,As you say Ralph,, gone now,, I know it was their ,, cause the April 5th one clashed with Tour of Cornwall
  14. Guys,, the AC system on modern vehicles are NOT a DIY job,, The car has to go on a proper AC machine, which in basic terms, vacuum's the system, then hold that vacuum, to check for leaks,, If the vacuum drops, a dye is added with the gas, to help find the leak !! If OK, a lubricant is then added, followed by the gas, depending on the system, around 700-900 grams of R134, for a full fill !! You can and do lose gas if on R134, without having a leak, a lot of vehicle manufacturers now work on a check every 2 to 3 years The old R12, which is now illegal, never seams to lose pressure, Lack of use, does them no good, run in the winter as well, ! even if only for a few minutes,
  15. I stand corrected Paul,, EB one is black,, but if you check the pics, both were taken at Frogs place by the look of it,, as both vehicles are on their website !!
  16. The picture Andy has posted is the one on e-blag @ £30K Tend to agreed, would rather £30k in the Defender , rather than the Toyota,, But i can fully see where Andy is coming from !! They did cross my mind,, till Pugwash got one
  17. James, I have to go down and check that the boat's still afloat tomorrow !! but can be at workshop, 9.30 if any use, beforehand ??
  18. No Problem,, but will have to be Mon/Tues !! its not a LH one by any chanvce
  19. Yer,, right,, not what i heard !! Shrek, don't listen to him,,, daughter wants to have a go, at one of the !easy? ones Daily Driver Challenge 29th March Wellington
  20. That is true,, but was not a QT one then ,, tis now Shrek.. hopefully Ian fitted the pair ??
  21. David,, Yep, was a few year ago,, lasted one event,, !! was Bampton mind !
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