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Everything posted by stuck

  1. Hmm, Wheel rims from BritPart... Might just be me but, ehm, NO THANKS!
  2. Gents, Does anybody know what the rubber bushes are from that are fitted into the "track rods" on either side of the X-Eng anti-roll bar? Cheers, Mick.
  3. Take the truck back to the "garage" immediately. Sounds like the clutch isn't aligned to me.
  4. Mikey, Deep down you know real trucks have at least 8 spark plugs! Diesel is fine for bilge pumps & anything that operates in a quarry. If you disagree I know a good doctor ;-)
  5. A '79 RRC without rot would be a rare find. Can you post a picture of the chassis? Will obviously depend on your ability to cut out tin worm & weld in a new lump (or the depth of your pocket!)
  6. They seem to be the flavour of the month but quick question if you don't mind. On the back of my 110 I have two work lights (they don't come on when I select reverse) one of these has a broken lense, is this an automatic fail? Should I remove it or replace it before the MOT? Thanks, Mick.
  7. ^^^^^^ As Fridge said above your engine MAY have more than one coolant sensor. One that drives the gauge on the dash & one conected to the ECU.
  8. Wash your mouth out Gremlin. V8 To be honest it depends what you want, bit more information wouldn't go amiss.
  9. Post your location James, someone in your area may be willing to lend you one.
  10. Landrover620' Found exactly the same today, with the hazard switch on if I press firmly on the centre of the switch all of the indicators flash. Due to a problem I have with my left hand I can't strip the switch so I've ordered another new one (not from Fleabay this time!) Cheers, Mick.
  11. Mine did & it was a pain in the arse to get back on. I'm no expert but if I had to change a slave cylinder again I'd do the following: Remove the pipe from the slave cylinder then remove the two bolts, ease the cylinder back about 10 mm then grip the rod with a pair of narrow jaw mole grips, try to hold the rod in position whilst you remove the cylinder. Before you push the new cylinder on to the rod give it a clean and lube it with some new fluid, grip it again and push on the new cylinder. If the clip that secures the rod to the clutch arm does come off it is possible to get it back on without taking the gearbox / engine out but it's a sod. HTH's Mick.
  12. Thanks Mutley. Cheers Ralph, that's superb.
  13. No, It's an easy job if the rod doesn't come off the arm...
  14. How much pipe are you leaving sticking out of the clamp before you make the flare? I've got the same cheapo tool but the ends have never leaked.
  15. Obviously being a Defender I've never needed to use the hazard lights but I need them for the MOT that is now overdue. Tried them t'other day and nada, replaced the switch and it now works but only the off side lights flash. With the hazard switch on if I indicate left the near side flashes as well (with the ignition off) Any ideas chaps? Cheers, Mick.
  16. Mine did this. Seal had gone in the slave cylinder, fluid was in the bell housing. HTH's Mick.
  17. Gents, Sorry if this is in the wrong section but I was wondering if anybody on here is clued up on the workings of the wonderful DVLA? I recently sent in my defenders V5 to notify them of three things: 1) Change of address 2) Change in seating capacity (from three to two) 3) change of engine & fuel type. V5 was returned today with points 1 & 2 changed as requested but engine details remain the same. No accompanying letter, just still says it's a diesel dog. Of course I've tried to call them but it was 17:02 so no bugger was there. Anybody know why they wouldn't change the engine details but not explain why? Can I MOT the 110 with the incorrect engine details? (I think I read a post on here that said I could but I can't find it now). Bit miffed, Mick.
  18. "the truck is a 1895 90" CSW" Wow, we need pictures of that! Sorry, couldn't resist.
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