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Everything posted by stuck

  1. This forum doesn't half make me laugh at times... Peace be with you brethren.
  2. Slim. Are you trying to bleed them manually? Have you tried something like a Gunson Eazibleed? Had a similar prob on a RRC once, took 5 mins with the Eazibleed. HTH's Mick.
  3. Gent's, Should the plenum on a V8 be sealed with Hylomar or are the two alloy surfaces sufficently smooth? If it should have sealant but doesn't would I be right in assuming that this could cause an erratic idle speed? Ta, Mick.
  4. OK, stop rubing it in now. I want to move to Sweden.
  5. Cheers Steve, Found it. If anybody else reads this looking for the same unit the part number is YWC104430. Mick.
  6. Mo, Thanks for the reply but I don't think it is a relay, or if it is it isn't depicted as one on the drawing. Rather than the relay symbol it just shows a blank square with the above text over it. Buggered if I know what it is or where it's located. Mick.
  7. Iirc the loom goes through the bulkhead behind the instrument binnacle, through a couple of multipole connectors on the engine side of the bulkhead and down the chassis leg before going through a couple of grommets in the side of the seat box. HTH's Mick.
  8. Gents, On my 2000 defender the fog lights haven't worked since my engine change. On the drawing it shows the switch in series with "ECU-lamp-fog guard-rear" is this referring to the engine ECU that I no longer have? Cheers.
  9. Not sure if they are still available but I have a Superwinch Epi9.5 on the front of my 110. I'm not a winch junkie but it gets used a lot for recovery and has never let me down (brake stuck on once when unused)
  10. Not as optimistic as a Haynes book of lies!
  11. Sorry to drag this up again Gent's. Without result I've tried my best to source a new tyre. What are all you challenge competitors buying these days? I can't imagine any new tyre that's sufficiently aggressive & not meant for agricultural use complies with the new Eurocr@p ?
  12. Right, Quick update: Check HT leads and EDIS wiring as per Nige's pics all good. Checked timing marks with No 1 at TDC & both valves closed again all good Strove still shows timing to be 90 degrees out, not good. Any ideas chaps as this is driving me nuts! Thanks.
  13. Cheers Nige, On this engine can you remember where the VR sensor sat in relation to the trigger wheel? I currently have it sat at 3 O'clock looking from the front, I haven't tried but I guess it could be moved between 1 & 5 O'clock. Thanks.
  14. No definately not that. No 1 cylinder front left as you are sat in the cab. HT leads are on correctly I think but if someone can post a pic of a 4.6 with Nige's bracket & numbered HT's Ill certainly double check.
  15. No I'm not sure NIge, If I'm honest it's so long since I've had to set / check timing I can't remember how to do it.
  16. Gents, I'm trying to set the timing on my 4.6 & I'm struggling so would appreciate your help. With No 1 at TDC I have marked a line on to the water pump and marked the trigger wheel tooth next to it. Problem I have is with the strobe connected and the engine ticking over the two marks are approx 90 degrees apart!? I wouldn't have thought the engine would even start with the timing that far out would it? I can move the trigger wheel sensor bracket a bit I guess but 90 degrees out suggests I'm doing something wrong to me! Any ideas? Thanks. Mick.
  17. If I've understood this correctly you are trying to run a Tdi engine from a Td5 loom? Surely it would be easier to either source the correct loom or even better make your own? Making a loom isn't difficult or even expensive if you can follow a wiring diagram.
  18. Ouch, That's just a pile of scrap surely?
  19. stuck


    Thanks very much for the advice Gent's. Greatly appreciated. Mick.
  20. stuck


    Gent's, My dad ( a life long LR devotee) retired yesterday after 40 years of teaching reprobates. As a surprise present my mother & I would like to buy him a decent series 1 (about which I know bugger all) with a budget of around £6000. For that money I'm not expecting ( & don't think he'd want ) a concourse example but would like something original (ish) I've seen what looks to be a nice one on Autotrader, it's offered as a 1957 Diesel. My question is was a Diesel an original option back in '57? Thanks in advance, Mick.
  21. Chris, If you suspect an earth problem have you tried connecting a jump lead between the engine block & a known good earth? Sounds obvious but will confirm / rule out your suspicion.
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