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Posts posted by dailysleaze

  1. The problem is that a lot of people think Land Rover = Tough and that you can forget about looking after them. However that 'toughness' is simply a byproduct of maintenance and care. Abuse it, drive it foolishly and it WILL let you down.

    I've heard this so many times "it's built like a tank" - well, not once you've ploughed it through awful terrain as fast as you can...

    An army mechanic once told me owning a Land Rover is like having a girlfriend - treat them gently and give them a good servicing once in a while.

  2. I went into Harwoods in Pullborough and offered to "spam down" £30k - but was met with total disinterest. Invited to have a look round their yard myself and when I came back in a couple of mins later - the salesman had gone home!

    Someone else took my details - but they failed to get back to me.

    Once before, (1997) Gatwick Land Rover suggested to me that I was wasting their time and should look in the Friday Ad for a Defender! I went out and bough a Jeep instead out of spite. Wrote and complained to LR, but didn't get a reply.

    If the dealers are that interested in selling a Defender - it's not surprising they don't sell any! This kind of attitude makes me so angry. It's the snobbyness of the dealers that is killing Defender Sales.


    My boss was telling me he recently tried to buy a new car and the dealer said he "wouldn't be able to afford it". it really Mildly miffed him off. Sure, he looks like a bit of a chav in his normal clothes but he's our Finance Director = £££. He went on a loud rant in the dealership and lost them a couple of other clients who were browsing.

    I can understand wanting to spend more time with the customers they perceive will make a purchase, but when they have a legitimate customer waving cash in their face, that's snobbery.

  3. =jon=, on 10 Jul 2013 - 19:55, said:snapback.png

    I believe Armstrong are what LR fit in the factory from new (pretty sure they did on the series, possibly defender too).

    I think so too. Another good brand :)

    I'm going to put my neck on the line and say I think that genuine shocks are made by Boge.

    Armstrong as a brand seems to go around the forums as OE spec for Defenders and is never questioned. However they may be viable option in any case.

  4. I've decided I will buy genuine, then with the two side by side, I will have evidence of that as well.

    Perhaps I need to grow a pair and get stroppier on the phone. I do do it sometimes, but I need to get unusually wound up first.

    So the question is, which company will you now trust to send genuine when you buy genuine?

  5. It's a pretty amusingly inept campaign. It could have been interpreted as insulting, their believing us to be so stupid as to fall for it, but it is so weak that I can't help smile at their own foolishness. It has probably cost them the trade of most of us on this forum.

    Although they say there's no such thing as bad publicity!

  6. I bought some new take off shocks recently and they came with the genuine bushes. The rubber looks shinier and smells more pungent than a typical cheap bush. I would say they're quite clearly different types of rubber. I wish I'd realised this a year ago as the bushes I put on are all starting to crack now (bought from Newbury)

  7. Depends what you mean by budget. I buy Wilko Semi-syn 10W40 (£14.50 for 5 litres) and change it twice a year, but it exceeds the spec (300Tdi) being a A3/B3 oil, although it may not have the additives of a Castrol Magnatec, etc. The more expensive oils may have additives that last longer, which may be equal to a cheaper oil being replaced more frequently. But there's so many other variables as Tanuki said.

    Barring an engine strip down and/or oil analysis, anything else is conjecture. Spend as much as you need to make yourself feel good.

    I do get a puff of black smoke on start up, but other than that I think it is in good nick

    They all do that so don't worry about it being an indicator of health.

  8. Looking through ebay:

    2012 Defenders are sitting around £27-28k with 5-15k miles. XS are at the top of this range.

    2010 Defenders are sitting around £23-24k with 10-40k miles. XS similarly at the upper end

    2009 Defenders are sitting between £18-22k with 20-30k miles. XS similarly at the upper end

    2008 Defenders are sitting between £18-21k with 30-50k miles. XS similarly at the upper end. Hard tops with 70k miles are £12k

    I suspect the end of the warranty period creates a drop in value, so to buy a brand new vehicle and sell at the end of the warranty (3 years?) would see the largest depreciation.

    As the vehicles age, the price range widens. We all know that Defenders are valued on condition rather than age/mileage, so to buy in good condition and keep in good condition is what it's all about. An extra £1k on a newer vehicle might be worth an extra £2.5k 3 years later. Looking at the ranges above, you have the ability to spend £24k and sell for £18k, or spend £23k and sell for £21k, depending on how good a condition you keep it in and how good it is when you buy it.

    Hard tops/double cabs all appear lower in price, but how this tallies in % depreciation i'm unsure as ebay doesn't have many newer hard tops available. I would think that hard tops are fleet run and sold after 3 years having done lots of miles. Once you get to 10+ years I think that's where you see Station Wagons holding their value considerably over Hard tops.

  9. You probably will have to. Not because of the change in ratio (the speedo drive is driven after the ratio change), but because the Discovery's tyres were probably smaller than your Defender's.

    Try wiggling the output flange as you're levering, as the speedo drive teeth are in direct contact with the output shaft worm gear.

  10. Time will tell I guess.

    It'll be interesting to see what'll happen to prices. The mags say that 300Tdi 110s keep going up, but eBay prices seem to be consistently less than I bought mine for 3 years ago. With that model at least, I guess it hinges on how long the non-electrical engine debate carries on in the mainstream overlanding market, which it can't forever.

  11. Where in the country do you live-county will do ?

    Bucks, leading onto the next point:

    gI was talking to the main dealer in Lewes (looking at the latest defender) yesterday. Apparently Landrover is limiting output of the defender with an eye on the replacement... this is going to push up used defender prices soon. It might be that the trade might be aware of this and so buying up whilst cheap.

    I also know of a couple of companies that will find a car too order. it might just be that!

    What I noticed about his vehicle was that it was newish (2011), and had these SVX wheels (below) which to me are bling(!). And all the blingy Defenders round here have Berkshire LR spare wheel covers. It made me think of them straight away - I have a 300Tdi 110 SW which is right up their street. But you never know if there's something untoward. If I lived on a main road with a front driveway, or it happened in a car park, fair enough, but being seeked out off the beaten track is a bit unnerving.


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