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Everything posted by monkie

  1. Clearly we are dealing with shrewd business people; creating a "supply shortage" breeds demand
  2. Absolutely. Not to scare you but... I have known a friend of the family when I was younger who used an angle grinder with no guard inplace and was killed when the disc shattered into his face. No laughing matter - always use tools properly, well maintained with safety features fully functioning/inplace and wearing appropriate PPE. No laughing matter. Accidents happen when corners are cut and you are just doing "a quick 5 minute job; so no need to observe all the usual safety procautions".
  3. Do you know what, I ve been thinking this through. Let's not dive in. I'm going to buy a set of "bosch" injector nozzles for £115 off ebay and 1 nozzle at full whack from a bosch assured supplier and I will compare in detail and post pictures on here. Maybe the ebay ones are for real? Let's see.
  4. That's a very good price Ralph for the genuine part. I think I'll give them a call and see if they'll do a bulk discount t for the forum
  5. Following the injector nozzle thread by @RRC200Tdiit is apparent that getting hold of genuine Bosch 200Tdi injector nozzles is important and may not be a straight forward as getting a set off ebay for £100. I contacted Bosch directly who confirm they still make them (DSLA145P208) but will only sell to main suppliers who in the UK are Eurocar parts. I contacted them and they gave me a price of £59.35 or £71.22 with VAT per nozzle (please note, this is not per set of 4!). I am happy to try to negotiate a group purchase if enough forum members are interested. Please can you respond to this thread to express your interest. If enough people want a set I will speak again to Eurocar Parts.
  6. I'm going to start a new thread for this for any potential forum group purchase.
  7. http://www.dieselbob.co.uk/contactus.aspx Be careful what you say, he might double his prices!
  8. ouch - I'm shocked. If you are reading this, ensure you are sat down as shocks are so much more easily absorbed with the knees bent. I have had a call from Eurocar parts. Good news, the genuine nozzles are available from Bosch so they can be assured to be the genuine part as the paper trail will be provided. The price though...even before we start talking +VAT. £59.35 per nozzle. I was hoping they would be significantly cheaper than that. This would put them for a set of 4 with VAT at £284.88. This presents us with a few options... Buying a set elsewhere for considerably less money but taking a chance that even if they are in Bosch packaging, are they really genuine? If a few of you would like to proceed please let me know and once I have confirmed numbers I will approach Eurocar parts and see if I can move the price down, if I can it won't be by much and I have to pay VAT. Send your injectors off to Diesel Bob or similar for less money and they also get tested. I don't know if that figure would include new nozzles. Please let me know your thoughts and if not enough interest at that price I will let Eurocar parts know that we are not interested.
  9. Okay - here is an update. Eurocar parts said they want to deal with this locally. I called my local branch and they looked the part number up and it is showing on their system (partial succuss) but they have no stock (not surprised about that). I asked for a price and they said they have to speak with Bosch first regarding price to them and availability. They wanted a quantity from me so initially I said 80 (enough for 20 sets). For that quantity they require payment up front which I am happy to support. If they come back to me confirming a price and availability I will start a new thread specifically with a price to forum members (at cost plus a bit to cover postage). Any left over I would sell for a small profit on ebay or keep to one side depending on how many I can shift on here. Of course all of this is assuming they can supply.
  10. *Correction to my earlier post. Purple is fused permanent live (not unfused as I had put earlier). I also had missed off brown with red trace for the glowplug feed from ignition switch: G fused ignition on GR left turn signal GW right turn signal GP brake lights GN reverse light GB fuel sender GY heater blower motor switch GS heater blower motor switch LGG oil temperature LGW oil pressure sender LGB screen wash pump LGP trailer warning light LGN hazard switch to flash relay R running lights RO right side/tail RB left side/tail RY rear fog RLG wiper motor RW 12v socket illumination U head lights UO right main US left main UK left dip UB right dip UG wiper motor W unfused live ignition on WR ignition switch to starter relay WO ignition switch to heater blower fuse and radio WB rear window heater WS fuel sender to guage WN oil pressure warning lamp WY hand brake warning light WG Heated rear window switch to relay/dash light P fused permanent live PG fuse to heater blower motor PO seat belt warning light (where fitted) PW interior cab light PU door switch (where fitted) N permanent live from positive terminal bus on starter solenoid NR ignition switch to glowplug relay NLG wiper motor NY charge warning light NLG flasher relay NW fuse to heated rear window relay B earth BU diff lock engaged warning light BW brake warning light BR hazard switch illumination BK heated rear window relay to diode BS heated rear window diode to voltage sensitive switch YB Glowplug Feed from relay
  11. ooh err, that's a bit of pressure. I'm having a fire extinguisher handy for when I connect the battery up just in case. Anyone know where I can get a load of scotch locks?
  12. That's true Ralph, as there are also Lucas colour codes on the Internet. The problem I have had is when I have a random wire, say black with pink trace for example, it comes up on the generic charts as something irrelevant to my 110 or takes me 10 minutes trawling through the circuit diagrams to find it.
  13. I have also mapped out the two connectors to the dash warning lamps...
  14. I have sorted out the colours for the wires for a 110 of the late 1980s. Everything I have found online so far is generic lucas or land rover, this is specific to a land rover 90/110 diesel. I imagine there is a high degree of overlap with later/earlier models as well as petrol. I thought it might be helpful to share this here. As always, I'm open to any corrections/comments. A solid colour is from a supply to a switch and a striped colour is switch to component. I have used the standard lucas colour code: G=green, LG = light green, R=red, U=blue, W=white, O=orange, P=purple, N =brown, B=black, Y=yellow, S=slate(grey), K=pink. G fused ignition on GR left turn signal GW right turn signal GP brake lights GN reverse light GB fuel sender GY heater blower motor switch GS heater blower motor switch LGG oil temperature LGW oil pressure sender LGB screen wash pump LGP trailer warning light LGN hazard switch to flash relay R running lights RO right side/tail RB left side/tail RY rear fog RLG wiper motor RW 12v socket illumination U head lights UO right main US left main UK left dip UB right dip UG wiper motor W unfused live ignition on WR ignition switch to starter relay WO ignition switch to heater blower fuse and radio WB rear window heater WS fuel sender to guage WN oil pressure warning lamp WY hand brake warning light WG Heated rear window switch to relay/dash light P unfused permanent live PG fuse to heater blower motor PO seat belt warning light (where fitted) PW interior cab light PU door switch (where fitted) N permanent live from positive terminal bus on starter solenoid NLG wiper motor NY charge warning light NLG flasher relay NW fuse to heated rear window relay B earth BU diff lock engaged warning light BW brake warning light BR hazard switch illumination BK heated rear window relay to diode BS heated rear window diode to voltage sensitive switch YB Glowplug Feed
  15. @FridgeFreezerI agree. With that look you are going to either... 1)dive round your local area which is filled with top spec expensive cars and look like a ****. 2)go camping amongst normal camper vans and look like a **** 3)go somewhere poor, potentially get robbed and look like a **** 4)go somewhere dangerous where you really shouldn't be going like a **** because of feelings of false security. So to conclude, only one type of person will drive this sort of thing. You may insert your own preference for 4 letter descriptive terminology for such personality type.
  16. It looks like its bending in the middle. I wonder if it actually can move away, steer and then stop?
  17. I have been tempted and I have also seen how you can make your own one from a bottle jack, but for how often the average DIY mechanic like me would use it I don't think it's worth it.
  18. Bosch have responded saying they only supply these parts directly to Eurocar parts in the UK. They have given me a contact. I have contacted Eurocar parts.
  19. Postage from UK to USA may make it cost prohibitive for you, but let's see what Bosch come back with first as if they can't supply this is all a bit academic really
  20. Thanks for all of the tips and tricks. A box turned up today with all the wires, tapes and econoseal connectors for the chassis harness. I plan to have all the earths from the components go to a single earth via econoseal connector (for easy isolation of a part should it fail). This single earth will then go direct to an earth bus on the negative terminal of the battery via the harness.
  21. What I have done in the past is clean and strip injectors, replace the nozzle and then find a back street diesel specialist (easily found using Google) to test the opening pressures and adjust where necessary. In most cases they have been fine. They will often do this for a minimal fee. I know someone near Wincanton who rebuilds vintage tractor engines and will test a set of 4 injectors for a tenner if you have a chat about tractors with him.
  22. I have made contact with Bosch, I will update you with the outcome of any discussion and potential negotiation. Hopefully it won't be "sorry sir, that is an obsolete part"...
  23. I'm going to contact Bosch directly to get some pricing and so I have have absolute confidence they are the genuine article. Who would be interested in a set of 200Tdi injector nozzles if I can source them at a better price than available on ebay? If available I will sell to forum members at cost price.
  24. Where did you source the nozzles from? If they are getting quite rare and pricey, I wounder if there maybe opportunity for a group bulk purchase on this forum?
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