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Everything posted by honitonhobbit

  1. He was a character, not perfect but then who is. I used to eat his dust/mud at AWDC comp events back in the late 80's/early 90's. One of his nicknames was Auntie after the character in Last of the Summer Wine - he could sell anything... My lasting memory of him will be at the first of the performance car shows at the NEC. The Girls were on the Mintex stand and Dave and Melanie were sitting quietly watching the hordes of autograph hunters asking for the Girls signatures. I spent a big chunk of time that afternoon laughing and playing 'Do you remember...' My very deepest sympathy, a sad loss Does anyone know how Matt is?
  2. Dual Force: Expensive Heavy Big air dam Slow to fill a tyre and not that quick a winch Gimmick EP9 and a T max Compressor then spend the other 500 plus quid on other bits
  3. Champion are a damn site better made than say AEW/GEW - the C range are almost on a par with T-max. The only drawback is the lack of any kind of speed. The Hydraulic version is far stronger than the MM and probably better built but it is so slow it goes back in time. Champion is strong enough to rely on.
  4. No it's not. It's about as different as a sheep is to a gerbil These are cheap sh*tty tat made in the most dodgy of all chinese winch factories they are actually worse than the Britpart stuff AND they are overpriced
  5. James, I have fitted a new rear door, re-built the front axle, serviced the winch, broken the windscreen washers, painted the vehicle and swept out the cab all in prep for 050507 I have cleaned up my spare back axle in readiness and am taking the spare EP9 (that technically belongs to Mark90 but he is busy at the moment with the baby so he doesn't need it)
  6. Diddy Dave has had three EP9's back so far - out of about 1700. Thats fair I feel. The difference between come-up and EP is marginal.
  7. Didn't you shred a belt as well Les? And Bish lost his fans (again) and boiled the V8. That was a good day. Both vehicle b*gg*red by 10.30 with and about 5 punches between us. We did a lot better the first time around. That was back when Bish was full length and running those crappy Good Year MT's and I was a lot younger!
  8. Simon, I would suggest looking at the EP9.5 or Come Up 9.5 before spending any pennies. An honest appraisal. When I can afford it (say next year!) I am going to move my EP9 to the rear (oooer) and fit a 9.5 to the front (unless of course the wife finds out first, then I will not)
  9. Nige, have you read the new Tacho rules for HGV's. I may have a spare tacho and a few boxes of cards. Alternatively you could re-register as a recovery vehicle, no tacho, no worries on the excess wieght unless over 50tonnes kerbside and no MOT. If this one fails I have some 12mm RSJ in the yard
  10. Jezmond, have you tried Serc Marsden
  11. Heard about that through a mate in Newcastle (aus) - the 9,500 stalled at 13,400 and the 12,500 broke the second rick at almost 17K. I had a 10 for a while - managed to all but remove Tony Walsh's gearbox cross member by accident, didn't realise he was caught up on it. The 10 didn't even get hot. Dave B was looking into the T-max a while back and was somewhat impressed with the Outback 9500
  12. Lardy - whislt attemtping to recover Sean, who had;for some reason uknown to anyone but Sean; parked in the lake, I was the victim of a totaly unprovoked attack by a large Hazel (Corylus avellana sp.). Said Hazel was carefully camouflaged and almost invisvible to the naked eye. During the attack, the rear door was somewhat bent out of shape and the rear window smashed. Needless to say the proximity of a small child prevented me from describing my feelings in the basest terms. As for entering one of Mr T's events, I am definately 'up for it' and would thank Mr Challis for the kind offer of the loan of his series 3 to compete in and his generous sugestion that he 'Bitch' for me. Thanks to the impending move from Hobbit Towers and the added fun of an additional Hobbit mouth to feed in late June I will not to be able to completely trash Paul's motor until this Autumn. As a pre-pennance I will attempt to marshal for Trembath Enterprises Inc at all his events this year - obviously allowing for the fact that Mrs Hobbit is insistant that I be present at the birth of the new Hobbit AND she feels I should also be involved with helping to move house (obviously I will programme both events around any T.E.inc dates)
  13. I like T-max - good winches especially the Outback version. They pull like a horse on steroids but are not that quick - even in real world terms. So what mods do the Antipodeans do to make them quicker?
  14. The Curvature of his gut or buttocks would have created a depression to steep to drive out of (unless tracked) and simply too big for any vehicle except a Chevy engined, portal axled, 39inch tyred Rangey tray back and as we all know there is simply no vehicle like that in the known world
  15. I'm not shirking - I was attempting to transfer the blame to you
  16. I am scandalised - when have I ever done such a terrible thing. Actually Ian, I did say it was mainly water BUT I did also mention the green sand underneath. I also said it was up to Darrens waist when he went in, but that was before Jason modified it AND I suggested that Scott wade it first. I would also add in my defence that a certain retired military chap told me to do it as he wanted to watch your winch in action again. I have already apologised privately and expressed my guilt but once again I am sorry. I have paid my dues - the new door is on but the diff is the wrong one for the new half shafts so I will have to aquire a fine spline diff off Mr Broom.
  17. Look at the winners of every major event on an international basis. What do they use in Spain, Portugal/France/Lithuania/Carpathia/Morroco/Argentina/Peru/The Colonies. Ramsey is probably more popular on a world wide basis than Warn! Overall sheer grunt is more popular than high speed at low/medium weight. Try to tell a yank that anything but Warn is an option. Other competitors swear by the X9 - slow but by god it will pull and pull. Everyone has preferences. Some think the 8274 is simple to take apart, others prefer the X9 or the T-max. I still think BBC's winch is one of the most impressive I have ever seen for sheer control - but then a boggo MM is pretty damn good, so what should we expect. If that bog hadn't killed the BBC motor he would have breezed most of those punches. Ian knew what he wanted and despite a massive load of b*llsh*t anti hydraulic b*ll*xs he built a winch that wees on the chips of any electric winch standard or modded. When he gets one on his rear (ooer) that vehicle will be unstoppable(ish) even with teeny tyres and no locker. It's that whole open mind thing.
  18. I could kiss you, that makes every winch rant I have ever posted on this forum worth it... Chris/Simon Two options: 1) The EP6 short drum. Same gearbox as the EP9, same brake, 3.6hp motor, small drum - very neat package. Also made under the Come Up brand name 2) M8000 - it really is an ickle winch and will out pull speed wise an 8274 under full load. IMHO they are the best winch Warn ever made. They go well with an EP9.5 motor as well
  19. James, have you allowed for the fact that Tdi's always smoke at startup. They do also burn a lot of oil as a natural phenomena
  20. Well, India thinks you are sweet But then she thinks Bish is sweet as well!
  21. Not wanting to argue Tony, but it's not just one who thinks they aren't ideal. Okay I am a minority on this forum - but not an individual. The 8274 is a good winch, when it was originally designed back in the early 40's it was revolutionary. My arguing days are over - too much else to do in life. I just like to point out that like many other things that are 'de rigour' in the off road world, the 8274 is getting long in the tooth and is now out classed by un-modified products, the same could be said for ARB lockers, OME springs, the Rover V8, Simex ET2's, live axles etc It isn't a snipe at personal choice or the decision where to spend money, nor is it a reflection on skill. Part of my income comes from servicing winches for folk, part of my income comes from testing winches and part of my income comes from teaching people to use them safely. I use a lot of different types of winch in a year, I break a few and I fix a few. I have my views on what I like and it's based on my experience. I don't preach but I like to have my fair say - freedom of speech and all that. I have been using 8200/8274/Bellview types for well over 25 years and I love them for thier exentricity but they are an old design that, when you take the red specs off need a lot of maintenance when pushed to the limit. They are also heavy and innefficient and bloody expensive. Saying an 8274 is the be all and end all without trying the rest is like only ever driving one make and model of car all your life, or like marrying your childhood sweatheart at 17 and staying together until DDYP. It's sweet but rather sad...
  22. Jim, The calipers are in the garage all ready and waiting. Why not drop in to see your sister at Easter and then drop over to my place. I shall be in all Friday - got to paint the new door!
  23. No worries James - India told you off and that was priceless. As for Diffs, shafts etc I believe I have enough but I may ring! BTW - India enjoyed herself and wondered if she had been well behaved enough to come again?
  24. It was worth for the hours of entertainment you gave me and my daughter. If we had had a bucket of wet sponges... I would swear you actually winched yourself back into the bog just for the laugh It was amazing how the prescence of an 8 year old can modifiy the language of a bunch of hairey arsed off roaders. Even Lardy only said the 'F' word once or twice every ten minutes. The only exception to this was Mr T who was his usual foul mouthed self.
  25. On a Vit - M8000 or an XD9000. Better yet lower price, reliable as a reliable thing and pull like a mule on heat - EP9. T-max are bloody good too. Avoid any of the GEW/AEW/KEW/Britpart stuff as it's just not reliable enough. Champion are getting better and better - very pro-active company but I haven't abused any recently. Best electric winch on the market at the moment pound for pound/speed/reliability/weight/cable capacity/CE rating/non modded - EP9.5/EPi9.5
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