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Everything posted by honitonhobbit

  1. My LT77 (a very early jobbie, refurbed about 30K ago) is very fussy about cold days. Normally it has the sweetest change I have aver experienced in an LT77, but on dry frosty days it balks in 2nd and 3rd for the first mile or two. Then it's fine. Clutch is fine, oil is changed every 10k or when I have done any prolonged wading. The refurb was a complete re-build with the correct bits by clever person. I know LT77's are a tadge on the grumpy side when it's cold or damp but there is no way 2nd is going to play until it's warm...
  2. Me and Nick are pootling down to Marshal - I shall have the brew kit in the LR Russ do you need me to charge up the PMR's or shall we just shout?
  3. No current draw figures - bet that eats amps..
  4. Well you did ask Everything metal on an RRC will corrode - in fact so will some of the non metal bits!
  5. Check the entire inner body shell, the chassis and the axles
  6. I went to a Pole Dancing Show a few years ago, that was exciting
  7. Coffee through nose on to keyboard - thanks Andy Double post due to painful nose
  8. Coffee through nose on to keyboard - thanks Andy
  9. What RPM range do they run at Will?
  10. Not going anyway... Hope it's true though as Dickie Green deserves a major kick up the a*se. Honestly don't see why the loss of LRE should be a problem either...
  11. So very true! Nice bloke but Bruce is a God as is Mr Rowe
  12. Sorry to be rude but what did you pay?
  13. Jim we used to buy them from here http://www.the-wheel-clamp.co.uk/ They sell to the 'professional' market
  14. Pacet, Kenlowe and Clova all do waterproof fans
  15. The Wifes RRC (300Tdi Auto) has a Jez Fearn twin intercooler set up. It works very well and is a superb job of work. The quality of the parts is superb.
  16. Chris, Get a large mousetrap baited with a blue cheese (cambazola will do). Cock it and leave it in the engine bay overnight. This should catch the gremlin that is living there.
  17. I bought an MOT'd/Taxed Niva that worked for a tenner
  18. I have a single mahoosive kenlow fitted on the inner face of my rad on the 100". I don't like leccy fans as I am a luddite, but this one works well and seems to do the job. Some points I would make: Don't buy crappy fans, buy new from Pacet or Kenlowe or buy quality fans from a scrappy (Clova/Pacet/Ford) Don't put the fans on the outer face of the rad Do your leccie bits proper like - no bodges with lots of waterproof joints, fuse holders, warning lights and white grease. Don't worry about the 'cooler if it's standard Fit a decent thermo switch. Mine is in the rad it's self but I am told that a company called Xengsomethingorother do a really good thermo switch mount Mine comes on once in a blue moon, has a cut off and an override all in one illuminated switch with warning doofer
  19. Sadly I will not be able to make it as if all goes well I will have just become a Dad again!
  20. Yehbo Nkiosi I would only ever use Allisport as there is no competiton - if you want a reference ask Drew Bowler
  21. Warm feelings about the good old days I would suggest that you give it a bit more time. TOR is not the only mag to use scribes with little or no knowledge of the industry. This is often cost based, which is what did happen with TOR. However I have seen some bllody awful lash ups in all the mags over the years and then they pick up a bit, take a nose dive for a while, struggle back etc etc. Look at LRW. Hit rock bottom a while back, 15 minutes to read cover to cover, but the last few issues have been pretty good. Mr Baldwin kept that mag going in my opinion. Sorry Kev, no blushes, it's true. LRM is now the best of the bunch, but even LROi is improving. Petersons hit a low earlier this year but is now on the up. Land is pants at the moment. As I say, bide on. Alan Kidd has his faults but he can be a brilliant editor when he wants and I just think TOR is in a rut at the moment
  22. Sounds good to me. I am off work at the moment, I've split a disc in my back...
  23. Will Hoof the rubber gater off the ickle lever, remove the inner rubber gater, reomove the icckle square metal plate that sits between the inner rubber gator and the box, put the inner rubber gator back. Try it now. If it works you owe me another cake - if not hard luck
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