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Everything posted by honitonhobbit

  1. Righto Westcountry folks Tomorrow night the new Devon GLASS rep is going to be at the old pub meet to meet and greet. Normal place 6 Bells Payhembury at 8 o'clock ish Please come on down, he is a nice bloke and needs a helping hand
  2. Paul, Are you going 'cos I have Martins Lantra Ticket and your drill battery...
  3. *whisper* "That bloke in the Freelander says you are all a bunch of hairey *rsed yokels who couldn't beat an egg"
  4. On another note Mr Jez, not only were there no armchairs featured but there was a destinct lack of scantily clad totty drapped over vehicles. I saw no spinners, no mood lighting and no 'kick ar8e ICE. I shall be writing to my local MP.
  5. Always good to start some friendly rivalry.... and then stand back and laugh at the outcome
  6. My next 7S is in November, when the 100" Armchair will be unleashed on an unsuspecting world (those that haven't seen it already). I may even have re-painted it by then and it may have stopped leaking oil...
  7. Access visit on the Sunday - Susie had to take her to the last one 'cos I was at Malvern and that's the fifth time this year thanks to work commitments et al. So I have promisedd no more - my daughter, my mentally unbalanced ex wife, my responsibility...
  8. Nige, Don't let anyone tell you that you don't have your uses - you have just saved me a right royal PITA
  9. I am now very, very scared! When ever I go over he is always telling me about the cellar under his garage...
  10. India is taller than him now... Mind you she is taller than Matt Meale as well. But then she is almost 8
  11. I thought it was just a well lubricated wet suite that was three sizes too small
  12. Jim, Not sure - I have a pass, but I will have 'The Child' with me - probably as much of the day as I can blag. The Joy of seeing the SCOR crowd ritually humiliated by the God's of Speed from EDORC is just too much to be ignored. *Grabs body armour and runs to slit trench*
  13. Listen to Jez. Yes the 200Tdi is God's Engine, but if mine breaks, then it's 2.8 Isuzu time. Had a couple before - one in an isuzu! - they are superb. Oh and unlike another make of 2.8, you can get parts! Luckily I have a suit of armour on under my coat and a pair of roller skates on.
  14. Just been talking to one of the organisers. Trade stands are available. 25'x25' - £25! Give me a pm if anyone is interested.
  15. There's a few of us going over on the Saturday... Just to watch mind. Oh and listen to Paul's Venom Truck
  16. TJM HD. Nige I have a decent OE unit here at 'Hobbit Towers' - you can have it. If you like, I can give it to BBC who can drop it down to you or Jez sometime soon
  17. Strong Slow Low current draw for grunt Feeble freespool arrangement Poor parts supply For the money buy an EP9
  18. Did I miss something? On a level note me old mucker, all forums have fools on both the mod side and the pleb side. Don't let it get you down, it's a waste. Stick with it, make your feelings known but don't just up and run. Or come on over to ORRP where you will be welcome with open arms, a huge amount of mickey taken, called rude names, told to **** off and be called a **** with regularity but when the **** hits the fan you will find a load of good mates looking for the switch whilst they take the ****!
  19. Used oil for years and years until about 6 months ago. Had a long chat with my boss about it. He has been in the performance motor trade for over 40 years and reckons grease is the way to go. So I swapped to see what it was like. I use one and a third sachets per side with no probs - takes about three minutes to fill. I open the drain plug up once a fortnight to check for water ingress, check the amount of grease with a pen light and my ickle finger and I top up occasionally. I do add a table spoon of red line racing grease to each swivel occasionally... Mind you, I haven't checked my new motor at all since I picked it up - think it's got grease in...
  20. We were selling - even brought a front one back to the showroom!
  21. Didn't look very far then... We did.
  22. We found a toilet/shower block hidden away from the plebs - I can't tell you where. It had it's own dedicated cleaner and HOT water. If you think a big genny is loud, try a fun fair. Mind you the Waltser was a hoot
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