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Everything posted by honitonhobbit

  1. Rambler Association? Buy her a proper car and take her to a Taunton Motor Club pub meet then leave quietly
  2. Chris, It's quite simple to get round all the grief of liability et al. Firstly there are three recognised training structures: BORDA - ONLY FOR RECREATIONAL USERS NPTC - Recreational and Utilty LANTRA - Recreational and Utility LANTRA is the oldest and the best AND IS THE ONLY ONE WITH HSE APPROVAL Land Rover Experience doesn't and never has had HSE approval, or approval by any insurance companies except Land Rover themselves. The Land Rover instructor course was only ever intended for Land Rovers own staff or those at the experiences - depsite this many 'courses' were sold off to unsuspecting individuals. You don't need any instructors ticket to take out greenlaners on organised tours. In fact it would be illegal and in contravention of Road Traffic Act if you did instruct on a greenlane UNLESS you held an ADI's ticket and insurances. Being a qualified professional off road driver is a good idea - that means LANTRA - and having a ticket for Winching (Health and safety and risk management in winching) as you are working on a public right of way. Guided tours, provision of guided books containing ACURATE information are all okay but when you take money for providing them you accept the liability of any and all damage/injury/trespass. So what you do is 'recomend' 'suggest' 'inform' and provide a recovery service/nursemaid hence the qualification to justify your abilities to any doubters. I am a LANTRA instructor and training provider for lots fo things including off road driving and winching, I am also a BORDA part 1 instructor. I was a Land Rover Experience Senior Instructor in off road driving, winching (the first in the UK) and trailer handling, but I left when LRE lost it's way. I am also approved by Toyota and one or two other Japanese car companies and one German car company. I have taught safe off road vehicle operation in one form or another to over 4000 people since 1990, including government agencies, international companies, the British Army/Navy/Air Force, the French armed forces, private individuals, rock stars, film stars and one or two numpties. I am not touting for work but I do know the law. Love and kisses
  3. Yes! That's what it says on LRA. You and Jim are the only users of this forum that come to the pub meet (apart from occasional use by Nick) so I simply didn't bother this time round, seeing as I had spoken to Jim about it and you had replied on LRA
  4. I thought that was what Jesus had in his daily driver. He drives a 70 series 'cruiser at the weekends
  5. Agree with Simon. I have a mixture of both. All are Racetech. I have a stack load of Smiths electrical if you want them. Free to a good home.
  6. God drives a 200Tdi Range Rover and so do I
  7. Yes - they are quite good, BUT you need a base and a second set of arms/second person Tony, if you had used a base and a defender adaptor then you would have been much safer. One of the guys I regularly commune with in Oz lost a good friend when a vehicle on an unsafe Hi-lift fell on him and crushed him to death. Why not buy an 8x4 sheet of shuttering ply and use it as a level/smooth base for a trolley jack?
  8. Fruity's came off the old Bishmotor which was a NAS spec RRC from Canada.
  9. There is a clause about power increases and engine changes but young Lesmond has decreased his power... Talk to Fruity he knows more about this than most (including the VOSA people).
  10. Mark 90 told me they are made from platinum, inlaid with gold wire and encrusted with emeralds
  11. To right, especially when the end user is always looking for a 'bargain' and driving the price down, thus giving birth to the need for high overhead companies to 'reduce manufacturing/buying costs'. I thought long and hard before buying from Scorpion and I searched the market for the right product. My decision was made by certain circumstances that forced the choice somewhat. And oddly enough, I felt guilty with my choice of supplier, not just becuase of your treatment but because I know most of the other suppiers who have recieved similar rewards or worse Hey ho - such is life
  12. Ooh tetchy! I meant that the only complaints about QT stuff I have heard are here on this forum, no I don't believe you or you are full of pooh and your welding is as good as a chocolate fireguard. Get with the programme! I have not questioned your judgement, ability or penis size. You have experienced issues with QT quality, you are experienced and knowledgeable about products enough said - you know what you are talking about. Therefore I believe you and your findings. Funnily enough, most of the complaints I have heard about Scorpion, Frogs Island, Footloose, D4x4, Southdown et al have been on here. Now I know this place has it's share of techy/practical types and I also know there are a few hard core off roaders on here - as well as the odd numpty with as much driving ability as a snail and as much techy/practical nonce as a ripe banana. But that is no different from most fo the off road biased forums... And as for open forae, this place is pretty good but there are places even more open who would jump at the chance to have a good bitch about poor workmanship I see a fair bit of QT stuff in my day to day work (and yes all the Guards are ba*t*rds to fit) and some of the welding looks worse than mine (sort of like a pidgeon with chronic bowel problems) but I have yet to see a failed product. Same can be said for most of the products on the market - apart from anything by X-Eng, a company that do not allow anything but the best quality!
  13. 1). Have to echo what BBC said, known Dave on a professional basis since he started out and apart from the bl**dy pain in the ar*e fitting on the rear diff protectors, the only complaints I have ever heard about his work are on this forum... 2). Scorpion do a fair few good products. Just because Colin has a habit of copying other products and occasionally making a bit of a dogs dinner in the copying shouldn't tar all Scorpion kit with the same brush. The 2 reasons he copies are because (a). he has found that he can usually get away with it and (2). too few suppliers give decent trade discounts (NOT SIMON OKAY!!!) and he has high overheads. His RRC rear bumpers are a good example - superbly made, nice design, sh*te powder coating and OTT packaging all for a bl**dy good price and at the moment the best VFM on the 4x4 market.
  14. Excellent company - talk to Peter
  15. That looks depresingly like an impact area... I have all the 1:10,000 scale maps of the plain now - soon to be on electric medium. You are welcome to have a peek and take measurements like a proper navigator
  16. It was a cheap no genewewine track rod that failed, no the Danbars If I had the pennies again I would still swap in the 90/110 bars and the re-located damper but I would go for the Glyn Lewis protection doobrythingumyjig, as copied bootifully by Scorpion. It's a much simpler and better idea and tough as old bbots without acting like a plough
  17. Agree with Matt. The only problems I have ever experienced with Finnigans is it's sensitivity to cold (it goes matt!) As it stya flexible it takes a hell of a pounding
  18. T&T coachworks in Fenny Brideges near Honiton. They used to do all the LRE damaged vehicles so they are very good
  19. It was supposed to be this thursday but now it's not! How does next week on the wednesday sound?
  20. Having re-built five belleviews now, what do you want to know?
  21. 1983, Union Street, Plymouth - Mr Harry's Bar. Some transvestites can look damn good when a). you are to naive to know about transvestites; and B). you are so Mildly miffed you have already grandslammed!
  22. When I service the RR next week it will have completed 14k miles with an X brake fitted - more than most I would have thought - with the odd thousand off road. It has had some fairly heavy abuse, including novice off road trainees and off roading with heavy trailers. It has been immersed hundreds of times and dragged through more mud and muck than most weekend off roaders see in a life time. It is just about ready for it's first adjust! I will still happily (and do often) tell thousands of people via the medium of the written word, that the X brake (or the genuine X brake as I now refer to it) is the best bolt on modification to hit the landrover market since the 1948. Simon doesn't pay me to say this - however if he did, I would happily except it...
  23. Were they the 4x4 version of the HMT by Supercat - that uses a 5.9 cummins 6 cylinder http://www.4x4winches.com/images/hmt.jpg
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