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Everything posted by honitonhobbit

  1. Seeing as I will be working at the show and my printer is still not connected, I will walk over, sign my forms and pay you some money
  2. The 60 CSX is the best way to go. Flux compass, internal/external aerial, waterproof, topo card capability, 16 hours use on battery. If you want a price let me know The PDA/Laptop/tablet route is okay but unless you run events in Europe a lot (and can't use OziExplorer) it is a system that is fast becoming outdated and complex I was on a Garmin course last week and was blown away by what is now available for small bucks...
  3. Site is run by Matt and Julian and is behind the dry Ski Slope at Churchill. It has an enormouse potential if it is developed correctly. The quarry area is huge fun as are the woods on the south side. There is a small problem on the north side with the odd collapased mine shaft (a la West Harptree) but they are dealing with that. There is not water as such on site but the thousands of tonnes of ballast washings in the quarry make up for that!
  4. I re-read it before I posted. Made me a bit sad thinking of the old days. Lots of useful info even though some of the links are b*gg*red
  5. Did you ever read this by the way? http://www.landroveraddict.com/ubbthreads/...true#Post118693
  6. Ta muchly, I knew it was around somewhere on the interweb
  7. On a 300Tdi/VM RRC there is a water level sensor that operates via a step down voltage doohickey and a micro-processor (I think). Any idea of part numbers and or location in the RRC wiring loom?
  8. To buy them in the UK, you will pay 10 quid a set/large one plus P&P which is not much.
  9. RUPPs are gone/finito/nada NPA will most likley TRO what is left just out of spite as they no longer need to justify
  10. http://www.britishmetrics.com/html/pis-bar.htm for Bar/psi calcs 12 psi is about standard for a 200Tdi Have you inverted the diaphragm?
  11. I was just about to say that you won't get a days laning on Exmoor these days.. Mind you I have found a few more rather nice UCRs in the Devon Badlands
  12. When you say tweaked to the max what do you mean? What did you do? BTW the 200Tdi/300Tdi turbos are very crude and will not run high boost for long without going pop. About 18psi is the limit and will still shorten turbo life. I wll try and dig out what my EGT levels were, but Les B and Tony C both run on board EGT guages
  13. Oh how I laughed Sorry I missed you today by the way
  14. An exhaust gas temperature guage plumb it in a bit like a Lambda sensor waste of time but looks good, they where a bit of a 'must have' accessory a while back but it is much easier to use a SUN diesel tuner/rolling road and set it up properly the first time as EGT can be measured then and there OR if you talk to Andy Walker at Alisport and follow his instructions to the letter you will have no problems. If you get your pre boost fueling/post boost fueling/air flow wrong it will up your EGT a bit like a petrol engine that is badly tuned, will get hotter. If you cane the ar*e of a tuned diesel it will run hotter anyway, the idea behind tuning is to reduce the gear changes and make driving easier. 200Tdi's respond better to tuning than 300Tdi's, don't know why, they just do. I run both and I work with both, in the long run I prefer the 200 but it is only marginally better than the 300. Both my Tdi's run bigger coolers and have pump tweaking... Oddly enough the 300 seems to respond better than the 200 to exhaust mods. A 300 with a 200 turbo runs the same as before as long as you tweak the boost.
  15. I still don't understand what/why/where this is all about I really would like a proper answer please
  16. I run just over 1 bar with a mahusive Alisport 'cooler and tweaked pump, it's a Disco lump rather than a Defender lump. It runs a snadge over 150bhp and 270ft/lb. Oil flow to the turbo has been improved. I get an avergae 0f 33mpg but can get 37mpg if I pootle.
  17. I must admit I was wondering: a: what's it all about b: why is it being discussed on so many forums c: was it really so bad that it should be pulled As a Mod elsewhere, I might pull stuff once in a blue moon and only after discussion with ALL the other Mods/Admin. However, a quick warning or a lock is occasionally required. So what is going on?
  18. I just don't see the point. I shall not be renewing my membership this year. I have been seriously thinking of joining CRAG or continuing my membership of the TRF My Ramblers Association membership will be continued as they seem to represent the needs of the people and they have the ear of the government
  19. How much do you want for the Britpart Springs, I want some spares....
  20. You can get both, mine is capillary
  21. If Paul can't get enough orders then try www.oec4x4.com
  22. ...buy refills fo Nitrous Oxide? I need to re-fill a NoS tank I have aquired and I'm b*gg*red if I know where
  23. Darth Most for the upgrade requests went in post Jan 05 so say goodbyes to Bury Lane/Dyehouse Corner, OxDrove, Louisa Gate, Battleton Brake and many many others.
  24. What you need is Third Party Liability and Personal Liability. All the vehicles must have insurance so public liability is taken care of but Chris would be leading them so is classed as being in charge/responsible for the group so he needs to cover his ar*e incase someone does something stupid to a thrid party and doesn't have the insurance to cover it AND he needs a small junk of personal liability to cover his potential cock ups (he doesn't need Professional Liability because he is not pertaining to be a professional) First Aid is good - make sure it is a four day in the work place type with added paediatrics (Bicton College about 38 quid and you get to eye up the totty on equestrian courses) You also need to write a risk assesment (method only, not specific) and an emergency proceedures plan. All very simple and easy peasey. Next on the list is an ACCEPTANCE form - to be signed by the partcipating parties - ie: I accept that there is the potential for blah blah death, disfiguration, disease etc blah blah I think the biggest problem with this is the over use of Wiltshire RoW at present which will get worse once NERC is finally up and running. I have a few ideas about that if you want to PM me... Just because Magasines run greenlane days do not take it as read that the company's involved are aware of thier legal requirements. Most of the UK mags supply innacurate/outdated/misinformed information about Greenlane issues, training, legal requirements. Eg: LRW stated that Land Rover Experience were responsible for LANTRA's Off Road Driving courses. LROi have told readers to drive lanes that were actually not RoW and have driven for an article a lane in Wales that has a long term TRO on it, something also achieved by LRE. Even TOR have made msitakes on roadbooks (I know as I made some of them)
  25. I lived in Taunton when I was 30ish. I tended to go clubbing/Ferret and Ferkin, get bladdered if I couldn't pull (which was often) and then stagger home. Alternatively I used to go out with my mates from C42, try and pull, get bladdered and pick fights with locals/people from Yeovil Or I used to go out with the lads I played Rugby with, chase totty, get bladdered and buy a kibab... This is not much use to your charming young lady but it is nice to remember. Oh and I used to go out with the other NCO's from the TA, get bladdered, pull totty, wake up the next day in a starnge bed and regret still being alive... AND I used to go out with mates from the bike club, get tottied, try and pull a bladder then sleep with a kibab
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