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Everything posted by Turbocharger

  1. It depends on the pressure ratio and the efficiency of the turbocharger - I'd imagine up to 150deg C on a Tdi but probably less if you're considering your nasty petrol-burning vapourwagon which can't tolerate sensible levels of manifold pressure...
  2. Tried battering it inwards with a punch to get it moving at all? Or grind a notch and persuade it round and round? Might make it worse rather than better but worth a try I hope.
  3. Winch sail - is a flouro jacket sufficient for plasma rope, or does it still need to have some weight to it? Paul - stress calcs are easy - I'll be stressed! Because I've got to drive my LR home again at the end of it and my bitch has never been offroad before!
  4. I seem to remember Rogue Trooper producing something like this in steel out of an industrial aircon unit's slat blind?
  5. Anyone want a lift up on Saturday morning, coming back Sunday afternoon?
  6. Eh? That's my picture! (hotlinked as well - tut tut).
  7. We have hydraulic fans on most of our buses - oil fed from the PAS system. Point of no interest whatsoever - leaky pipes on here count as a leak from the steering system at MOT.
  8. How do I tell them apart, for example at a major LR show in the Northampton area? Do the 'new' (not as good) ones have the bead protector ridge just above the rim? Sounds like I don't want a set of the newer type. I'll have a look around the dealers for a show deal on Cooper New STT, Kumho 834 Roadventure or maybe something from John Craddock.
  9. Between Hamlesh and someone called Ken(?) who worked in Benbecula, my short placement was less boring than it otherwise could have been, before I got SO HACKED OFF with having nothing to do that I resigned. Our H&S team have just turned off the fluorescent tubes in my office: "But they're not hot, see, I can touch them." "Ah, but it just feels cooler in the dark, dunnit?" This is the same team who've pulled sheet blinds down over the window to exclude the sun. They also stop the air circulating, as I can see because they're sucked against the open window frame, but what do I know, I'm not allowed to perform the type of risk assessments that prevent people from opening filing cabinet drawers, but which allowed thirty school kids to drive a bus around the yard last week.
  10. What're you using them for? Road use, laning, playing, competing? What have you driven them on? Got any photos? Sorry for the q's, I'm just loath to spend £400 without researching some customer satisfaction thoroughly!
  11. That's pretty much all I remember about working for QQ - hot tin sheds and newsgroups. Is there still someone called Hamlesh who spends his life posting uninteresting stuff to fill time? John (in a nice office block, all glass and no aircon, 33°C)
  12. For comparison, what's the kerb weight of a factory V8 / Tdi Ninety before we start loading them up with scaffolding and electric motors?
  13. But once it's got there, it falls all the way back down and drags more up behind it.
  14. Not so, since the oil's got to come back from where it's going so this cancels out, assuming no air in the system.
  15. The tyres can't increase the torque of the engine, but their rotational mass can smash stuff when it's leaping from one end of the backlash to the other as the wheels spin and then grip, spin and then grip.
  16. Mmm... I'm much more convinced after seeing them on a vehicle. I'll have to have a poke around at Billing and see who's offering sensible deals. I'm still kicking myself after passing up 285/75 MTs from Kumho, Sodbury price £47 each, Monday's price £98 each
  17. Does your 110 have a self-levelling strut? You may need to fab mounts for it if so, or do they mount on the A-frame? Other than that, Jim looks to be on the money there.
  18. The photos certainly show how the back window requirement has compromised the strength and angles of the cage. A good compromise though and the quality looks superb, neatly integrated with the rear winch. I look forward to seeing it in the flesh next week.
  19. Nah - if you connect yours up the wrong way the oil will actually get hotter Mark.
  20. If I'm allowed to hotlink a little: Cooper Discoverer ST - looks like an AT: Cooper Discoverer New STT - looks more aggressive than a TracEdge to me, more like an MT: Cooper Discoverer Radial STT - looks a bit lairy for motorway miles Of these, the new STT (middle one) looks like the kind of level I'm after. I'm willing to tolerate noise and vibration since I'm young and carefree (and I feel stoopid in a caged Ninety on all-terrains). Are Sinton Tyres coming to Billing?
  21. Despite not remembering any of this, I had a book by Tim Hunkin entitled 'Nearly everything there is to know' or similar. A lot of good stuff in there, all wrapped up in a neat comedy package.
  22. I run with no cowl and no fan on a 300Tdi - no issues except when working the engine hard offroad or last week when I blasted down the motorway then stopped in traffic - then the temperature creeps up but it's controllable by using the cab heater (although in the current weather it's not pleasant!)
  23. Air reservoir? Pah. There's plenty around you unless you're underwater already, and the V8's have a detection system that prevents the car from going too far there...
  24. It's not the height so much as the rotating mass which I (perceive to) smash things although I hadn’t done the numbers as above. I’m just baulking slightly at spending £400 on tyres which I’m going to intentionally drag around quarries etc. Does anyone else make 255/85s in a similar pattern?
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