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Everything posted by Turbocharger

  1. The lane over the bridge just heads over the river, up the field and through the farmyard - more of interest from a historical point of view to be honest. The lane under the railway is pretty similar, nothing spectacular other than a nice frame for a photo!
  2. Leak, or come apart easily? Tony Cordell:
  3. Joining the lane at Home Covert by cutting through the woods isn't legal, best stick to the official track - the climb up the hill is pretty cut up but passable in a standard vehicle I'd say. It might not look standard afterwards, mind... The bridge is here 500m east of Twinhoe, but the lane isn't a through-route since it's only passable for vehicles under 1m wide further down.
  4. Some snaps from the day - a decent outing with 40 miles of driving, from Keynsham to Bath. We were pretty much done by 3.30 so explored a lane which certainly isn't driveable since it's about 2ft wide for 100yds in the middle. Nigel explores the water... ...as does Keir. A pretty lane near Stanton Prior. This one got narrower shortly afterwards! A nasty lean on a steep climb, although the photo never does justice to the terrain A lane in pretty bad condition, just below a great dip that collects the water. Me emerging over the crest in the above shot Nigel makes a splash in a ford just before heading home A particularly narrow piece alongside a fallen tree Keir and I under the Somerset and Dorset railway trackbed
  5. If I remove the solenoids from the valve block, is all the oil going to fall out? Mine are drawing 4 current-amps but not going 'clonk' (and the winch isn't moving either). AND BEFORE YOU ALL START, yes I'm sure it isn't just moving really slowly, no I'm not going to buy an 8274, yes I can grow a beard while it spools the cable out, no I don't give a s
  6. Back onto the important topic(!) if anyone wants to come to the pub tonight - Monday - in WSM, give me a ring (or drop me a text!) on 07779 081520. Then you'll receive details of the secret location we've picked.
  7. Ok, so the tank I've got can't be filled on forecourts. It's a nice idea but not that simple. Why can't I fill it to dive-tank pressure? It's surely heavier-duty than a diving tank and larger to boot. What performance for tools and tyres do you get from a dive tank?
  8. Milemarkers? Of course they are - another member's seen the light. (Should there be a picture here too, Peter? )
  9. I've got a Milemarker and dedicated pump, so there's nowhere simple on my engine for a compressor without some clever fabrication to squeeze another unit on the front of the timing cover. My plan then is to have an air reservoir, appropriate plumbing to run an air line and maybe a windy gun, air ratchet etc, and have a tyre-type valve to charge it from any garage forecourt compressor. In this vein, I have acquired: Questions: Will it work? What pressure should I charge the bottle to? Where can I get a regulator to limit the output to something sensible? How much rattlegun or tyre charging is it likely to hold (see question 2)? What can I do with all the helium it's already full of? Answers for this question should be entertaining, reasonably safe and "of a legality that means I won't get caught".
  10. Monday's better then - suggest a drinkery with a big car park? We don't have a welder at all I don't think - most of the fabrication that doesn't need gaffer tape or pop rivets is contracted out Besides, I can't even 'borrow' antifreeze...
  11. <Irritating Geordie Big Brother Commentary Voice> 10:03 am. Les earns himself ten minutes in the electrical dunce corner for using the word "Ampage". His task for the day is to sit and write out "current" five hundred times. <IGBBCV>
  12. Speaking of which, since I'm working at the illustrious bus company's depot in Weston (behind Asda) next week, who fancies a pint on Monday or Tuesday about 6pm?
  13. On the 300Tdi there's a couple of figures for the belt tension anyway, as they tried different things to stop them snapping. On ye olde 200s, I don't know the figure anyway. When I timed my engine, I didn't bother locking the crank. With the keyway at the front at TDC there was an obvious mark visible on the flywheel from directly underneath, I just left the car in gear and rigourously checked it was still there before/after any tightening.
  14. On a slightly tangential note, it is still possible for greenlaners to get lost. I've done it, on Salisbury Plain and around Bath. I think the crucial differences are in how you drive, and your attitude when challenged. On Salisbury Plain we were stopped by modplod for being off-track (near the Bustard) and we explained how we'd made the mistake (the established track was illegal, the byway wasn't evident on the ground) and trotted off after he'd wiggled his moustache and educated us a little. Near Bath, I've not been challenged but I drove to minimise the impact on the ground as I worked out where I was and how to get back. I think we should all support the 'naming and shaming' of offenders and show that the responsible 4x4 community distances itself from such people.
  15. and Tubocharger will come along and get stuck in the entrance gate, and probably TroddenMasses although he doesn't know it yet. I'm not here in April though.
  16. Nah, can't do next weekend, I'm at 7S with the AWDC. Nigel - sounds good - I reckon around 10-10.30 at Bath railway station, some slightly trickier stuff than last time on the Fosse. Packed lunches, maps, my CB's died though but we shouldn't go too far from mobile reception, we're not heading towards Tony Cordell...
  17. Trailer? Moglite? Is it a powered jobby like the military have? I think the towball might be a little high though - imagine the angle a caravan would travel at on the road...
  18. Big metalwork - no idea. Aren't your tyres on backwards though?
  19. Lateral thinking - save the 'attention-grabbing' flashing lamps and deafen yourself instead. why not earth all the lamps through a buzzer, and fit a push-to-make switch in parallel with the buzzer to short it out when you expect the noise, such as when the engine's off (and ignition's on).
  20. I'll drop John a PM. Wasn't me in Taunton, I was in WSM all day - must be a lookylikey
  21. TroddenMasses and I are going laning this Sunday around Bath, anyone fancy joining us? Regarding the level of difficulty, we've both got cages and winches but don't plan to use them, and I'm going (to get stuck) on TracEdges. Don't bring a brand-new Rangie and you'll get on just fine
  22. MarcoCosic is the man to ask, but he's on placement in the USA for 12 months until September. I can confirm that the 2.0T is the same engine as the 2.0N/A Mpi unit that went into underpowered Discoverys.
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