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Everything posted by ROGUE TROOPER

  1. Im currently building a TT of my own design using T25 turbos and a fabricated exhaust manifold as the Janspeed Twin turbo design was not built for EFi (turbo too close to the plenum) I thought of using 3.9 V8 "twin" cast manifolds (4>2) then take manifold forward and up to meet the Turbo(s) in front of the front cover. Do you think this will be ok? I know that the studs wont support the Turbos on there own so a bracket wil be needed. Just to let you know of the plans so far............ 3.9 V8 (if I find a bigger CC one I will use that) Buick 300 heads (cast steel, big valves!!) 2 x garrett T25 Turbo chargers with waste gates Twin "apposing" plenum (inlet each side) 2 x Intercoolers (300TDi so far!) Meggasquirt EDS (using Montego coils) Electric water pump
  2. Les thats not my garden......its my parking space!! I now have room in my garden for another LR
  3. At the weekend I changed the Battery and put it under the passenger seat. It started no problem. Today whent outside to turn it round to empty the back (uits full of bottles!! ), but it turned over and would not start. So checked everything.....then found the ECU disconnected (im sure it was connected!!) Then back to start it and ...................."CLICK" You $£%&^ Its the earth lead now, so im going out tomorrow and put is somewhere else!!
  4. ..........And my home made Bowler/Tomcat
  5. .....and you can sell it to me when you get a bigger one
  6. You can have this one.....just come and get it!! http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=6368 Ok its series 3, home made and "may" fit a Safari 5 door but its Free!!! R
  7. .........oi Rose its a Landrover not a Jeep!
  8. Is there any obvious problems if I reverse my plenum? The reason is that I intent to fit a series 3 bulk head complete with heater matrix etc and at the moment my AFM is in the inner wing! (also space that side is limited) Ta
  9. Thats why I use a password no one will guess (yours is not "Landrover" is it??!!)
  10. Ta all.......Western you are quite correct, many thanks
  11. Anyone know what the part # are for the 2 bolts circled and the bottom one?? Ta
  12. I found a Cozzy V6 on Ebay for £200 and it didn't sell!! That was my problem also, may be time to start making convertion kits!!
  13. ....and as im English (though my heart is in Scotland) I had to go out in the midday sun... This didn't make a lot of difference: My job today was to fit new plugs (not easy on the V8 into series convertion) and to move the battery back to under the seat: My next job is to fit the Mondeo alternator using a SD1 bracket, though the space is limited for the long bolt! Makes more space: The old bracket was bodged (not by me!!)
  14. Carpet was the thing that made mine quiet(er)!! The Paddocks stuff has thick padding, no so good when it gets wet though!
  15. Big stupid idiot! If he knows it cant do that then dont do it. Im going to sue british gas cus when I put my hand in the flame it hurts!
  16. Is the chassis on a Auto the same as a 5 speed, ie do I need to cut bulkheads/gearbox mounts etc to get it to fit? Ta
  17. Les you must be loaded now.......what with "vindaloo" being played on the radio constantly (love Cally )
  18. Your dead, she will kill you :D
  19. Or is it just me? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...me=STRK:MEWA:IT
  20. I rest my case your honor now please get back to slaging off ramblers and quit the in fighting or me and Les will come round your house dressed in Nun's uniforms and cover your Landy seats in whiped cream. (Hey its a Hobby )
  21. A post is moderated depending on what it is and on a case by case basis. For instance if a person starts posting "adverts" of commercial content and its a one off then there is not a lot we/I can do If there is no evidence that he or she is doing it for a living. However if they continue to "bump" it up so its at the top of the form, or continues to post it then thats a differnt matter. We also must differenciate between a "hobby" and a buisiness as some people who sell stuff on a regular basis have a full time job not related to what they sell.......and besides if its a product that will cheaper and benefit all of us we should embrase it. I have noticed that those who do complain are the first to jump on a good deal when someone does sell products commercially (you know who you are!!) So to sum up......... the 20+ posting has reduced the commercial post in one stroke.....which is good. But still people will take the urine.......its human nature to bend rules, after all thats what we are here for as Mods, to keep a eye on you 'orrible lot! The post by simonb was discussed in the inner sanctum and was decided to let it go for the reasons above. As regards the Charter, its still being discussed and has NOT been forgotten.
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