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Everything posted by ROGUE TROOPER

  1. Tubular headers, ya flash git! Is this your P38?
  2. OK, how about this, take a Petrol lump and add the Diesel timing gear INCLUDING the pump. Modify a diesel inlet manifold with mechanical injectors such as found on the Triumph 2.5Pi and you have a Petrol injection........MFI Maybe add the Turbo from a diesel.............
  3. OK put it another way.........can I take a 2.5 Diesel, take the head off and put a 2.5 petrol head on it?
  4. So V8 rover is common, but what about the following........ Rover v6 Rover t16 (as done by markocosic from an rover 820) Vauxhall Monza/Calton engine 6 cylinder 24v 3L!! Vauxhall 16V Jag 6 or V12 I like the Calton 24v engine idea as its cheap to buy a whole car Anything else petrol?
  5. Im after a 2.5 Petrol to "upgrade" for a mate and was wondering if the 2.5D block is the same as the 2.5P block and what can be exchanged? Ta
  6. Buy the carpet kit from paddocks and dont stick it down, then you can remove it post wading Typical, I was there on Monday!!
  7. ....fitted to LR (I know its for snow chains!!)
  8. I cleared my garage out and helped take a 2.25 engine out of a S2....and I didn't even go to sodbury!!
  9. As he said! Good on him for going "British"..........maybe a Honda next time!!
  10. Yes but will pay £50 for quick sale
  11. Its all wraped in cling film (the stuff pallets get wraped in) and as its stored in the garden, no little bugs can get in.........so come Late September when its unwraped, its nice and fresh
  12. Spring has sprung the oil change done you may scoff but the hard top is off now the soft top is on my god does it pong
  13. Sorry Cab......... All wraped up for winter
  14. Dont do it!! Ok V8 dont like water much and will cost you £££ in fuel............ but the grin factor wont be the same as a Diesel
  15. Thats a good idea, thanks Did notice that some where loose.
  16. Its not! Saw the aftermath of one going off, through a wall and messed up a couple of cars.
  17. Thats brand spanking new! Did this before the new dizzy. Im going to start there!!
  18. Thats intresting.....Im still a MOD on LRE!! http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=h...%3Doff%26sa%3DG
  19. Yep, and you forget your mobile the day the car breaks down!!
  20. Cool thanks for the leads, will look at them all next week. Keep em coming
  21. Its a 3.5EFi and starts and runs ok, untill it gets hot (about 40mins later) then it starts to miss fire badly, so much so that I had too stop, it stalled and it would not start. But I wauted till it cooled and it started again, only too do the same thing again...... If I cant find out why, then a 4 barrel holley will be fitted Thanks all
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