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Everything posted by fender1234

  1. I havnt measured it but it's very noticable, perhaps 0.5-1mm at the top and bottom of the pistons stroke. Don't know exact milage I think in the region of 150k The other thing I'm finding hard is gettin the crosshatching to be 30-45 degrees, I'd say I'm gettin more like 20 degrees
  2. Right I started honing and what a pita it is, the biggest problem I've got is that the lip at the top of the cylinder, is stopping the honing tool from making contact near the top of the cylinder so I can't deglaze that part.
  3. hi thanks for all the advice its much appreciated. the honing tool ive got is one with the 3 prongs, so looks like i will have to go steady with it. When fitting new rings, am i right in thinking you put the gab of each ring 120 degrees apart? is there a certain direction that none of the gaps must face?
  4. I will take pics, when i do the honing, it doesnt look to hard to do, there is no minimal wear on the conrod bearings, but i will still change them anyway. I will post up when i get more done
  5. just to update everyone, changing the head gasket made now difference, so i thought the only thing else it could be are piston rings, so i got the pistons out today and piston 2,3 + 4 have all got a snapped ring so, i think ive found the problem. I bought a honing tool, is there a nack to using this that i should know? thanks
  6. I don't think it's oil leaking into the exhaust, as air pipe, turbo, turbo hoses, intercooler, inlet manifold and cylinders all had oil in them.
  7. Hi, I will take some pictures today and post them. I don't run an airbox, I just have a green cottons filter, and then a straight pipe into the engine so I can't see that being the problem, as it's much fee flowing than the airbox. The bores look ok but I'm no expert so will take a picture, there is a small lip at the top of each cylinder. Thanks
  8. Got the head off today, ther isn't anything realy obvious that points at head gasket failure, few chunks missing etc but can't see anything that goes from cylinder to oil way, what else shud I be checking whilst the head is off?
  9. If that is the case i will be farely happy with that as a head gasket is cheap and not to hard to change. time to get the head off by the looks of things.
  10. hi, Thanks for that infomation, dipstick hasnt been pushed out, intercooler is full of oil so will clean that and all airhoses whilst fixing the main problem, i wiil clean out the breather although unless i dont quite understand how it works, surely if the breather was blocked oil wouldnt be able to pass through it to get into the air system? Im prepared for the worst, so if it was head gasket or valve stem seals, i would be farely happy with that, im just hoping its not something around the piston area, as its far to cold to start messing about with stuff like that.
  11. right it would seem that somehow i have a starter/battery issue coincidently at the same time as all this happening. Having diagnosed further yesterday, the engine turns over by hand freely so engine isnt seized, as turbo was covered in oil i assumed that this had blown a seal and let oil into the engine, however after takeing the air filter-turbo pipe off it would seem that the oil has come from the breather not the turbo, so am i right in thinking that the sump is being pressurised? what are possible reasons for this? how should i go about finding the problem? thanks again
  12. I took the glow plugs out, but the engine barely turns over.
  13. right had a look over lunch, the turbo is covered in oil so im guessing thats the culprit, however the engine is near on siezed, so i think the damage has been done when the engine ran away with itself
  14. thanks for the idea, my air system is a through the cab snorkel with no air box just a little air filter at the end of the snorkel dont know weather that changes things or not
  15. hi, Last night my 200tdi did not want to start, i thought this might be down to the cold and having not started it for a few days etc. so i bump started down my road, it did start but misfired horribly and lots of grey smoke, after drivng for a mile or so there was no smoke and it ran like a dream for the next 25 miles, then it conked out whilst ticking over, but started again. It just didnt want to idle but would be fine when above idle, and no lack of power, i though maybe it was fuel filter. Then when i pulled up it started conking out then revved up on it own to silly revs, so i quickly turned off key and it turned off straight away, then left it for a bit then managed to start it again but it absolutely poured out with blue smoke so I switched it off and got a tow home. Im not sure where to start with this problem as ive never experianced anything like it, any ideas on diagnosis would be much appreciated. thanks in advance
  16. imho shell retinax grease is the best stuff, not cheap though
  17. JST - Mine has done the same this year and gone up for the same reason as you said, but its still cheaper than anyone else and service is excellent from NFU so im not overly fussed.
  18. Does anyone know if theres a cashpoint at the bath and west show ground or do we need to bring cash?
  19. Has the fuel pump been tweaked before?
  20. Just to round off this thread, in the end i bought some grease nipples from difflock for 99p each. I think they would get ripped off if you leave them on so i greased the uj then took them off.
  21. on mine i just drilled the existing plate, and tapped a 1/8 bsp thread in to it, i found this to be the cheapest solution as the tap only cost a few £ hth.
  22. having been in this situation i came to the conclusion the safari snorkel and ext roll cage dont go, imho the southdown is the best fitting/looking snorkel that goes nicely with a cage.
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