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Everything posted by Bomag

  1. Will be there selling in Discovery commercial with Sankey. Got series 1, 2a and 3 stuff, Dicovery, Range Rover, Defender and 101!!!
  2. Was with NFU but they doubled the premium so changed to one through the s2 club, this year I decided to ring round for a few quotes, tried NFU but they wont insure modded vehicles for new customers
  3. Stunning, of all the gamefairs to take it to, this one is not it. Loads of Terriers and Lurchers, if you get my drift. MOG, it was packed on Sat, but seemed quieter on Sunday. Watched some of the demos, saw how our cocker should work when she returns from boarding school in 5months, and got a new fox squeeker. Had a good look at scopes, it looks like its going to be a Swarovski on the new 20cal
  4. Peter, I know what you mean about certain elemants abusing the byways and surrounding areas. Had a run in with a green 110 crewcab, 'zuki and Trooper type vehicle. The Trooper was the only one off byway, said hed broken something, I admit I went in all guns blazing (as they had ruined a great day laning) but did apologise. The big lump driving the white 'zuki wanted to beat the hell out of me, the 110 driver restrained him, and none of them knew they were driving on a road!
  5. Found Broxhead pretty boring, great for first timers and swimmers but not much techinical stuff. Does Hogmoor have lots of technical, and how much "freeplay" is allowed?
  6. So he will be one of the people trashing the Drove Rd, lets hope he puts it on youtube, at least we can download it and pass it onto the Police. The only way abusers will be educated is through prosecution. "speak nicely and carry a big stick" Ive tried to reason with people, Ive flown off the handle at people (and been threatened with violence), now all I do is photograph and push for prosecution.
  7. Did anyone else see this weeks Countryfile? They went to Icleand, did a piece about whale watching and the whaling fleet, then a piece about the glaciers. Implied that due to global warming glacier was receeding by 30m/year then went for a jaunt over the glacier. The darkhaired women was using a snowmobile, old JC was driving a 110, and enjoying it What a hypocrite.
  8. Many thanks to the mods for pinning this
  9. But most people dont report it, often due to lack of knowledge and imtimadation from the abusers.
  10. I have asked for help on this before and some have shot me down for it, but I'll ask again in the vague hope that most owners have scruples. A number of byways are being heavily abused in this area, both on byway and by leaving the byway. Banking is being trashed, posts pulled out to gain illegal access to more "challenging" areas, bridleways turned into mud baths, the list goes on and on This is happening off the Drove Road, Wolverns Lane, the Landslip at Coldharbour, Sheepwalk Lane, Beggars Lane and London Lane. This needs to stop, video evidence has been passed to Surrey Police of abuse on these byways and one vehicle has been impounded, but it still carries on. Its time the legitimate users stood up and were counted, if you see others abusing the byways or driving illegally then take a photo and pass it onto me. Of course you could just ignore it, but if you do this I hope you enjoy your trip along these byways as it could be your last, they will be getting closed if this abuse continues and that will be the fault not only of the abusers but those that stood idly by.
  11. No problem, but put it up here so more people would see it and hopefully act on it.
  12. I have asked for help on this before and some have shot me down for it, but I'll ask again in the vague hope that most owners have scruples. A number of byways are being heavily abused in this area, both on byway and by leaving the byway. Banking is being trashed, posts pulled out to gain illegal access to more "challenging" areas, bridleways turned into mud baths, the list goes on and on This is happening off the Drove Road, Wolverns Lane, the Landslip at Coldharbour, Sheepwalk Lane, Beggars Lane and London Lane. This needs to stop, video evidence has been passed to Surrey Police of abuse on these byways and one vehicle has been impounded, but it still carries on. Its time the legitimate users stood up and were counted, if you see others abusing the byways or driving illegally then take a photo and pass it onto me. Of course you could just ignore it, but if you do this I hope you enjoy your trip along these byways as it could be your last, they will be getting closed if this abuse continues and that will be the fault not only of the abusers but those that stood idly by.
  13. So whats the difference? Im killing my s3 box at the moment and Im looking for something more reliable.
  14. Cheers Diff, I will keep that in mind
  15. Rads new, diesel is the 4core (also known as tropical) Temps arent a major problem, just trying to help the poor thing out!! It helps if you've got a smiths heater as that seems to pull loads of heat out, but Ive got rid of mine Looks like the fan going to have to work for a living
  16. There is a garage book available from Demon Tweeks (among others) has loads of stuff you never knew you needed in it!!
  17. Yep, its a simple problem, commonlly known as V8/series syndrome. This is when a V8 is fitted in to a series vehicle and the rad is not moved forward to fit a 90 style front end. Add to that the fact that its a trialler and things start to get very heated! Its got a 4core rad, electric fan and holes in the bonnet, Im just trying to help the fan out by not making it work so hard.
  18. Deos it keep the temps down?
  19. Has anyone got any experience of this stuff? Its supposed to be good, but does it really work?
  20. Ive got ES9000's on mine, can be a bit choppy on certain surfaces, but thats speed dependant. Tried them on a track on the Shoot at the weekend, and they felt great
  21. Thanks for the replies, I thought it was the Sales of Goods Act that I needed. The springs are over 12 months old, but as they were bought for a rebuild its not that surprissing!! The vehicle was MOTed in December and has 7 outings (inclucing 2 to the MOT station) and the springs still have their stickers on!!!
  22. They appear to have disappeared and Heystee have appeared in their place. Are they one and the same? Ive got TiC springs and theres a problem with them, so need to contact them or CP with regard replacements.
  23. Bomag

    Saggy paras

    My vehicle is used occasionally, it IS a trialler (CCV) and laner/p&p vehicle so two leaf is needed to take on the coilers. Only one rear spring has sagged, and only one front, both on the same side and this has happened suddenley which is why Im so confussed about it. As for CP, I agree hes hard work, but by law hes responsible, hes sold a faulty product not fit for purpose.
  24. Bomag

    Saggy paras

    Not yet, as I said they were fine and now arent If its not cpc, who do I need to contact about them? Or is it just a case of "youve been ripped off, tough"? CPC sold them to me, so in my mind they are still responsible for them, and have sold goods not suitable for what they are being sold for.
  25. Bomag

    Saggy paras

    Ive got TiC paras, two leaf front and rear on my 88". Everything was fine, but now the n/s has started to sag, its approx 38mm lower than the o/s. The vehicle has not had much use, and front and rear has sagged the same amount. I say sagged as I cant thinnk of any other reason for the leaning. Any ideas? Is CP still their distributor?
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