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Everything posted by neil00001

  1. Hi Dave, 1990 110 CSW While testing I had the switch position in the centre on both lamps, I started with the rear lamp working from the rear door, working to the front. My problem is the way I see it is the earth that goes to the lamps from all 5 doors. This is the joint I am looking for as that seems to be the point of failure as not one switch will light up the lamps. Am I right to assume that when one door is opened, both courtesy lamps will light up.... Auto electrics dont bother me in the slightest, but while tracing the purple wires behind the binacle I came to a stop where they run into the centre of the dash, do they go into the engine compartment from there? Once I put everything back togeather I adjusted the sweep of my wipers taking out the slack of the worm gear, 1 out of 2 aint bad I suppose. Until I went for a drive and now have no hi beam flash....... One step forward 2 steps back..............Joys of owning a Land Rover, I sometimes think the MOD made a deal with LR to make them this way, if there was anoth big war, there would be plenty of mechanics available in the civilian world to keep the fleet of LR's on the road. They wouldnt need to go to Jobserve.com would they?
  2. Thanks Dave, but I have gone around all 5 switches and cleaned them up, which is why I think the problem is to do with the earth return, but I cant find where they all connect up.. Cheers
  3. Hi All, Been trying to get my interior lights working so when I open the doors they come on, they work manually from the switch on the lamp itself. What I am trying to find is where all the earth returns connect, On the lamp i see 2 purple wires (connector) and an earth on the chassis of the lamp. None of the doors activate the lamps. I have followed the puple and black wires down the right hand side A pillar, down behind the binacle is where I lose them. glad of any advice. Cheers
  4. Happy to see you posting! With any luck big brother will have some video footage.....................
  5. I want one of these !!!! http://www.pal-v.com/
  6. Ralph said that our server is either in US/Canada, is this because its cheaper or just an easy option at the time. I can imagine that the bandwidth used each month would be very high, unless the forum does stump up more money it is possible that the congestion issues we are seeing will get worse. Is it not an idea to move to a server in the UK at the end of the contract just a few thoughts....
  7. I remeber reading on a Rover SD1 forum that alot of people were using Mobile1 in their gearboxes......some threads below although I can find the original post which had a very knowledgable guy who worked in the oil business..... http://julianreynolds.forumup.co.uk/viewto...=julianreynolds http://julianreynolds.forumup.co.uk/about3...anreynolds.html Hope this is of some help
  8. Wasn't there a rumour that "Scapiron" was trying to headhunt Ralph to inject some much needed customer service....... Ralph declined and they went sort of bust......
  9. Only ones I have ever seen are the 6 wheeler firetenders..........
  10. Yesterday morning was minus 16, I am not even going to bother to see what it is now brrrrrrrrr
  11. Telecoms and ISP's (BT and Telewest etc) every year have a planned maintenance freeze over the xmas/NY period, which we are now past......... When planned work is instigated, it it usually between 23:00 and 07:00 Our server may of been affected...............
  12. Woke up this morning to this, will venture out later when the rush hour has cleared up in a few hours time....LOL My Neighbour was just leaving for work in his TD5 Disco when I took the first shot. The most snow I have seen in years........ Cheers
  13. What do you mean knackered, that looks just like the one I bought from Britpart!
  14. Here is a fresher pic......I am still well chuffed!
  15. I used to own a Suzuki Samurai, that was imported from Germany into Holland, which was where I was living at the time. When I popped into the Suzuki dealer to buy UJ's, they asked for my chassis number to check which model I had, fair enough. As my car came from Germany it wasn't on their system. The literal answer from the Suzuki main dealer was, "your car dosen't exist on our system we cant help you". Cheers
  16. Thanks for your comments all and one, good and erm bad. Perhaps a few pics after I have picked it up, after I have replaced the wheel/tyre combo with those off my Disco.... Sometime Saturday.... Cheers,
  17. Bought this one in the end. 1990 110 CSW with 300TDI fitted............well chuffed
  18. Found these on ebay Item number: 290282741753 NEW OVERALLS LANDROVER DEFENDER DISCOVERY FREELANDER Or Clicky no affiliation ! Cheers
  19. Thanks Tony for the straight answer, will look elsewhere Cheers, Neil
  20. Hi All, Looking to change from Discovery to Defender 110CSW, I have seen MRM adverts often but I also seem to remember them not having such a good name on numerous LR forums. So my question is, have they cleaned up their act or were tghey never really all that bad. I am looking for a mid 1990's 200/300TDI 110 CSW in good condition for no more than 5K Any advice would be greatly recieved Cheers Neil
  21. Funny that, I drive 200 miles a day in my 92 Disco 200tdi, put nearly 30,000 miles on it in less than a year and running better now than when i bought it. OK I have replaced most of the consumables. I also run BFG's for the last 20,000 miles, they still look new.......
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