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Mr Noisy

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Everything posted by Mr Noisy

  1. Yeah I've heard about that customer with that grocery car, he's a right knob!
  2. LOL urm ok let me see, not sure if I've got any daft ones
  3. Should be noticeable enough Are you bringing your 90 this year???
  4. My only advice would be: Go MS1, what started out as a vertical wall of WODDAFOCK is now a fairly flat wall of OH YES I UNDERSTAND THIS QUITE NICELY NOW ACTUALLY and it works REALLY REALLY well on my RV8 in my Disco and is an offroad dream vs what was an offroad nightmare. Buy everything from Nige, he's bonkers raving mental which will take you some time to come to terms with but is a genuinely top guy and has made a cracking business which in turn provides a cracking product to us, the customer. When my full kit arrived this time last year, OMG Christmas came early that year
  5. It's a packed show so if you physically want to see lots of exhibitors then you can't go wrong. I was disappointed in that I would have liked to have seen more club/private cars, they didn't really have any. I for one would have loved to have shown my vehicle, all if ask is an entry band and I'd have been there the whole time, I'm sure others would have too, Dave said there just wasn't the space which is fair enough but it was just a tad tiresome to have pretty much all super mega tube trucks in various states on build and/or race cars and show cars with very very few privately owned hobbyist vehicles, of which there are LOTS of nice ones to choose from in this country. Was nice to have the modified comp and a bit more room upstairs for private vehicles at the TOR show. I also missed the seminars, I think for someone who wants to spend the day there the seminars were a good place to sit with a brew for an hour, but again there didn't seem to be room/allocation for this. I am perhaps biased because I've pretty much bought everything I need for my vehicle and there's only so many times you can look at the same parts you own or have seen at every show whereas I prefer a show to have lots of vehicles that you can look at to see what people have done; it was more like an auto umbel last year there was SO many traders there, I found it hard to find something interesting to look at/do for the time I spent there. Hopefully they can find some more room if that is the limiting factor. I asked Dave last year about showing my vehicle, I think being a disco it would get lots of attention because people see a disco and think "affordable" and therefore would be keen to see what's going on with it of which there is plenty, whereas looking at a 40k half built truck is remarkable to see what the cutting face is building these days, for me it was a bit like "I don't gain anything from seeing this vehicle" whereas I have spent ages perusing private owners vehicles at other shows just looking about to pinch ideas on how people did things, solved problems and also those hooky custom home made mods that you only get to see at shows. Anyway so that's my thoughts for today
  6. I never understand why when disco owners put large tyres on they need a 1.4 box but defender owners are on large tyres already and need a 1.2 box! I guess that's why defender owners on 35s manage on original box. I'm on 33x13.5 and I have fitted a 1.4 box, WHAT a difference, the little v8 was struggling at low revs to maintain pace in 5th. The 1.4 box has transformed it. Don't notice an issue in low range, tbh I'm often in second or third so low first is clearly still low enough
  7. Yes that's how I've been setup so far. The last time I did a retune the VE table hardly changed so it's obviously pretty well dialed. As such I just need to change some settings over and swap sensors. I've run it before on NB a while back but I'm a bit rusty on the settings Thanks again fridge! P.S. What will the NB sensor actually do once installed?!
  8. Ok fridge, thanks. That was my gut feeling tbh. Lot of expensive electronics dangling down under the car and it was just a matter of time! I cannot/do not use AFR tables on narrowband iirc?
  9. Well, time for an update methinks After just about a year of MS I can safely say it has been the single best thing I have done to my LR that has made the most overall difference to the quality and reliability of usage, the transformation is almost immeasurable. On that basis, I'm chuffed It's also great to be part of the MS family Which leads me onto my next point! Apart from a niggle in April where I had an injector go bad I have had no engine problems since the build. Nige, my eternal saviour, supplied me with a kit of various MS spares (including some injectors!) that I now keep in the car for next time!! Other than that, great, until Sunday when I made some trouble for myself I have, somewhat cavalierly, been running on Wideband since installing, using AFR target tables to keep my mixture in check and a dashboard guage to help me tune my throttle pedal position when cruising, amazing how much you can let off to lean out whilst still maintaining the same speed. Over time this has included many puddles and crossings of a shallow Corwen Carwash. However, this Sunday just gone, after all this rain, the 18" Carsplash was back to its 48" winter Carwash, which I sort of floated across, and back again! D This meant the Wideband was submerged for probably around 60 seconds in total. Whilst driving home after emptying my spotlamps I noticed my air fuel gauge had stuck, or was moving very slowly, around 9:1. I read online the sensor can suffer thermal shock and Nige says you musnt dunk them, so I was like "bugger". Anyway, opened up the laptop, set controller authority to 0% and carried on my merry way. After a nights rest, the sensor does now appear to be functioning correctly again, but I haven't driven the car. Plan is to take it out and blowtorch it, then free air calibrate again and see what happens. New ones are about £50 so not too bad. ANYWAY, main question is do I really need that Wideband in all the time??? My VE table is clearly dialed in now, I'm just wondering what's best. Advice would be appreciated, how much of a downside will going back to narrowband be? All comments appreciated! Thanks!!
  10. Have you by any chance got a PDF of the destructions that I could have nige perhaps please? Just would be interested to have a read through and see if there have been any revisions!
  11. Wow, yep this is the most accurate miniature v8 on YouTube, loving the full size components running a miniature engine!
  12. You will notice nige has borrowed a few of my pics for the new destructions! Glad to be of service!
  13. Sorry for late reply When I did mine the PWM mod was not in the instructions, it might be now! But yes, remove the relay and fit the jumper wire between the switched power in and power out terminals. The other wires that are there are simply earth and permanent live that I have simply used to get power/earth for the lambda sensor I think. Whatever it was for, it was simply because power and earth sockets were available there and not being used, they are not connected/related to the PWM system
  14. Someone will be around to help! Have you found/read my install thread? If not, it's a start to finish with a million pics and pretty much every problem along the way questioned and answered
  15. Everything white/purple goes to the fuel pump socket!
  16. The coils are powered from the fuel pump terminal on the relay board iirc, aswell as the fuel pump, lambda sensor, etc etc
  17. Note, iirc the coils are connected separately to the EDIS/injectors.
  18. It was me who came up with that mod As I was wiring everything in I realised there wasn't a specific output for the EDIS main power from the relay board. Obviously without the relay board you just connect everything to an output pin of a relay, whereas the board doesn't give you anything. It provides 4 sockets for the injectors but nothing for EDIS, so I simply doubled up the 4 injector wires and put them into 2 of the injector sockets then then the fat cable that I had running to the EDIS I simply stripped back a little, parted the core in two and twisted them to make 2 smaller wires and put both of those in the two remaining holes. Perfecto Hope that helps!
  19. Mine runs up the bank 1 side of timing cover then passes CTS and joins in with bank 1 injector loom, to bulkhead then along back of engine over to meet EDIS at corner of engine bay Zero problems
  20. I'd say gearbox, mainly because you can get it out, give it a good jetwash and take the opportunity to check over your linkages etc and maybe change output seals etc whilst it's out The lt77 balances quite nicely on the 3 bolt holes underneath the 5th gear housing with an lt230 attached, it's a 2 man job with a trolley jack, I'm getting mine out in 2 hours and back in is around 3 probably
  21. Yes I once dropped the nozzle of an oil bottle in there I fished around for hours but couldn't get it, so left it. A bearing went noisy in the box fairly soon after (tbh I think unrelated) and after tearing the box down there was various bits of plastic around the places that it took us a little while to fish out All is well now though and a lesson learnt!
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