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Everything posted by need4speed

  1. Yeah I'm driving it from the "W" on my alt..
  2. Thanks guys. Those links work fine. Looks like something else for the shopping list. Has anyone that has used one found their VDO tacho to be out by much?
  3. Interesting. Can't seem to open the instructions link though
  4. Not sure what piece of equipment I'd need for that. Whatever it is you can bet I don't have it.. I'm presuming some kind of strobe.
  5. Thanks Inigo. I will go with what the instructions say then. Especially as yours works.
  6. Thanks Bowie To be honest that's what I suspected. Just wanted to play it safe and ask. I could do without pulling a thread in the cylinder head at this stage..
  7. I'm fitting a 52mm VDO Vision tacho to my V8 and I'm getting some conflicting advice. It's regarding the 3 coding switches at the rear of the tacho. These are to trim the tacho for 4, 6, or 8 cylinders. Now I originally misplaced my fitting instructions within the hovel that passes as my garage. I called John at ETB Instruments to find out what position these switches need to be in for the V8. John very kindly replied to me saying that they all needed to be "on". Fair enough. However today I happened upon the fitting instructions and according to them it should be 1=on 2=on 3=off. What to do? Does anyone happen to have a VDO tacho in their V8?
  8. Just checked just now John. The threads are the same.
  9. Rather than the standard exhaust manifold bolts, I've opted for a stud/nut kit which I think is better for the threads in the alloy heads. However, should I just use the same torque for the nuts as it states in the manual for the standard bolts?
  10. I may have the wiper motor mounting plate buried in the bowels of my garage somewhere. It may take a couple of days to dig it out if it's still there. If you get an offer before I've had a hunt then grab it because I honestly can't remember if I chucked it or if I kept it. But I will have a look for you..
  11. Someone else must do them as well Bowie. There is no way ****part would think of that on their own....
  12. Why not just stick with the standard arms. They don't come any stronger.. I always thought they were ok unless you were using a lift of more than 2"?
  13. Glad to hear you got your problem fixed But to back track a little to a point Bowie made... He asked if your cable is 16mm square, or 16mm in diameter. There is a huge difference. If it's 16mm square that's really too small and will surely cause a lot of resistance/heat if your having to use your winch hard. If it's 16mm diameter then that's more like it. So long as it's good quality multi-strand. 16mm diameter.. http://www.12voltplanet.co.uk/extra-flexible-tinned-copper-pvc-battery-cable-70mm-485a.html 16mm square.. http://www.12voltplanet.co.uk/extra-flexible-tinned-copper-pvc-batterywelding-cable-16mm-110a.html
  14. Anyone know if Ian is still about or how I can get in touch with him?
  15. I must admit those JCS clips look very well made indeed. All 18/8 marine grade stainless too.
  16. Funnily enough John it's only just in the last 10 minutes I discovered Jubilee was an actual brand! Always just thought it was a generic term...
  17. Who make the best? Seems pretty immaterial but over the years I've come across some that are horrible and feel very rough/course, while others are like butter. Just wondered if there was a favoured/superior type, or is it just pot luck?
  18. Cheers Michael. Is that a standard tensioner/adjuster arm your using there? How has your belts coped with the 110A alternator? What make have you found to be the best? Hope I will be ok with my 120A..
  19. A mate of mine had some surplus new VW/AUDI parts that he needed to get rid of. Rather than waste time on eBay he said I could have a rummage and take what I wanted free gratis. The best bit I pilfered was brand new Bosch 120A alternator. Problem is getting the damned thing to line up. As you can see from my pic below its miles out from the water pump. Ok I don't have the water pump pulley on but you can see what I mean. I know I can use this Bosch alternator, as can be seen from the pic below. Do I have the wrong mounting bracket?
  20. Probably. But you would at least expect the owner to be honest about it. If he has lied about that, what else is he telling porkies about?
  21. It was for part of my X-Lite setup. Rather than have the M4 connectors going to my auxiliary fusebox (which the M4 connectors were for) I'm doing something a little more heavy duty...
  22. Thanks for the replies. I've had a total change of plan with this.
  23. Will do. If I can find an M4 connector that accepts 8mm cable..
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