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Everything posted by need4speed

  1. Certainly not the ugliest defender in this thread, but surely it wins the prize so far for most ridiculous snorkel?? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LAND-ROVER-DEFENDER-110-BIG-DOG-130HP-/271877801792?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item3f4d2e0740
  2. Thanks for clearing that up Richard. I wonder why they aren't included in the kit then. It's not like the kit is cheap..
  3. Yes but I thought it folded round into the sides of the footwells?
  4. Isn't that the part sitting on top of the seatbox?
  5. Agree with Mo. Find yourself a nice replacement harness that hasn't been cut about or butchered with scotchloks....
  6. Looking at Exmoors website it seems to show them included in the kits? Maybe worth giving them a shout?
  7. I always thought those kick panels were part of the kit Lewis. Unless it's a recent addition??
  8. All of the gauges in my 110 are VDO Vision except for a Td5 speedometer. I've got the voltmeter too but still to find out its effectiveness.
  9. Just to end this thread with an update on what I did. After seeing that I was unable to remove the upper steering column without either removing lower dash or drilling a huge hole in the bulkhead I had a rethink. I purchased a Puma steering column for not a lot of money. Knocked out the inner shaft and checked lower bearing. As expected it was perfect. I then carefully prised out the upper needle bearing that is encased in a rubber housing. This was fine but just needed packing with grease. I then knocked out the inner shaft of my original column. Now at this point I encountered the only stumbling block of the job. Even with all the mounting brackets loosened, there isn't enough movement in the outer tube to be able to completely slide the inner shaft out. It either fouls on the chassis leg, or the shock turret. Luckily my front brake servo/mounting was only temporarily fitted with a couple of bolts. Once I removed this I was able to completely remove inner shaft. I removed old upper needle bearing and cleaned up the outer tube ready for the replacement upper bearing and inner shaft. I covered the rubber housing of the upper needle bearing in grease and it tapped easily into place. I then slid the replacement shaft into the original outer tube and tapped home using a large rubber mallet. Replaced the circlip at bottom of column and tightened brackets. Job done. It's now smooth as butter with no play..
  10. Your bang on Mike. Thanks for the quick reply buddy..
  11. Dug this out the other day. At first I thought it was my reverse light switch for the gearbox but it's the wrong type of connectors for that. The R380 reverse switch has an econoseal type connector. Even the older LT77 reverse switch looks entirely different.
  12. Wow. Good old LR. Pay more, get less.......
  13. Lol. Must learn to keep off the forum under the influence as it were....
  14. Not at all. I was just in from the snooker club and I'd had a few.. The INCY part number was a take on..... Incy Wincy..................SPIDER! Yes yes, I know it was very droll indeed. I've already got my coat and I'm heading for the door...
  15. Yeah I hope so Bowie. It's still going to be a little while before I turn the key so if it fires up and sounds like a chuffing maraca I will probably have forgotten why lol What I did was rather than grind the "crush" area round the port, I elongated a couple of the holes where it bolts to the head. This allowed the whole gasket to move a bit to the left. Hopefully by doing that I've given it every chance to seal..
  16. My patience has run out. I'm sick looking at them. The Dremel has come out. They now fit. Whether they will seal well is another matter but they certainly fit.....
  17. Ok. I'm really getting f in fed-up with this... Below is a pic of the bearmach gaskets. As you can see the fit is abysmal. Funny enough they are fitting EXACTLY the same as the previous type, ie protruding one side of the port and not close enough on the other... What next?
  18. Just have to share what a friend of mine sent me as it makes me smile every time I see it... Says it all really.
  19. No I don't think so. I think all the Pumas are the same. Carpet might differ according to spec but I think the soundproofing will be the same. HTH
  20. My apologies. Very childish....
  21. To be honest they aren't your standard weedy little terminal blocks. They can take a continuous 350A and a hell of a lot more than that for short periods...
  22. Good. I don't mind the bus bars being busy (they have 4 x 10mm terminals) but my OCD kicks off when I see cluttered battery terminals. I start to come out in cold sweats and need to contact GP for sleep meds......
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