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Everything posted by need4speed

  1. There is no way the bearings will be factory only. I guarantee if you got bearings out a knackered diff, you would get nsk or timken equivalent numbers somewhere..
  2. This must be do-able. I mean they are only diffs after all, not witchcraft...
  3. I called my inurance about that Neil. They wouldnt insure me. Not unless i could find e-marked candles....
  4. No no i didnt mean it like that lol. I was still writing my reply when you posted.
  5. At last common sense prevails.. Edit: My reply was in response to simon.
  6. I agree that insurance companies dont know the law, but at least if you discuss the modification with them, and they agree to insure you with it, they cannot then claim to the authorities that you were uninsured...
  7. In all honesty this thread is starting to really fizz my head.. The way i see it is, as long as you buy e marked lights AND notify your insurance company to keep yourself right, you should be golden. If, however you have non e marked lights, dont tell your insurance, and then have a night time "off", you will more than likely be in trouble.
  8. Like you Ralph i couldnt see any reference to it in the parts book or allbrit etc. Even though its obviously a standard part. Im not quite at the stage of needing it yet. Just thought id put the feelers out for a part number so i could shop around when the time came. Not to worry. Thanks for looking anyway Ralph.
  9. Your right. They stick out like a cartoon thumb..
  10. A good point.. Aditionally we all know how pernickity insurance companies are these days. I wonder what their feelings would be towards it if you were to have an accident at night. For example does fitting led headlights (e marked or otherwise) constitute a modification that needs to be declared? Edit: Sorry Richard. Reading your post in full i think thats what you were alluding to..
  11. Part number for the footwell soundproofing panel would be greatfully received. Like this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Land-Rover-Defender-Td5-bulkhead-footwell-sound-proof-rubber-mats-/291382910691?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item43d7c65ee3 Except it normally comes as 1 piece
  12. I get the feeling you think im having a personal dig Not my intention at all. Im just trying to pass on info to the OP that was given to me by guys way more experienced with the RV8 than i am. Who am i to argue with them..
  13. Before you go and finalize your fitting of the air box. I have heard from Nige on messenger and he assures me he will chime in on this when he gets back from donnington. Prob be tomorrow. HTH
  14. Right now i have twin-port disco manifolds with matching non-cat downpipes. From there back i will have standard td5 system minus 1 silencer box. This was on the advice of some pretty knowledgable v8 guys (2 of which were Nige and John from on here). I made some local enquiries last year and a few different places quoted me between £600 - £900 for custom made system front to back in stainless including 4-2-1's. Until i can afford this i will be happy with what i have. If you are happy with what you are running, then great. Im not saying what you have is no good. Its just that the OP asked what people recommended. Ask anyone who knows anything about exhausts and they will tell you that 4-2-1 is a superior configuration than 4-1 for low-midrange power/torque. So with that being said if i have £700 to spend on a system id spend it on a custom made system with 4-2-1 manifolds with optimum sized primary's rather than a one-size-fits-all Rimmer system. You pays yer money, you takes yer choice
  15. Wonder if these could be adapted... I dont think they're stainless, but id rather have the "go" more than the "show" The only drawback being for that money you could prob have them made for you in stainless somewhere.. http://www.v8tuner.co.uk/product.php?id=856 Edit: Ive just seen that the full Rimmer system is £660 inclusive. Thats just nuts! For that kind of money you could find somewhere to make you a better system than that..including 4-2-1's
  16. His telephone voice is like nails down a blackboard.....
  17. Im not sure. Never really looked into that. Until i can afford custom built 4-2-1 tubulars i was told that a good stop-gap was disco twin-port cast manifolds, disco non-cat downpipes and td5 system from there back. Not only are the twin-port cast manifolds strong and dirt cheap, but they flow really well in comparison to most cast manifolds.
  18. Maybe latterly he did Les. But im pretty sure i had a pic of his a while back showing standard air box. Im buggered if i can find it now though..
  19. I agree with Nige. Just get a cheapo replacement. Also, if you lighten them too much the engine can lose a fair bit of torque. A light flywheel will rev up quicker but the trade off is loss of torque. Dont mess with it. Get hold of another
  20. ^^^^ which is exactly why id like to hear from Nige on this. Or someone who knows his truck because like i said before im sure he uses standard v8 air filter in standard position.
  21. Im glad that your happy with your system. However the fact of the matter is that 4-1 manifolds are more geared towards top end power. Yes the 4-1 will probably be an improvement over old cast manifolds but you would find that if you now went to 4-2-1 it would feel even stronger...http://www.sbdev.co.uk/Exhaust_Manifolds/Exhaust_Manifolds.htm Yes this is a car tuning company, but the exhaust technology is the same. There is lots to be found on the topic. If i had 4-1 manifolds and i was happy with them id keep them, but if i was buying them for 1st time id be buying the 4-2-1's..
  22. A potential can of worms this one. Some say that the rimmers system is good. Others say its rubbish. Either way, one thing you can take to the bank is this... Make sure the manifolds are a 4-2-1 arrangement. The more common 4-1 arrangement is fine for sports cars but results in a loss of low-midrange torque, which on a heavy old 4x4 is where you want all the beans....
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