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Everything posted by landroversforever

  1. Well I feel i sort of did a Nige today... a silly sounding injury! only not caused by a sneeze A humongous chunk of wood right under my nail. Trip to A&E to remove, it rather hurts Take one finger with 'splinter' Take one trip to A&E with 5 injections, scalpel, and some lovely engineered scissor/plier thingies: The offending chunk... As you can see above, nothing was sticking out and my nail is only 1cm long...
  2. When I changed my front stubs it only took a little emery cloth to make them fit . the bearings were a very tight fit before, and now are a nice fit
  3. Tried PM-ing you webby, but you cant use them. so I've emailed you. I'm happy to put the pics up for you
  4. I do like the look of the ashcroft locker . I'm sure they will get my pennies when I come to putting a locker in the front.
  5. Not sure what you'll gain from this. What are you wanting it for?
  6. Well I said I was 20, and nothing was mentioned about it... apart from not being able to quote due to other reasons.
  7. Excellent news Nige I tried Frank Pickles, but couldnt do it as its my only car. (need to have another car owned and insured by you). and the milage limit too
  8. well, I'm 20, highly modified 90, unlimited miles, 1100squid
  9. 5 days? sounds good to me... saves me waiting for updates Best of luck!
  10. I'm with Adrian Flux, good price . Especially considering they are the only ones that touch me at my age. Frank Pickles need it to be a second car, and reasonably modified.
  11. On at least the last three caravans, all under 1500kg, there is no way the jockey wheel would hit the ground before the hitch, they are tucked right up in the A frame. Bailey are not going to be selling an illegal 'van!
  12. Please shoot me down if this isn't in appropriate to this thread. Mod's if this is not suitable, please delete this post. Do we know what caused the injury(s)? and therefore how we can learn anything from it? Obviously not much is going to help someone with that many rolls, but even if this only gets one more person to make sure their belt is on, or helmet on, makes someone a little more cautious, Or even just makes people more aware of a particular danger, then we can get something positive out of this?
  13. My heart sank when I saw the picture . Can't believe how much has gone to nothing I dont have any series parts I'm afraid, or they would be donated!!
  14. If I buy a tool I want it to last and do what I ask of it . Hence, I'll buy the best I can reasonably afford
  15. Oh dear Nige, at this rate you'll be doing an impression of a sieve by the end of the year! I'd get it looked at professionally... don't want any nasty infections!
  16. Its a secondary coupling that keeps it off the ground, and still attached to the vehicle, it isnt for a breakaway situation. Which makes sense as none of our caravans have been 1500 or more apart from the latest one.
  17. Our caravan has nothing? (that I've noticed...)
  18. likewise . Could really do with being able to tow the scout trailer, which I think has a MAM of 2.5T... need to check it though.
  19. I think the conclusion to this should be, they make it @#$%ing confusing! I think without B+E: vehicle + 750kg MAM trailer, upto a combined 4.24T MAM... If trailer is more than 750kg... Vehicle MAM + Trailer MAM is less than 3.5T Trailer MAM is not more than Vehicle unladed weight I think..... ??
  20. I thought you do take away the car's MAM, but the trailer isnt alowed to exceed the unladen weight? Thats how I understood it...
  21. Its not the actual weight, but the maximum plated weight. So if the trailer is plated for 3.5 tonnes, you cant tow it
  22. I wouldnt trust land rover's colours . My non sparky mind would tell me that if the wire worked on the old lights... it will work on the new one?
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