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Everything posted by keithjh

  1. Hi Not a locked unit, just well sealed waterproofed and covered in carp, i tiger sealed it in place, and its still there 9 years later, impossible to see without knowing what you are looking for, contains ignition, door and keys for external locks. size is approx 3"x2"x1" filled with a piece of foam and keys no rattling at all. Think i got the box from maplins oinly a couple of quid. Regards Keith
  2. Hi, As others have stated it will not stop a peasant with a Hi-Ab, but when we travelled in Africa i had a spare set of keys in a very small waterproof box attached under the vehicle, out of sight, there are a few decent places you can attach a small (just big enough for keys) box on a LR. It wont stop your truck being pinched but a handy thing to have. My thoughts anyway Keith
  3. Can`t tell you the size off hand. But i have one on the wifes Disco 300 and thats got Aircon in situ, and yes its the Allisport one Regards Keith.
  4. Rich, Autopaint is the best place to go, if you are after bronze green celly ive got enough you can have for freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee as i`m now using 2 pack Keith
  5. Hi Hmmmm never thought about that, another tin of worms to be opened Keith
  6. Hi We all carry many things that are never used on trips but that does not stop us carrying them. Last year i was on a convoy to Bosnia along with other LRs all 300TDIs, and i was laughed at because i had a spare cylinder head on board, but when a head on a disco went in Slovenia he was happy i had one, along with a water pump p gasket etc. On the same trip this year i had the usual amount of spares with me and used nothing for anybody, so the argument could be that i carried all that extra weight for nothing, but i will csrry spares etc as i can fix anything if i have the parts. I would rather cart all the stuff with me than have to rely on the AA or whoever to find me a part. Its down to preference i suppose on what we carry. Maybe my attitude is slightly different to many people in the UK but i lived in Rhodesia until 1980 when we had to leave and out in the bush if you had no parts you were goosed, i carry a large amount of spares just in case even in the UK and touchwood hardly ever have to use them but at least they are there if i do need them. Keith
  7. Hi, I never understood why LR had the differential either on roof weights. And yes like many others i have overloaded my roof rack on numerous occasions and never noticed any problems, just taken a little more care over rough ground. The cans are virtually in the centre of the rack at the back of the Ezi-Awn which opens over the bonnet. (110CSW). Also we have used Cal Mac and never been stopped about the jerry cans on the roof, sometimes i think it depends who is on duty at the time. According to Sea France you can carry 60L of Diesel on the roofrack but not Petrol. I know people have suggested carrying them inside but the simple answer is i have no room and thats after removing the rear seats, with cooker, engel, spares tools,food, clothes etc. We have also had problems in the past using the automated filling stations in France they do not seem to like UK credit/debit cards for some reason. As we are hoping to cover 600miles on the Sunday i wanted to make sure we had enough fuel as i once years ago arrived at a gas station on fumes by then to find out they had no diesel and the next one that was open was another 40 miles away. Regards Keith
  8. I have to answer this piece of sarcastic dribble written above, I am not pretending i am on CT, just as a piece of background information i have travelled by LR extensively including Russia, Norway(Artic Circle) and to Cape Town and back have you done the same? i know why i want to carry 4 jerry cans, I was not asking advice on preparation for a trip. I was asking about the legality of carrying diesel on a roofrack through France and Spain. The reason for 4 cans is simple another LR is coming with us that has no roofrack fitted so its basically 2 for each of us. We will arrive in France early hours of Sunday morning and as many members have mentioned on here France virtually closes down on a Sunday, so to be on the safe side i will carry extra fuel. As for the extra drag etc using extra fuel thats my concern not yours am i asking you to pay for the extra fuel i will use? I ask questions at times like many other people do to clarify a point, or seek advice from others who have experience. I certainly do not expect sarcastic comments like the above for asking a perfectly reasonable question, in other words if you cannot answer a question without the petty sarcastic remarks then in my opinion sod off and annoy someone else with your drivel. Regards Keith
  9. Hi All, In July i will be travelling through France and Spain to Gibraltar, somebody in the pub last night said its illegal to carry Jerry Cans on the roofrack in these countries. I have travelled through France to Bosnia with cans on the roof rack with no problems. Just wondered if anybody knew the correct answer The only time i ever had trouble was at Calais when a French customs officer said i should only carry 60L not the 80L i had on the roof but nothing else was mentioned, Any ideas comments greatfully accepted Regards Keith
  10. I must be the only one then who has totally shagged a set of KL71s in under 8000miles, (110 CSW) pretty good off road especially if they are reversed but i find them noisy much more than BFGs anyway, will not get another set. For what its worth the Enduro A/Ts on the 300 Disco are still excellent after 60000 miles. Keith
  11. Wish i had read this earlier as i am off to Spain in the early morning or i would have come and had a look, anyway if you want somebody to have a look at this for you, ring This number 07976132329 name is Mike worked at RCV for years now self employed best spanner man RCV ever had, tell him Keith from Fenwick gave him your number. Regards Keith
  12. Hi All, In June/July we are planning to drive to our house in southern Spain instead of flying. I have done this before but have always used the autoroutes and paid the tolls etc. Her indoors has decided that she would like to avoid the long boring autoroutes,and do the journey at a more pleasant rate of knots. Has anyone done it this way and if so any reccomended routes to take, vehicle will be a 110 300tdi CSW with rapier trailer stuck on the back. Any ideas etc greatly appreciated or would i just be better sticking to the autoroutes, i would ideally like to do it in 4 days from Calais. House is near Granada if that helps Regards Keith
  13. Sounds like the seals have gone, time for a new cylinder me thinks Keith
  14. Hi I appreciate the purists may not be happy but it was never a pristine series at the best. All it really gets used for is on summer days (rare i know) for a trip to the coast with the top off, i have no intention of ever selling it, it has to many memories for that, like changing a rear axle from a scrap series in Morocco many years ago, or being flat out in reverse in Zimbabwe trying to avoid a very upset Elephant, and yes Elephants can catch a series flat out in reverse, without trying. Or waking up one morning to find 2 cheetahs sat on the spare wheel on the bonnet. So selling it is out of the question, if i had spare series 2 front end i would fit that but i dont so it will end up looking like a series 3 but i dont really care. Regards Keith
  15. Hi All, Having read all of the horror stories about vehicles being reg as tax excempt when they obviously are not etc etc. The question i have is this I own a 1963 series which i have owned for over 20 years, sadly much of it is past its best, rotten bulkhead engine about shot etc The only good thing is the chassis which i replaced many years ago. Question can i fit a series 3 bulkhead and front end (know where there is an excellent one cheap)and still be legal? i have another engine but that also came out of a series 3. I would also be fitting the series 3 steering column with steering lock (new). Any thoughts would be appreciated, i know at the end of the dsy it would have more series 3 parts on than origonal but where would i stand legally. Regards Keith
  16. Hi All, Just picked up a 98 plate 300tdi 90 for silly money as the timing belt has snapped, anyway apart from a few bent pushrods all seems to be okay. Silly question now but my brain is not working, as i need to reset the timiing before fitting a new belt, can i just turn the injector pump to get it all lined up?, i seem to remember reading something that you have to do something else. Have changed loads of belts but never one that had totally let go, so just thought i had better ask one of the grown ups before i wreck something. Regards Keith Having lots of senior moments
  17. Hi When i did my 110 300tdi i took the front wheels off, lowered the front down to the floor with blocks of wood to rest the discs on, then fitted the engine complete with gearbox, far easier i thought than trying to do them seperately. Keith
  18. Hi Throw the whole unit in bin, and replace with fuel line. Or if you replace it do not try undoing the plastic plug in future, undo 11mm bolt from the top centre, and bowl willcome off clean out refit with new seal. keith
  19. Hi, You cannot tweak the pump on the EDC Auto thats why you need the tuning module, various companies make them. Regards Keith
  20. Hi Both of our Discos are Jap Auto imports, one of them has a full width intercooler (Allisport) and (Allisport) tuning module made a hell of a difference but not cheap new, i got mine from flea bay i paid £270 for them both but well worth it especially when towing. As far as i know this is the only way to get more power easily with the EDC Autos. REgards Keith
  21. Whats wrong with that?, when i took mine out i had to fabricate the edges as well as they were goosed. Honestly thats not bad really done 3 disco rear floors all worse than that. I personally think that LR should have offered a MIG as an optional extra Keith
  22. Hi All, Is this type of alloy suitable for a 110, am totally confused as usual been told yes been told no http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y260/keithjh/140.jpg
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