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Paul Humphreys

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Everything posted by Paul Humphreys

  1. Those gates are the wide ones, I can send you to some with less room! Paul
  2. Looks like a front dumb iron from a series to me. Paul
  3. Routes and lanes are not a problem I will see what time I finish work on those days and see if I can pop up. Paul
  4. There is a Newish hotel just up the road from the Wild Pheasant Hotel (where my step dauther got married ) Sorry I can not remember the name or prices, but if I am up that way with work soon I can get the info for who ever wants it. Paul
  5. I think you have the rightway now, with the defender and trailer. Either that or come home take out break down cover and go back a week later then use the cover!! Paul
  6. I have listed all my fridge/tool box, chainsaw gennie and other stuff that is left in all the time under "other mods" on the insurance and it is covered in the agreed value. Paul
  7. I run Land Cruiser axles on my Land Cruiser and I was running 35/12.5/16 tyres. I never had a problem with them, even with £47 CVs fitted. Yes I did use the front locker. Paul
  8. Very good, as is all the stuff Gwyn makes. I have one welded to the front axle on my Landcruiser and it has taken lots of knocks. Paul
  9. I was told today by "my" MOT man that as from Jan next year my LC will be a class 7 MOT due to its weight as they are changing the weight limits. Anyone else heard anything? Paul
  10. Just to add, a tow ball should never be used for recovery as it is not strong enough. Paul
  11. Voluntary Traffic Regulation Order signs went up about an hour in the rain :shock: Paul
  12. The beginning of this road, by a house near a stream, at the opposite end to Llanarmon DC, is becoming very heavily eroded. I am aware of three vehicles that slid off the roadway into the stream on Saturday 22nd (when it was dry), and more that went off on Sunday 23rd, when it was wet. In effect, this is happening every weekend. The two houses at the bottom get their water supply from this stream and, understandably, the occupants are getting increasingly angry at their water being polluted every weekend by 4x4 drivers and their vehicles. CRAG and others, together with the Council, are making arrangements to repair this section of the White Stones. So, until repairs have been effected, could we make alternative arrangements for accessing / exiting the Valley? There are several other routes available that could easily be incorporated into route planning, and we would be seen to be taking this issue seriously and making an effort. The remainder of the White Stones, uphill of the affected bit, would remain freely accessible for normal use and for access to the other routes at the top. Land Ranger 125 GR 170370 I will know about doing the repair by the weekend. Paul
  13. You will get a good Landcruiser 80 series 4.5 stright 6 petrol for about $6000. Lots come with axle lockers as standard. Paul
  14. will try to get up on one of the eveings, depending on what time I finish work. Paul
  15. Well I have no weekends off in November, so I am out. But I will help out with routes. Also I drive a Revocery truck for a living, so I might see one or two of you over the weekend Paul
  16. I am working, but I will post it over on the CRAG forum for you. Paul
  17. North Wales camp site, http://www.tyisafbala.co.uk/ Also LOTS of lanes up around there. Paul
  18. I looked into both. But went for Cooper SST MTs in the end (also they were cheap). I did some asking around about the RT03s and were told they were rubbish in deep mud. As for the KL71s, I know of tomany people who have holed the side walls, as they seem to be soft. Paul
  19. Gwyns place is about 1/4 mile from the station Paul
  20. 2nd car is the way to go. I was using my LC every day and using about £100 of diesel a week add on insurance and road tax it comes to about £115 a week. So I got a Vectra cost £20 a week in petrol doing the same mileage £8 a week in insurance and road tax. So a saving of about £95 a week . Paul
  21. £5 is £5 and if you got 2 then it is £10
  22. Dam where do you go, I got mine for £50!! Same place sells battery chargers aswell. If you want to borrow a BIG charger let me know. I have a 520amp starter/charger here. Paul
  23. If it comes out at that size, then no sorry. Paul
  24. Do you know what size they were? Paul
  25. Opps, I missed it in that thread. Paul
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