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Paul Humphreys

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Everything posted by Paul Humphreys

  1. Yes but Kev who took it over still makes them. Paul
  2. I agree you do not need 37s or bigger, but people do WANT them . But I find the 35s I have fine, if anything a little too wide as they are 12.5s. But 35s do not look big on a LC 80 series. Paul
  3. I do not know about the transfer box sorry, but I am sure the diff are something like 4.8, but you can also get 5.3 as well. As for what lift, on mine I could easy get 37s with about 4" lift I have as there is lots of room. One one the ones I know of running 37s is using a 6" spring lift and a 2" body lift, but the tyres look lost under the wheel archs. The other is just running a 4" spring lift. Have a reat on ih8mud.com for a lot more info. Just do you know if your axles came off of a auto or manual? as the diffs are not the same ratio. Paul
  4. Not quite true, 80 series CVs from £42 (holding out on 35"s ok). Parts from Toyota are about the same price as parts from LR but you have to buy them less oftern. Serviceing is about the same as a LR in time and parts (well a little more). Paul
  5. I run 35/12.5/16s ok, I do know a few who run 37"s ok, but its better to regear for them. In the states there a few running 38s. Paul
  6. Get a lock smith to make a new key, they can make them to work without having an old key to work from. Or go to a LR dealers with the VIN number and get them to cut one. If it is still fitted with the orignal locks it will work ok. Paul
  7. Have a read of this item http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/LAND-ROVER-GREEN_W0Q...1QQcmdZViewItem You can see why more needs to be done. Paul
  8. Yes well done to Bob. Yes it is the one and the same Bob. BTW it was me that give them that line Paul
  9. Go to your local DVLA office ASAP. You will get pulled up by the police in a ANPR car as the LR should not be on the road according to the DVLA and you insurance might be voide!!! Paul
  10. Ask over on http://www.trailbikemag.com/forum/index.php. Paul
  11. Well the last time I tried to get tomtom to work on a laptop I give up after a week, thats why I went PC Navigator. Paul
  12. No if you did a bit of work looking for it you would find it is a sat-nav system made for use on computers/laptops. It can be used with a touch screen and only cost about £60. But never mind. Paul Edit for link to version 8 http://directions.ltd.uk/laptop-navigation...igator-8-europe
  13. I should have worded it better. The riders in question had a letter saying it was legal to use untill the ROW clame was sorted. This letter give them the legal right to ride it. Yes all RUPPS are now RBs, you still use some, but it is up to the USER to prove that they have a legal right to do so. But the case of dual status row's is still not clear (it does my head in). There are a lot of people who only have a route to their house via a RB, then they have a legal right to use it. Also if you are the land owner you also have a legal right to drive a RB or anywhere you like on you land. The biggest problem is where a RB runs over the to of a UCR. Now NERC state that you can not use the RB, but without preduitce (SP?) to higher rights. I see a lot of signs that "no access for unauthorised motor vehicles" but if you have a legal right to use it then your an authorised motor vehicles. The fight is still going on, it takes a lot to understand and I do not clame to know it all. But I know enough to stay legal and I still drive RBs where I know I have a legal right to do so. Paul
  14. http://members.shaw.ca/jbarge/springinfo.html#OME
  15. Steve, the ROW in question is STILL legal to use, the riders had a letter from the ROW/Highways dept saying so. If anyone reads the thread you will see my name in the list of people posting. The lane was clamied under the rules set up under NERC bill, as it was claimed before the cut off date it is still legal to use untill the clame is decided. There are some RUPPS nor RB that can still be used by motor vecihles, but it is up up to the person who is using them to decide if they have a legal reason to do so. Paul
  16. Did you chech the pipes to/from the air filter. As this caused this to happen to my old 110. Paul
  17. Mine have done about 9k miles now, I put the beads from D4x4 in them, just a little wobble about 45 and thats it. I run them on the standard Toyota alloys. Paul
  18. I think CB is best as more people seem to have one fitted compared to PMRs. Paul
  19. Some more pics will be posted in this thread http://forum.ih8mud.com/diesel-tech-24-vol...rd-battery.html Paul
  20. If its for the LC, there are pictures of a York pump fitted to a 4.2 on Ih8mud. The tank could be fitted under the rear floor where the spare wheel is. Paul
  21. I would say no, from memory the disco body is shorter. But this could be from the back end been moer upright. Paul
  22. TBH who cares who owns it. Its a bloody good forum at the end of the day. Paul
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