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Everything posted by minivin

  1. Aldon Ignitor if I'm reading correctly what you mean?
  2. nahhhhh, twin SU's! and Burlen Fuel Systems who make them are only 6 miles from me so any bits or tuning or advice is nay problem
  3. only 5 minutes, I buggered off to the pub for a few hours
  4. he he, enjoying this as learning what the new MS is capable of ah kay, how much are eight injectors gonna cost new, compared to two SU carbs, place your bets now for the cheapest :)
  5. minivin


    It gets better :lol: The God Father Air Horns
  6. minivin


    I think I found it!!! Here!
  7. minivin


    Think it could go that way, a three way block and a two way block mounted on a new mounting plate would solve it, would have to find another switch to fill the hole in the middle dash panel though (hmmmm....... what else could I fit he he he )
  8. But if the throttle position sensor fails on either injection system = end of game. cable operated SU and the nipple comes off, find a scotch block in your local garage or a three pin plug, put the cable through (take a pin out of the plug and use that) and screw the screw down on the cable, off you happily drive home to get on line and order a new throttle cable Next
  9. minivin


    Head Torches are handy things, means they keep your hands free, one of the reasons I have managed to get as far as nearly MoT-ing it in 14 months since only time I seem to have at the moment is darkness (brake issues at present being the only show stopper, think the shuttle valve has "shuttled" again <grrrrr>)
  10. minivin


    Used it up already holding something else then? got any photo's of how yours is coming together?
  11. suppose you got to size up your future plans, I didn't buy my 3.5 with the MS as I had no intentions of playing with fueling timing, performance or anything like that, while repairing a system on the side of a hill so I can limp it to the nearest garage pretty much spelt that SU carbs was the way for me However, if you want to play and don't mind something like a dry solder joint or broken wire killing something then MS is possibly the best way for DIY injection
  12. sand blast and as quickly as possible etch primmer? thats what my powder coater does
  13. minivin


    Ah just wedge a lump of 4"x2" in place for the moment
  14. Problem is the Argies already own a batch from teh Americans as the Americans don't mind selling them technology
  15. interesting mini-gun, normally only used for suppressive fire to keep the enemies heads down, not your usual GPMG fitment Any history behind these?
  16. minivin


    it's the one that goes into the top of the cylinder head at the rear nearside, removed from a 2.25 Petrol engine.
  17. minivin


    got this spare SIII heater union if it's any use to you:
  18. yup, aint got any secondary chains on my 109 FFR tank fillers
  19. Having stripped three LT77's so far (one C suffix SD1, one H Suffix Disco and one E suffix Defender), one two tools that have been the must have were the slitting disc on the angle grinder (when a component can be sacrificed for the good of the other parts within the box, spacers and nuts being a good one!) and the Sykes Pickavant Hydraulic Bearing Pulling kit that I borrowed from work, if it wasn't for the later tooling in particular I would have never got any of the boxes apart as the interference fits on some of the components is ludicrace. If you are going to rebuild it, find another cheap box and use it as a sacrificial goat and try and save as much of it as spares.
  20. Richard Noon Car Breakers at Lopcombe Corner, between Salisbury and Andover are a good bunch
  21. dare I say it, dare I say it EBAY!!!!!
  22. 1.5 turns I was taught during my aviation apprenticeship
  23. love it coming back from Trieste in November me and my work colleuges did Trieste to Stansted for 99p each, so I can say it was a Really Cheap, EasySlut
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