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Everything posted by zim

  1. Use a fuel swirl pot (surge tank). A little tank, about the size of a big milk jug (2l). So you have 2 low pressure pumps pumping into it, with an overflow return back to the tank... Then another pump taking from the bottom of this to your engine. The engine's return line comes back into this little tank. Meaning, that when on flat ground both pumps feed the surge tank, keeping it full. Your main fuel pump will always have fuel available. If at an angle where one feed pump looses suction, the other will hopefully still have. Bearing in mind that your engines return line also goes back to the little tank. You could effectively have as many pumps feeding the surge tank as you like. Hope that makes sense Gordon
  2. Some company might give you a bit of a ncb for private no claims... But essentially trade ncb's are seperate from private. G
  3. they don't have to be mounted when you're bleeding. so unbolt them, bleed them up then turn them back upside down and bolt them back on g
  4. I'm sorry but i guess the last 3 companies that have insured me over the years have been different to what you know ! You refer to : * Being involved in the motor trade On my policy i state that i have a full time job and it is totally unrelated to the motor industry. I am down as private and use my own name with home address. * Trade price Yes i agree * Windscreen cover I get that, with a £50 excess. There is a clause about if your main business is selling vehicles then you cannot claim for a vehicle for sale (or something along those lines) * Restrictions That's to be expected, no worse off than a privately owned vehicle with private insurance though. * Updating insurance register That's hardly a problem, some companies let you do it online * Driving for a purpose My policy does not state this * Benefits Ok, you might not get hire car etc... But if you're taking out a traders policy are these things relevant ? For what it's worth, i was involved in an RTA in June 2008 - where another vehicle was written off. I was insured through by a trade policy then, and their solicitors are still fighting for me. They know full well that it is not my full time occupation and have no issues about that. My bike is also covered by my trade policy. Unfortunately my trailer isn't and has to be done another way. Keep everything above the table and you'll be fine RE : Tradex - i got a quote from them and it scared me Regards Gordon
  5. The serp oil pump is better than the dizzy driven oil pump
  6. I am a private person and haven't had a problem getting a trade policy. My best quote for the last two years has been from Bollington Motortrade Brokers. It makes life dead easy for jumping in and out of different cars and being able to drive them Regards Gordon
  7. If anyone knows where to get another set of 303's feel free to pm moi
  8. In my opinion it wouldn't be worth it on a vehicle winch system. I don't run a regulator on my winch system which if using an accumulator you'd be better off with (meaning you can charge the koomy to say 3,500psi then run your winch at 2,500psi sort of thing). For the size of vessel and complexity involved i wouldn't bother. At work we use accumulators for various reasons including dampening fluid flow from pumps or storing hydraulic energy to operate rams etc in the event of power failure. G
  9. I have bought vehicles and sent across to Canada before. From what i remember apart from them having to be absolutely spotless clean and over a certain age, i had to issue a "bill of sale" i think it was called. I put the vehicle into my own name before shipping to canada to make things easier. I later got stung by the DVLA for an untaxed vehicle - but a letter in reply to them saying that it had been exported cleared that one up. Oh - and we (my canadian friend and I) dealt over the phone & email so knew things were genuine. Gordon
  10. This engine has done 140,000 G
  11. cheers for the replies....i'm after something a bit cheaper than the above as they'll more than likely get broken in not too long. it's a challenge truck... but i'd like main and dipped lights on it. G
  12. Morning, I'm fitting headlights to my offroader, but am a bit limited for space. I've seen a few people who have small headlights on their trucks, but am stumped at where to find some The standard LR round ones are too big. Demontweeks list a 90mm Hella but it only does main or dip (not both) and looks to mount quite deep. As do the bike ones i've been looking at. Can anyone share with me what are some flattish headlights i can fit ? If they can take a sidelight bulb as well as main & dip i'll be happy Cheers Gordon
  13. You've probably also got a one way bypass valve (which vents whilst the compressor is in the off position). These can sometimes leak depending on the design. G
  14. A bit of a poor picture i've got, but i assume it's these ? or (if you want me to remove this one i will ) G
  15. Neil - are there still spaces available ? I'll know later this week (i've got to fly off for work for a few days next week which might bugger things up ) Gordon
  16. Morning, We've found a steering box in the back of the workshop that has a buggered thread in one of the unions. Can anyone tell me what thread / pitch it is ? It's the bigger of the two unions. Steering box is probably from a disco 1 or rrc. Looks like about an M14, but a finer pitch. Cheers G
  17. Is it really worth it now days ? The last time i looked veg was hardly cheaper than diesel. When i used to drive a diesel paj, i ran up to 60% veg without a problem - but it was still 35p a litre then Now i think it's over a quid unless i'm wrong. A few years ago you had to register, and at the end of the month send in a form stating how much oil you had used in your car then pay tax on that. But then it changed a couple years ago allowing you to have X tax free litres - i can't remember the exact amount, but was quite a bit. G
  18. i've had 2 brian james AD trailers nicked mine is now hidden away then got a load of RSJ H beams cut up, accompanied with 20 bags of cement + stone then another 4 or 5 locks... what i've learnt is nothing will stop them - but may as well slow them down or at least try and deter them ! G
  19. we all leave the tea shack when the diesel mechanics walk in brake and clutch cleaner is also good as are G101, engine cleaner (degreaser) etc. G
  20. I've been away at work, just got in. I sent off the postal application, and have received an email saying my liecense has been processed and posted G
  21. I prefer petrol Diesel stinks.
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