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Courier recommendations.


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Does anyone have any recommendations of a courier service they have used for transporting an engine and gearbox on a pallet within the UK? I want to price up whether it is economically viable to pay a courier to do the heavy work or just hire a van. 

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Theres a chap calld Fizzy on the Migwelding forum. He runs a pallet delivery business. Dont know if you are a member on there Phil? Always nice to put trade via the faces on the forums. I dont know his business name as he doesnt inappropriately advertise it!

I frequently travel Cornwall to London if thats any help for a pickup en route. (Having said that, having one fully working land rover to do it in seems hard work at the moment!)

Edited by reb78
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21 hours ago, reb78 said:

Theres a chap calld Fizzy on the Migwelding forum. He runs a pallet delivery business. Dont know if you are a member on there Phil? Always nice to put trade via the faces on the forums. I dont know his business name as he doesnt inappropriately advertise it!

I frequently travel Cornwall to London if thats any help for a pickup en route. (Having said that, having one fully working land rover to do it in seems hard work at the moment!)

Thanks Richard. It's for collecting the defender 200Tdi engine and stumpy gearbox from Ian in Stoke when he's put his BMW engine in the 110. 

You go along the A303 don't you? After lock down, let me know when you're passing Yeovilton and we can get a coffee for a break in your journey. 

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On 2/27/2021 at 9:31 PM, reb78 said:

Theres a chap calld Fizzy on the Migwelding forum. He runs a pallet delivery business.

It's called Speedshift https://speedshift.co.uk/.

I've used them a couple of times in the past most notably sending the gearbox out to @Blanco. It's worth noting that they do require all gearboxes etc., to be drained of oil because if they drip and contaminate stuff underneath or dirty the lorry you're liable for everything that gets covered whether it affects it or not.

What Vince actually suggested which is quite sensible (I didn't do it because I'd already packaged everything up) was to stable / nail a piece of old carpet to the top of the pallet, that way any drips that might happen get caught before they go through to stuff underneath.

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Those sort of precautions for oil containing items (albeit drained) are very common nowadays as requirements, quite understandable too, of course.

There are some that won't send any vehicle components at all, which is really helpful......

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