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Windy where you are?


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Just driven back to Stafford from London (150 mile approx) it's taken 8 hours. Got on the M25 by the Dartford Crossing and they closed the motorway because 4 artics had blown over within 200 yards of each other. Finally got to the M1 drove up to junction 18. Closed because another artic had blown over. Drove through the back roads and finally got home at 21.00.

Guess whos got to go back to London in morning to finish the jobs they couldn't get done today. Oh joy 5.30 sart again.

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Yep, twas a tad blowy in weybridge. Decided to make a break for it from work at 4 before it got any worse when we started reading the traffic reports of the A3 closed and pretty much every road out of weybridge closed or severely blocked. As it was the roads were very quiet! My route home is along a number of country lanes, and there were plenty of trees down, and one road closed because of it, but I was still home by 5, which is result! More wind please, then I can use my 'working from home card' tomorrow that my boss handed me on the way out! :D



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One tile off the roof (missed the trucks, fortunately) and a few more loose - same place they went a couple of years ago, must get a vortex round the end of the house there :(

We now have open plan gardens at the back as well as the front - most of the fences gone right down the street. Looks like the developers used untreated wood for them - the posts were all rotten (and the estate is only five years old...).

Got off lightly though - I'm only down three fence panels and nothing that was in the garden was trashed or lost - next door had a patio heater and assorted other lights, pots and the like smashed up by flying fence panels, and the other side of them have half their roof in little pieces on the drive. Fortunately their car wasn't on it at the time... :blink:

Jerry built modern housing estate :angry:

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i was on rail replacement work last night as the Horsham - Dorking railway line was shut. just a few new low branches to avoid on the way up & down. saw a poor 90 in Holmwood that had a 12" thick (approx i didnt stop to measure) on the roof. windscreen was about 6" high in the middle - poor car.

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was a little windy were I am, we had 10 tiles off the roof, 3 trees down and a fence panel went through the side of one of the works trucks window. But my Dad and 4 others have a share in a light aircraft thats kept at Old Buckenham airfield; unfortunately the doors on the relatively new hanger blew in and smashed up 3 aircraft including his! Apparently its a write-off.




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The local woods look like a scythe has gone through them. So many trees down, biggens as well. Two staff complained at work about damage. One had her cellar flooded, the other lost a complete wall dividing two houses. Took the brick built BBQ with it too.

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fair bit of damage round here, though we missed out on that thankfully. However power went off a 9.03 yesterday morning and only came back on just after nine this evening. Heating is oil fired through an aga type thing so kept warm and could cook. Only problem was no water as that comes through a pressure vessel and that needs electricity to keep it filled

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Struggled back from Manchester yesterday after struggling there the day before.

Massive delays on the rail network caused by speed restrictions on the 18th and then a ruddy power failure at Huddersfield caused the signals to fail meaning chaos at Manchester Piccadilly yesterday - First - the company that runs ( I use the word loosely) the Trans Pennine Express then had us playing musical trains as they couldn't decide which train was going to leave Manchester and which one wasn't so we had three attempts.... that was fun...... :angry:

Jan nearly lynched one of their beligerent drivers but that's another story.......

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