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X-Eng Series X-Brake


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I just reread Simon's write up on the Series X-brake kit and under the Q&A it says "No, it doesn't change the length of the propshaft". However, looking at the disc set up vs the drum brake, there appears to be about a 1.5" difference in favour of the disc. So I'm wondering if the response on the website is true because there's room in the slip joint to easily accommodate the shorter length of the disc brake but that I might still get a 1.5" or so savings ?

Simon ? Anyone ?

I'm looking at putting an R380 behind the V8 in the Tonka now the Ashacrofts are doing the adapter to the Series t-case again, but this adds about 4" length so I am trying to find space....


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The propshaft bolts through the drum onto the output shaft. The face of the drum and the Disc on the x-brake are (pretty much) the same thickness, so the propshaft length dosn't change at all.

The backplate for the drum and the backplate for the x-brake bolt on to exactly the same place (they use the same fixing bolts)

Sorry, but I don't think you are going to find any extra space by fitting the x-brake....


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just to add in, here is the output flange:


The brake drum is mounted on the outer flange six bolts, and is in this region that the disc is fitted to.

The propshaft yoke is mounted within the inner recess on the four bolts, this does not change on either.

R380 wise, when Tonk and John White had an extra 4" (ooh err) in their SWB 88's, the only issues they had was a propshaft spacer of 4" on the front output shaft, a shortened prop on the rear, and 4" extended gearbox mounting plates as what I copied the basis of on my 109:


However it has to be taken into account that Tonk is running a TDi on standard series chassis location, and John is running a V8 on standard chassis location, and were therefore running a standard 4cyl LT77 bell housing, to do the same with an R380 the ultra stubby FTC4018 bell housing and associated bits are required, but the only place I found so far who had a price, but none in stock was £386.50 inc VAT :blink:

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Thanks all. Hopes dashed! Anyway, not a biggy, as I don't think this is imminent in any event. I drove an SII over the weekend that had an R380 /Series T-box and it was revolutionary. So quiet and civilized. Anyway, that's when I learned that Ashcroft were doing thier adapter again and it goit me to thinking (always dangerous). Anyway, with the portals, I really don't have an angle issue with the propshafts, but that extra 4" is going to be tricky if I ever get round to it....


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