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Clubman Challenge, Mawzley Furze, Kettering

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Hey Twiggy is that all you think about FOOD

and as for shouting you haven't got out of the garage yet

Ned's series with it's toy winch on the front will be on the start line not at home in the garage with a cold

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You might think you're coming but my entry file doesn't say you are :rolleyes:

Remember entry form and cheque come before playtime :blink:

woops :blush: could you book us in then Myself co driving for Ned and also Glyn co driving for Donk

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Heyup Saley,

Looks like you nearly forgot to enter, looks najw found a way of shutting you up with a one liner.

Can't blame Ned poor blokes only just come out of hospital, after all, what else is a bitch for?

Ordered a anchor from Devon just hope its here in time, and have you any more steel points that we could mod it with left, pal? :):):)

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Heyup Saley,

Looks like you nearly forgot to enter, looks najw found a way of shutting you up with a one liner.

Can't blame Ned poor blokes only just come out of hospital, after all, what else is a bitch for?

Ordered a anchor from Devon just hope its here in time, and have you any more steel points that we could mod it with left, pal? :):):)

Yes will ring Neil today :blush:

Ho yes forgot to tell you ned's short term nickname is the SOUP DRAGON. he opened up the rear doors on a scrapmetal skip and they sprug open hitting him in the face braking his jaw :wacko: so can only eat soup for 6 weeks so if we meet for breakfast it will have to have a blender, egg and bacon soup for ned

used part of an old strongarm for mine and glyns sorry none left twiggy

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Ho yes forgot to tell you ned's short term nickname is the SOUP DRAGON. he opened up the rear doors on a scrapmetal skip and they sprug open hitting him in the face braking his jaw :wacko: so can only eat soup for 6 weeks so if we meet for breakfast it will have to have a blender, egg and bacon soup for ned

is Ned ok :o bet that woke him up! ;):lol:

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najw, have you recieved mine and my friends entry's yet ?

dan thomas-matt price

james farnell-paul shaw ?

steve dont think we will be at the castle inn sat eve...will be a fri night job before i no as usual :lol:

depends how the landys feels this week :rolleyes:

anyone got a postcode for the site or a addy as ive never been there before.....wel atleast i dont think :lol: slept alot since then....thats my excuse anyhow :ph34r:

chris...i might actualy get around to ringing you at some point :lol: you traveling down sat or sun ??


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Thanks General, the ground anchor arrived yesterday, and its heavy, no, really heavy, i've put the lad on steroids.

Good plenty of trees, I without shadow of a doubt I bend fronts every time there's trees around, hey hey Saley!!

Dan I'm going to trailor mine down early Sunday morning, I don't really go much over 60 cause its heavy, so if your blasting off I see you somewhere near, I hope to set off at about 05.00 from Congleton, wait till the neighbours hear the 4.2 Nissan diesel spring into life. Can't afford 250 mile round trip in a V8 have to sell to sell something.

I'm going to stop to get some snappin on the way somewhere probably at cannock chase, a good full breakfast or two will definatly slow things down a little, bit like a cannibal, hey saley.

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who has pulled the short straw on Adrian being the winch biatch.... how unlucky is that...

last time he winch biatched for anyone (just so happened to be me) he roled my car over , which broke everything in the front axle for me... (thanks mate) although we did get home early.. about 30mins after we left... I think it was 20 mins into the challenge....

so beware - -he may know how to drive (hmmmm... a big may at that) but winch biatch he aint.... fat he is, lippy he is, vehicle body work not his concern...

ENJOY... who ever it is...


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