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The following was copied from the BBC London Web Site


Organisers, supported by the Mayor of London, the National Grid and Friends of the Earth, say that if all of London's three million households had switched off their lights, the city could save 380 tonnes of CO2 during the hour, enough to fill more than 2,000 double-decker buses or the Royal Albert Hall - twice.

Energy Eye-Openers

Appliances in standby mode account for 8% of UK household energy use

Lighting accounts for 25% of all electricity consumed worldwide

If every UK household installed three energy efficient light bulbs it would save enough energy in a year to supply all the country's street lighting

When a TV, photocopier or computer is left on standby it is still using 40 - 70% of the energy it would if being used

A photocopier left on overnight uses enough energy to produce over 1500 copies

Lighting an average office overnight wastes enough energy to heat water for 1000 cups of tea

Computer Monitors use over 60% of your computer's electricity output

95% of the energy used by the phone chargers in this country is wasted. They're only doing their job - i.e. charging phones - for 5% of the time

A similar hour-long mass switch-off was held in Sydney earlier this year, which saw energy consumption in the city fall by 10.2%. Organisers of the London event hope that other cities in the UK will hold their own 'lights out switch offs.'


If this is such a good idea, why not ban floodlights on buildings completely, never mind just a one hour publicity stunt?

They would probably save far more carbon emmissons than all the Land Rovers put together.

Remember when motorways were dark at night?

It seems that we are lighting up more and more of them. What is the point?

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Unnecessary stuff has never been left on in this house....my parents were both kids during ww2 ...frugality was a way of life for them & i grew up with the power cuts in the 70's....all my lighting is low energy.

Still I'm sure the committee that dreamed this one up all have index-linked pensions courtesy of the state..... :angry:

what it needs is more international summits every month for them all to fly to & produce regular900page reports full of statistics.

......breath in .....breath out.........relax .......... /rant over/



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Guest diesel_jim

watched a story on the news last week.... some town in Scotland, they have a huge empty office block.

they're leaving the lights ON, in case someone breaks in and hurts themselves fumbling (illegaly mind you...) in the dark, and sue's the council.

the council spokesman said (words to the effect of) "we have to consider everybodies safety"....

what a complete steaming smelly pile of fresh puppy poo that really is!!! :angry::angry::angry:

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watched a story on the news last week.... some town in Scotland, they have a huge empty office block.

they're leaving the lights ON, in case someone breaks in and hurts themselves fumbling (illegaly mind you...) in the dark, and sue's the council.

the council spokesman said (words to the effect of) "we have to consider everybodies safety"....

what a complete steaming smelly pile of fresh puppy poo that really is!!! :angry::angry::angry:

I think it was a disused school.

I wonder how much money the government is putting into the development of LED lighting?

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It is all a big publicity stunt as far as I am concerned.

If they had the will to do something abuot it, they would switch off all the floodlights and be done with it, but they won't because it "looks pretty".

The majority of the lights in our house are low energy ones, but having said that I am forever going round after the kids switching off unused ones, and do get me started about the wifes " mood lighting" :angry: Perhaps we should get a Van de Graff generator to light up that time of the month :rolleyes::rolleyes:

I much prefer motorway driving without the sodium lights at night.

I think it goes back to holidays as a kid, when my Dad would drive us down to Cornwall, but travel at night to avoid the "traffic". As a youngster there was always the trmendous excitement of travelling at night, as well as being up late.God knows what he would make of the present traffic on our motorways.

I seem to have digressed from the original rant. :unsure: Sorry about that.

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I will have to struggle to be less interested in this that anything else at the mo

Absolute PC nonsense, turn off some light bulbs and seals dolphins and fluffy bunnies will sigh with relief,

meanwhile back in China ................

I think I'll go mad tonight and put the kitchen underlighting on


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In the 70-90s not sure wwhich decade IIRC London office blocks did not have light switches aas it was more expensive to turn a striplight back on than keep it on 24-7. Or is this bull?

If the cost is relative to the energy used then it would be that it is better to leave them on?

I particularly like the coment about the "organisers" as if they were anominous. This will have nothing to do with the fact that this a BBC article and the "orginiser" was Capitol Radio :D

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In the 70-90s not sure wwhich decade IIRC London office blocks did not have light switches aas it was more expensive to turn a striplight back on than keep it on 24-7. Or is this bull?

If the cost is relative to the energy used then it would be that it is better to leave them on?

They used to say that it took 30 mins worth of electricity to switch a strip light on, I'm not sure if that was true or not, but it certainly doesn't apply these days. If you have electronic starters then it takes even less leccy to start a flourescent tube.

I suspect it may be cheaper to INSTALL a lighting system without switches though.

If you run flourescents at a high frequency (about 1 Khz) you don't need a starter (caravan lights &c) and they are more efficient still. Compact flourescents use this method I believe.

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We live in a society where if it is on TV and in the paper then it is true! If is anti the media version then it must be fabrication annd lies.

Where has the intelligent questioning gone?

The main reason that I don't believe them is that the first Global Warning story quoted that the early signs of GW would take 10 years or so to appear.

10 years is far too long for the media to wait for a good story, especially one that has no end. So some 2-3 years later the media start to blame anything on GW!

Now we have the situation that not even facts stand up to the lies!

Rant over and back OT

How was this aa success when it was toturn off lights during the longest day which does not get dark until 22:00 which happened to be when it ended :D

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