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Scorpion Racing/AWDC

Les Brock

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12 March - Slab - tbc

9 APril - tbc

14 May - West Harptree - booked

11 June - Llanfyllin - booked

13 August - Walters Arena - booked + Night Section Sat Night

10 September - tbc

8 October - tbc

5 November - Slindon - booked + Bonfire Party


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You gotta find me one...

Have you still got that site near Leeds/ Bradford to look at.

The national park near us causes a massive problem for land. I know the AWDC use a site at Shottle for trials. I've not been myself so I don't know if it's suitable for challenge.

I will keep my eyes open for other possibilities.


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You gotta find me one...

I've just looked at a few websites and apparently Shottle has been used for comp safari as well as trial so it may be big enough for challenge (would one of you AWDC colleagues be able to enlighten you further, if not I will go and have a look for you)

How about Stainby quarry, Northants? I believe Ed may be able to give you some details on suitability etc for this venue.

Dave (Desperate to have an event under an hour away from home)

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Looked at the aerial photo for Shottle and there doesn't appear to be much there, I'll speak to the area rep.

Will ask Vince about Stainby, don't know it myself.

There were a couple of sites advertised in the latest Total Off Road

You know, the one with... :ph34r:

Sorry, one near Rochdale and Tong. I'll try and find out more...

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If we are of to slab for the first round can we forcibly remove the tree's? I still havnt forgiven them for what they did to my poor wounded range rover! Got to buy more orange paint now! Anybody got spare doors for old two door range rover? Think i need to stockpile!

you will need more than orange paint team p,o,s,o,c go on ave it :lol::lol:

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  • 1 month later...

12 March - Slab - tbc

9 APril - tbc

14 May - West Harptree - booked

11 June - Llanfyllin - booked

13 August - Walters Arena - booked + Night Section Sat Night

10 September - tbc

8 October - tbc

5 November - Slindon - booked + Bonfire Party


thought I would bring these dates back up higher in the postings :)

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Suppose if you're going to do that I'd better keep them updated

19 March - Slab Common - Booked - NOTE DATE CHANGE

9 April - Coney Green, Stourport on Severn - Booked

14 May - West Harptree - Booked

11 June - Llanfyllin - Booked

13 August - Walters Arena - Booked + Night Section Sat Night

10 September - tbc

8 October - tbc

5 November - Slindon - booked + Bonfire Party

Keep the registrations coming :D

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13 August - Walters Arena - Booked + Night Section Sat Night

£££ signs in my eyes for all the damage I'm likely to do to my truck on a night section.

Anyone going to the dinner/ dance/ presentations in a few weeks?

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HI, new to forum.

Going to compete this year, just wondering if the regs will be the same as last year.




I think so, from the quick look I had at them last night, I didn't see any changes. If you PM me your e-mail address, I'll send a copy across to you.

What are you going to be running?


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PM sent.

Thanks very much for that.

I'm going into standard class with a 90.

I'd love to do mod, as a rear winch looks very attractive after watching the events last year, but i don't feel up to competiing in that class yet!


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